3. Feed fuelwood into the three fireboxes at a steady rate to maintain the temperature of the fire. After
about two hours, light the other fireboxes.
4. Repair any cracks that appear in the mud dome with a thin layer of the mud mixture.
Figure 5.5 Feeding fuelwood into the fireboxes
5. Ensure that the fires are evenly distributed along the length of the fireboxes. If the wind is strong
close the firebox doors in that direction using bricks. When it is necessary for the fireboxes to be
loaded with fuelwood, these bricks can be removed and then replaced.
6. Continue to check that the heat is evenly distributed, either by feeling the outside of the dome or by
checking that the cracks in the mud dome are evenly distributed. If you find 'cool' areas pierce the
dome to draw the heat towards that area.
7. After eight hours, check the bottom layer of stoves by looking through the firebox doors. If the stoves
are' glowing', the firing process is nearly complete.
8. Distribute the unburnt embers evenly through the length of each firebox and close all the firebox
doors using bricks and mud. Leave the kiln to cool for 20-24 hours. Continue to repair any cracks in
the dome during the cooling process.
Figure 5.6 Waiting for the firing process to end