Back to School Conclusion: The Open Trajectory of Learning

As students around the world return to school, ccLearn blogs about the evolving education landscape, ongoing projects to improve educational resources, education technology, and the future of education. Browse the “Back to School” tag for more posts in this series. Today’s predictions about the future of learning might eventually seem as preposterous as early 20th … Read More “Back to School Conclusion: The Open Trajectory of Learning”

Rights Expression vs. Rights Enforcement: clarifying the Associated Press story

The Associated Press wants to track reuse of their content through a “news registry.” This registry “will employ a microformat for news developed by AP”: The microformat will essentially encapsulate AP and member content in an informational “wrapper” that includes a digital permissions framework that lets publishers specify how their content is to be used … Read More “Rights Expression vs. Rights Enforcement: clarifying the Associated Press story”