CERN Library releases its book catalog into the public domain via CC0, and other bibliographic data news

Tape library, CERN, Geneva 2 by Cory Doctorow / CC BY-SA CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research that is home to the Large Hadron Collider and birthplace of the web, has released its book catalog into the public domain using the CC0 public domain dedication. This is not the first time that CERN has … Read More “CERN Library releases its book catalog into the public domain via CC0, and other bibliographic data news”

Cologne-based libraries release 5.4 million bibliographic records via CC0

Last week we tweeted that Cologne-based libraries had released 5.4 million bibliographic records under CC0. This is tremendous news, as “libraries have been involved with the Open Access movement for a long time.” From the press release, Rolf Thiele, deputy director of the USB Cologne, states: “Libraries appreciate the Open Access movement because they themselves … Read More “Cologne-based libraries release 5.4 million bibliographic records via CC0”