All (in this database) Plants list (with English common names)
- Lycopsida
- Quillwort Family - Isoetaceae
- Quillworts - Isoetes
- - lacustris L.
- Spring Quillwort - echinospora Durieu
- Spiny-spored Quillwort - muricata Durieu, 1864
- Midland Quillwort - melanopoda Gay & Durieu, 1864
- Limestone Quillwort - butleri Engelmann, 1878
- Virginia Quillwort - virginica Pfeiffer, 1937
- Shore Quillwort - riparia Engelmann, 1846
- Sugary-spored Quillwort - saccharata Engelmann, 1867
- Eaton's Quillwort - eatoni Dodge, 1896
- Big-spored Quillwort - macrospora Durieu, 1864
- Tuckerman's Quillwort - tuckermani Braun, 1867
- Pitted Quillwort - foveolata Eaton, 1896
- Appalachian Quillwort - engelmanni Braun, 1846
- - asiatica (Makino)
- Sphenopsida
- Horsetail Family - Equisetaceae
- Horsetails - Equisetum
- Rough Horsetail - hyemale L., 1753
- Intermediate Scouring-rush - × ferrisii Clute, 1904
- - hyemale × variegatum
- Variegated Horsetail - variegatum Schleicher ex Weber & Mohr., 1807
- Dwarf Scouring-rush - scirpoides Michaux, 1803
- Water Horsetail - fluviatile L., 1753
- Marsh Horsetail - palustre L., 1753
- Wood Horsetail - sylvaticum L., 1758
- Great Horsetail - telmateia Ehrhart, 1783
- Meadow Horsetail - pratense Ehrhart, 1784
- Field Horsetail - arvense L., 1753
- Shore Horsetail - arvense × fluviatile
- - maximum Lam.
- - ramosissimum Desf.
- Smooth Scouring-rush - laevigatum Braun, 1844
- Pteropsida
- Wood Fern Family - Dryopteridaceae
- Wood Ferns - Dryopteris
- Male-fern - filix-mas (L.)
- Gray Crested Shield Fern - cristata (L.)
- Broad Swamp Fern - clintoniana (Eaton)
- Log Fern - celsa (Palmer)
- Giant Wood Fern - goldiana (Hooker)
- Narrow Buckler-fern - carthusiana (Vill.)
- - carthusiana × cristata
- - expansa (C. Presl.)
- Broad Buckler-fern - dilatata (Hoffm.)
- Spreading Wood-fern - austriaca (Jacq.)
- Fragrant Shield Fern - fragrans (L.)
- - villarsii (Bell.)
- Marginal Wood Fern - marginalis (L.)
- Fancy Fern - intermedia (Willdenow)
- Coastal Shield-fern - arguta (Kaulf.)
- Dismal Swamp Fern - celsa × cristata Wherry
- Spaced Wood Fern - celsa × intermedia Wherry
- Deceptive Wood Fern - clintoniana × cristata Wherry, 1961
- Simulated Log Fern - clintoniana × goldiana Dowell, 1908
- Dowell's Wood Fern - clintoniana × intermedia Dowell, 1908
- - clintoniana × marginalis Slosson, 1910
- Benedict's Wood Fern - clintoniana × spinulosa Benedict, 1900
- - cristata × goldiana Benedict, 1909
- Glandular Swamp Fern - cristata × intermedia Dowell, 1908
- Miss Slosson's Wood Fern - cristata × marginalis (Davenport, 1894)
- Braun's Wood Fern - cristata × spinulosa Christensen, 1905
- - "filix-mas" × goldiana Rugg, 1950
- Vermont Wood Fern - "filix-mas" × marginalis Winslow, 1910
- - fragrans × intermedia
- - goldiana × intermedia Dowell, 1908
- Susquehanna Wood Fern - goldiana × marginalis Dowell, 1908
- Poyser's Wood Fern - goliana × spinulosa Benedict, 1909
- - intermedia × marginalis Benedict, 1909
- Triploid Wood Fern - intermedia × spinulosa Wherry, 1960
- Pittsford Wood Fern - marginalis × spinulosa Slosson, 1904
- Aspleniaceae
- Spleenworts - Asplenium
- Maidenhair Spleenwort - trichomanes L., 1753
- - adulterinum Milde
- Green Spleenwort - viride Hudson, 1762
- - fontanum (L.)
- - obovatum Viv. em. Beckerer
- - foresiense Le Grand
- Northern Spleenwort - septentrionale (L.)
- - septentrionale × trichomanes
- Wall-rue - ruta-muraria L., 1753
- - adiantum-nigrum L.
- - breynii Retz.
- European Harts-tongue Fern - scolopendrium L., 1753
- Lobed Spleenwort - pinnatifidum (Muhlenberg)
- Mountain Spleenwort - montanum Willdenow, 1810
- Trudell's Spleenwort - montanum × pinnatifidum
- Cliff Spleenwort - bradleyi Eaton, 1873
- Sand Mountain Spleenwort - bradleyi × pinnatifidum
- Brown-stem Spleenwort - platyneuron (L.)
- Black-stem Spleenwort - resiliens Kunze, 1844
- Virginia Spleenwort - platyneuron × trichomanes
- Shenandoah Spleenwort - × stotleri Wherry, 1925
- Wherry's Spleenwort - × wherryi Smith, 1961
- Kentucky Spleenwort - pinnatifidum × platyneuron Wagner, 1954
- Miss Clermont's Spleenwort - ruta-muraria × trichomanes
- Walking Spleenwort - × ebenoides Scott, 1865
- Unexpected Spleenwort - ruta-muraria × Camptosorus Braun, 1939
- References:
- [²]
- This may require parentheses or not. I don't have the necessary information for this taxon.
Markku Savela