The Zeer Water
4.1 Background
The zeer is a big earthenware pot that is used to store
water and has been widely used in Sudan since time
immemorial. When the moisture evaporates from the
outside of the pot it takes heat with it, this leaves
behind water at a cool temperature.
They are normally found outside people,s houses and
are available for anyone to use as there is usually a
cup attached to them. Due to the porosity of the
clay some of the water slowly percolates through the
bottom of the zeer, this has led some people to collect
this purified water to drink. Following on from this
Practical Action is researching ways in which clay can
be used to filter water for drinking purposes; this is
highlighted in chapter 9.
Pic 23. The potter throws the clay on the spinning wheel
bat. The lump is made even and forced to the centre of the
wheel by applying pressure with the hands.
4.2 Instructions – Stage 1 (Sahan)
Pic 22. A moist clump of clay is kneaded by hand.
Pic 24. The potter finds the center of the clay by moving
a thumb across the lump until no more friction is felt. The
fingers are pressed into the center of the lump to form a hole.