Happy Birthday CC! "Building on the Past" creator re-releases video under CC BY and explains why

Building on the Past by Justin Cone is licensed CC BY. In 2004, designer and animator Justin Cone created “Building on the Past” as part of our Moving Images Contest and won. Justin originally made the video, which demonstrated Creative Commons’ mission in two minutes, available under CC BY-NC. At the encouragement of Wikieducator’s Wayne … Read More “Happy Birthday CC! "Building on the Past" creator re-releases video under CC BY and explains why”

EFF's 20th Birthday Party

For the past 20 years, our friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation have been at the forefront of the intersection between technology and law, helping to define and fight for our rights in the digital age. We’d like to congratulate them on hitting the 20 year mark. To celebrate their 20th birthday, they’re throwing on … Read More “EFF's 20th Birthday Party”