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Open Access to Research Critical to Advance Progress Against Cancer

The National Cancer Moonshot Initiative seeks to make ten years of progress on cancer research in half that time, with a goal to end cancer in our lifetime. The project—led by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden—recently called for ideas to help shape the cancer research priorities for the Moonshot. They received over 1,600 comments and … Read More “Open Access to Research Critical to Advance Progress Against Cancer”

Vice President Biden

Vice President Biden: Taxpayer-funded cancer research shouldn’t sit behind walls

On Wednesday in New Orleans, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the convening of the American Association for Cancer Research on the need to speed up scientific research, development, and collaboration that can lead to better cancer treatments. Vice President Biden is leading the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative, which aims to accelerate cancer research … Read More “Vice President Biden: Taxpayer-funded cancer research shouldn’t sit behind walls”

Creative Commons awarded $450,000 from the Arcadia Fund to support open access publishing for authors

Creative Commons is pleased to announce a grant award in the amount of $450,000 over 3 years from the Arcadia Fund, the charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. Since its inception in 2001, Arcadia has awarded grants in excess of $331 million. Arcadia works to protect endangered culture and nature. Creative Commons will … Read More “Creative Commons awarded $450,000 from the Arcadia Fund to support open access publishing for authors”

Colombian student Diego Gomez is going to trial for sharing a research article online

Last year several organizations highlighted the situation of Colombian graduate student Diego Gomez, who had a criminal complaint filed against him for sharing a research article online. Gomez is a student in conservation and wildlife management, and for the most part has poor access to many of the resources and databases that would help him … Read More “Colombian student Diego Gomez is going to trial for sharing a research article online”

Elsevier’s new sharing policy harmful to authors and access to scholarly research

Today Creative Commons and 22 other organizations published a letter urging the publishing giant Elsevier to alter its newly revised policy regarding the sharing and hosting of academic articles so that it better supports access to scholarly research. Elsevier’s new policy, announced 30 April 2015, is detrimental to article authors as well as those seeking … Read More “Elsevier’s new sharing policy harmful to authors and access to scholarly research”