University of Michigan Library adds 700k bibliographic records to the public domain via CC0

University of Michigan Library Card Catalog by dfulmer / CC BY In addition to changing their default licensing policy from CC BY-NC to CC BY, the University of Michigan has enabled even greater sharing and reuse by releasing more than half a million bibliographic records into the public domain using the CC0 public domain dedication. … Read More “University of Michigan Library adds 700k bibliographic records to the public domain via CC0”

The British Library releases 3 million bibliographic records into the public domain using CC0

The British Library by stevecadman / CC BY-SA The British Library has released three million records from the British National Bibliography into the public domain using the CC0 public domain waiver. The British National Bibliography contains data on publishing activity from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland since 1950. JISC OpenBibliography has made … Read More “The British Library releases 3 million bibliographic records into the public domain using CC0”

Submit open content to the Sunlight Foundation's "Design for America" contest

The Design for America contest is the Sunlight Foundation‘s latest effort to modernize the United State’s information architecture and presentation. Their goal is “to make government data more accessible and comprehensible to the American public” by encouraging designers, artists, and programmers to reimagine government websites and to visualize government data and processes. Provided you meet … Read More “Submit open content to the Sunlight Foundation's "Design for America" contest”