's News

ShareAlike compatibility process and criteria discussion opens

Photo: Golan Levin, CC-BY 2.0 We are now opening the discussion for our compatibility process and criteria for the ShareAlike licenses. As established in the drafting process, 4.0 includes a compatibility mechanism that allows for other licenses to be compatible with the ShareAlike licenses, allowing for greater interoperability of freely-licensed content, but no other licenses … Read More “ShareAlike compatibility process and criteria discussion opens”

Plaintext versions of Creative Commons 4.0 licenses

We are continuing our practice of providing official plaintext versions of the licenses, as we did with version 3.0. BY 4.0 (plaintext) BY-SA 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC-SA 4.0 (plaintext) BY-ND 4.0 (plaintext) BY-NC-ND 4.0 (plaintext) As said in the previous entry: “For most works, plaintext legalcode doesn’t matter as linking directly to the … Read More “Plaintext versions of Creative Commons 4.0 licenses”