Isoetes L.
Isoetes lacustris L.
Vårtsporigt braxengräs
Isoète des lacs
Isoëtes lacustre ; [TSF , #72]
Isoetes lacustris ; [RK , 40]
Isoetes echinospora Durieu
Spring Quillwort
Taggsporigt braxengräs
Stachelsporiges Brachsenkraut
Isoète à spores hérissées
Isoëtes echinosporum ; [TSF , #73]
Isoetes echinospora ; [RK , 40]
1305x979 (~165Kb) Finland: Juva, Hirvensalo, Sikolahti, 4.8.2006, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Isoetes muricata Durieu, 1864
Spiny-spored Quillwort
Isoetes braunii Durieu, 1864 (preocc.)
Isoetes echinospora var. braunii Durieu, 1864
Isoetes echinospora var. muricata Durieu, 1864
Isoetes echinospora var. robusta Engelmann, 1867
Isoetes muricata ; [TFG , 252]
Isoetes melanopoda Gay & Durieu, 1864
Midland Quillwort
Black-based Quillwort
Isoetes melanopoda ; [TFG , 254]
Isoetes butleri Engelmann, 1878
Limestone Quillwort
Butler's Quillwort
Isoetes butleri ; [TFG , 254]
Isoetes virginica Pfeiffer, 1937
Virginia Quillwort
Isoetes virginica ; [TFG , 254]
Isoetes riparia Engelmann, 1846
Shore Quillwort
Isoetes riparia ; [TFG , 256]
Isoetes saccharata Engelmann, 1867
Sugary-spored Quillwort
Isoetes saccharata v. palmeri Eaton, 1901
Iosetes riparia v. palmeri Eaton Proctor, 1949
Isoetes saccharata ; [TFG , 256]
Isoetes eatoni Dodge, 1896
Eaton's Quillwort
Isoetes eatoni ; [TFG , 256]
Isoetes macrospora Durieu, 1864
Big-spored Quillwort
Isoetes macrospora ; [TFG , 258]
Isoetes tuckermani Braun, 1867
Tuckerman's Quillwort
Isoetes tuckermani ; [TFG , 258]
Isoetes foveolata Eaton, 1896
Pitted Quillwort
Isoetes foveolata ; [TFG , 258]
Isoetes engelmanni Braun, 1846
Appalachian Quillwort
Engelmann's Quillwort
Isoetes engelmanni ; [TFG , 258]
Isoetes asiatica (Makino) Makino
17.6.2001 (14)
[Harri Arkkio]
Finland; For the time being these pictures are only for this site. Other usage not allowed.
[Oleg Kosterin] Institue of Cytology & Genetics
Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences; Novosibirsk; e-mail: Oleg Kosterin ;
[RK] Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. (eds), 1998
Retkeilykasvio (Field Flora of Finland); Ed. 4. 656 pp.; Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum. Helsinki
[RUNEBERG] Project Runeberg: Nordic literature online
Project Runeberg ; Bilder ur Nordens Fauna (Carl Axel Magnus Lindman)
[TFG] Edgar T. Therry, ?1995
The Fern Guide: Northeasten and Midland United States and Adjacent Canada; [Original publication 1961]
[TSF] Eduard Thommen, 1951
Taschenatlas der Schweizer Flora
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.