Hatsune Miku Joins the CC Community

“Hatsune Miku has inspired thousands of people to create their own musical recordings and remixes. It’s fitting that she’d become CC-licensed, joining forces with a movement that lives to make sharing and remixing easier. I’m thrilled to welcome to welcome Hatsune to the ranks of CC-licensed works.”
–Catherine Casserly, Creative Commons CEO

“Crypton’s Hatsune Miku is an amazingly unique, inspiring and successful example of how sharing pulls together in community to empowers and explosion of creativity. It’s one of my favorite projects. I’m so excited that Creative Commons can now be part of that story.”
–Joi Ito, Creative Commons board member, Director at the MIT Media Lab

Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku / Crypton Future Media / CC BY-NC

In celebration of the tenth anniversary of Creative Commons, we are happy to announce that Hatsune Miku has joined the CC community!

Hatsune Miku is the first and most famous virtual singer. What sets Miku apart from other “characters” is the original “remix-free” license for users. Since her debut in 2007, Miku have been remixed and cherished by fans, resulting in 170,000+ videos on YouTube, 95,000 songs, and 500,000+ artworks created by the community.

Hatsune Miku also played the major role at TOYOTA USA and Google Chrome TV commercials. She has performed sold-out shows with 3D images not only in Japan, but also in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore. To deal with growing demands from the world, Crypton Future Media Inc., which gave a birth to Hatsune Miku and owes her character, has decided to adopt the CC BY-NC license on December 14th.

“The creative culture using Hatsune Miku and related community will spread worldwide by applying a CC license to the illustration of Hatsune Miku. I hope that this encourages cross-border collaborations among creators and enables them to deepen their understanding of each other’s culture and respect to creators through their works and creation.”
–Hiroyuki Ito, CEO of Crypton Future Media, Inc.

6 thoughts on “Hatsune Miku Joins the CC Community”

  1. “When you copy or modify the Characters, please do not distort, mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the Characters that would be prejudicial to Crypton’s honor or reputation (please see Section 4e. of the full license). Some examples of prohibited uses include use in an overly violent context or in a sexual context”

    Is this a joke? I hope so, because it’s totaly ruining the creativity. Vocaloid has given to us the possibility to have popstars made by everyone, and now you’re saying that we just can’t use their images? What does it mean? Do you want to stop all ideas who are not “conform” to your moral? Does derivates like Calne Ca become prohibited because it’s to creepy? Same joke if someone want to draw Crypton’s Vocaloid with guns etc?

    what the hell.

  2. Anonyme, they’re basically saying “Please don’t make anything that would make miku, and us, look bad, like making her a prostitute, or having her be a mass murderer.”

    Granted they’re a little late since those exist already, but they still have the right to ask.

  3. You have to realize the context into which that rule came about.


    THAT is the kind of stuff Crypton shits their pants over. Bring in a legal team and lawyers’ insistance on making terms as broad as possible, and you get the legalese you quoted above.

    Agreed, it could be handled a whole hell of a lot better (as in, ignoring it into oblivion) but corporate culture has a face to maintain.

  4. @Anonyme: Those are the rules of Miku’s Japanese/original license as well. This is nothing new and it has hardly stopped anyone.

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