Chapter Five
Loading the kiln
The kiln holds between 60 and 120 Upesi stoves. If you overload the kiln some stoves will be under-fired.
Check each stove or pot before loading it into the kiln. If there are small " cracks or if it is badly made, do not
fire it. Instead, break up the pot or stove and soak the clay so that it can be re-used. Poor quality products
often crack during firing which is a waste of time, effort, clay and fuel.
1. When the stoves or pots are ready for firing, put them in the sun for at least one day to make sure that
they are completely dry.
2. Put the first layer of stoves or pots into the chamber with the bottom of the stoves resting on the
firebox bricks.
Figure 5.1 Loading the kiln
3. The rest of the stoves or pots should be packed to
reduce the amount of "free" space in the kiln. Do
not pack them in neat stacks. Pack each stove or
pot so that it cannot move easily. Continue
loading the kiln above the level of the kiln wall to
form a dome shape.
Figure 5.2 The loaded kiln