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Creative Commons 2010 Figures

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization and we happily provide all of our tools for free. As a result, we rely on our international community of users and advocates to give back to this vital public resource and support our work. With so many worthy causes in the world vying for peoples’, foundations’, and companies’ … Read More “Creative Commons 2010 Figures”

Video now online: CC Salon (2011-01-11) w/ Internet Archive, LinkedIn, 3taps, Tim O'Reilly

What does it mean to be open in a data-driven world? On January 11, 2011, we gathered together four knowledgeable individuals who interact with data in different ways and who each understand the importance of exploring this timely question. The result was a stellar CC Salon at LinkedIn Headquarters. You can now watch the video … Read More “Video now online: CC Salon (2011-01-11) w/ Internet Archive, LinkedIn, 3taps, Tim O'Reilly”