CC Website Changes

If you watch our website carefully, you’ll notice a few changes today. Some of those changes are small, and some are fairly significant, and we’ll be making more changes later in 2011. We’re making these changes because we’ve received feedback — from our community of users, friends, supporters, and more — that the current set … Read More “CC Website Changes”

Esther Wojcicki becomes CC's Vice Chair, focused on learning and education

We’re excited to announce that Esther Wojcicki, current Chair of the Creative Commons board, esteemed and award-winning teacher, and leader at the nexus of education and technology, will become CC’s Vice Chair focused on learning and education. CC’s current CEO, Joi Ito, will step into the role of both Chair and CEO. “Creative Commons continues … Read More “Esther Wojcicki becomes CC's Vice Chair, focused on learning and education”

Marking and Tagging the Public Domain: An Invitation to Comment

Almost 1½ years have passed since we launched CC0 v1.0, our public domain waiver that allows rights holders to place a work as nearly as possible into the public domain, worldwide, prior to the expiration of copyright. CC0 has proven a valuable tool for governments, scientists, data providers, providers of bibliographic data, and many others … Read More “Marking and Tagging the Public Domain: An Invitation to Comment”