Taize is an ecumenical, monastic community
headquartered in France, but with an international, evangelical, outreach.
Their home page offers documents now in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, and Chinese.
Find information about the Taize Community, Brother Roger's annual speeches to young adults, and his daily devotionals.
Taize's monthly devotional, The Johannine Hours, is described elsewhere in this guide.
The Ministry for Those Who Need a Touch from God. TCI was created in 1995 to respond to the global youth problem by assisting local churches, governments, and interested individuals in establishing centers to rehabilitate youth with serious life-controlling problems, primarily drugs and alcohol. Information provided on site includes TCI International Directories for Asia and the Pacific, Canada, the Carribean, Central Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, and the United States of America. Online connections to other Teen Challenge internet sites. New Teen Challenge Programs are described. Background and history information and other organizational information is provided. Another very useful tool that should most helpful to ministry is the Hotlist for Drug References. Online search is made available. Highly recommended.
Contents Page:
... and home page of Dr. W.D. Tackett, Missionary Evangelist. Third World Baptist Missions exists to promote: A Message of Hope - being committed to God's written Word believing it to be the basis of truth for our faith and practices. Their message and ministry is based upon believing and acting upon the mandate Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given to the churches revealed in His Word...; A Ministry of Helps - As a Missionary Evangelistic Ministry, this mission wants to be a help to local churches, pastors, missionaries and dedicated laypeople in accomplishing their work for Christ. Their motto is "Churches helping Churches - Pastors helping Pastors, and people helping People".; and, A Method that is Here - 3rd World Baptist Missions Network hopes to provide help to churches, pastors and missionaries, by providing a resource for networking information, communications and ministry opportunities through the W.W.W. Site. The Internet Super Highway offers unimaginable volumes of information and ever increasing communication speed and capabilities. Properly used this Super Highway can give new definition to the old Gospel Trail and make us more effective in fulfilling our Biblical Mandate. Find on site information about the purpose and projects of Third World Baptist Missions, including Third World Baptist Evangelism and Baptist home Missions Ministries. Also provided is Current Trends and Updates (a newsletter we describe elsewhere in this guide), and links to Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI), BBFI Missions, Liberty University, Independent Baptist Network, Fundamental Baptist News Service, Trans World Radio, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Charity Baptist Church, and a Baptist Directory.
Tien Dao is an essential resource for all on the internet who pray for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ in China. There are many sources of information available at this site. A fact sheet detailing the availability of Bibles in China is handy. Tien Dao's Software Showcase provides links to demo versions of TienDao Chineseware, and The Scroll Chinese Bible concordance program. Provided also is information about how to display various forms of Chinese text on your web browser. Gospel pamphlets and devotionals, personal testimony, and prayer requests are highlighted. Tien Dao provides an extensive listing internet links to Chinese Christian ch
urches throughout the world. There is a set of links that provides more information about the Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. And there is an appeal to Please Pray for China. Information is available both in English and Chinese, and if you'd like to read Bill Bright's Four Spiritual Laws in Chinese, Tien Dao has provided a link to Campus Crusade for Christ's server for that purpose. And, while you're at it, you can read The Four Spiritual Laws in just about any language, from Arabic to Vietnamese. Highly recommended.
Home Page Menu:
Tien Dao Hong Kong:
TOTAL TV [new 9/96]
The Total TV Network is a division of Priority One Publishing, a non-profit communications ministry in Dallas, Texas. Priority One is committed to four main objectives: To breath new life and excitement into the missionary outreach of the local church, to produce the highest quality videos and Bible study curriculum on relevant topics of the church, to prepare Christian young people for leadership positions in America and around the world, and to provide grants for effective missionary projects overseas, such as Kenya, Tanzania, India, Haiti, Colombia, Uganda, Russia, Nepal, Albania, and Germany. The web site provides information on Innovative Videos for youth groups, adult sunday school, marriage seminars, and church staff only. Total TV also offers video production services for churches, Christian universities, and Christian missionary groups. The site also offers a pretty good selection of links under well organized sections: Just for Teens (links to Christian youth organizations), Church Center (including a Pastor's Center, Bible Explorer, Teachers' helps, more general Christian resources, and church links). Also, there is a very nice Reference Center that provides a way to find U.S. and World news, encyclopedias, internet search utilities, dictionaries, museums, statistical sources, academic subjects, and legislative archives. Finally this organization provides more information its objectives, projects and concerns, all very worthy of note. Recommended.
Keeping traditional Episcopal values in a non-political, spirit-filled environment. "The Traditional Episcopal Church was established byclergymen and laymen seeking to serve God, keeping traditional episcopal faith and practices, in a non-political, spirit filled Christian environment. There is no political agenda. We are charged only to worship Him and be faithful." - from About the Traditional Episcopal Church. Information about the Traditional Episcopal Church, including TEC's origin, doctrine, purpose, adherence to apostolic succession, co-operation with others, sacraments, language and liturgy, organization, clergy and lay education, and the League of Traditional Episcopal Parishes (LIEP) is provided. A document, The Other Alternative, distinguishes eight differences between the Episcopal Church in the USA and the Continuing Anglican Movement. TEC also provides the home page for The Oblates of the Holy Spirit Religious Order. This section includes a FAQ, explains the meaning, Oblate, provides a brochure and offers an application form on line. The Oblates Online Newsletter is available as well. Another section is devoted to TEC Churches and Missions around the world, including missions in Colombia and India and TEC's Laud Hall Seminary. One can get more information by asking for the TEC information brochure. TEC's On-line newsletter is available on line, and reported elsewhere in this guide. Recommended.
A well-established international ministry involved in broadcasting throughout the world, including people from many nations who would not otherwise know about Christ. TWR provides documents including "comments", FAQ, Overview, and Schedules at its web location. Find information about TWR Broadcasts, How to become involved with TWR, and free resources offered by TWR. TWR is also involved in a Radio Kids program and a Radio Minute program, described on line. TWR is a well established ministry that we highly recommend. If your brower is not frames compliant, check out the link below.
Non-frames version:
UMHLOLI [new 10/01]
A unique Windows-based translators' tool developed to address editing problems not yet tackled by other programs. The purpose of this freeware program is to locate some translators' typing mistakes by checking sentence structure. It will work with many languages.
Founder of the China Inland Mission (now OMF International) and mission worker in China, the full title of this classic work
is Union and Communion, Or Thoughts on the Song of Solomon. The work is archived at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library:
OMF International:
An independent faith mission planting churches in Canada, United States and Mexico among native and hispanic people groups. UIM has provided information on line about its Fields (Canada, United States, and Mexico), its Technical ministries (the Aviation Services Center, and Film Ministry) Camping (in British Columbia, Canada, New Mexico and Mexico), publications (United Indian Magazine), and Affiliations. It also provides links to other ministries with the same or similiar outreach. There is an extensive e-mail contact list for UIM as well.
Founded by former missionaries to Guatemala, Ralph and Roberta Winter, in 1976, the US Center for World Mission is dedicated to furthering the Great Commission throughout the earth. The primary focus of the Center is to promote Christian missions mobilization activities that all peoples of the world may have the opportunity to hear the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation." - Revelation 5:9. In the area of strategy, the Center is instrumental in the cultural study of Hindus (The Institute of Hindu Studies), Indians (India Mission Center), and Native Americans (Institute of Native American Studies), and collaborative efforts with Institute of Chinese Studies, Institute of Korean Studies (Korea International), Zwermer Institute for Muslim Studies, Sunrise Center for Buddhist Studies, and Institute of Latin American Studies. The Center offers a number of tools and programs to further the cause of missions amongst individuals and churches, including: Adopt-A-People Campaign, Mission Frontiers magazine, Global Prayer Digest, Frontier Scan, Vision for the Nations, Global Countdown 2000, World View Video Library, Adopt-A-People Advocate's Kit, Mission Mobilizer's Handbook, Frontier Media, Regional Offices, Latin American Mobilization, Korean Amercian Center for World Mission, and Mission Resource Center & Children's Mission Resource Center. Also available are integrated course work and extension classes through such programs in the Center's BA/MA/PhD: World Chrisitian Foundations Curriculum; Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Study Program; and, Serve, Work & Study Program. -- Adapted from the introduction. The Center has provided highly informative sections devoted to introductory and background information . Sections devoted to Strategy, Mobilization, and Training provide good detail regarding the Center's projects and cooperative efforts as mentioned in the introduction. More information is provided for readers interested in the Center's publications. Highly recommended.
This site at St. Olaf College was the original site for internet and bitnet distribution and archive of State Department advisories and consular information sheets. The State Department now provides this information from their own server, however this site provides an electronic connection, provides information about receiving the advisories via e-mail distribution, and provides connections to additional valuable information around the networks: The Center for Disease Control; World Tourist; World Tourist II (City Net); World Wide Travel Mall; Pery-Castaneda Library Map Collection (University of Texas); MCW International Travelers' Clinic; CIA Publications and Handbooks (see the area handbooks series); Stanford Travel Medical Services; Xerox PARC Interactive Map; The Embassy Page; Travel Medical Services; Travel Health Online; Travel Medicine, Inc. The people who have compiled the information at this site should be commended for their thoroughness and selectivity.
Travel Advisories direct:
Information available from the main page includes information about the faculty, courses and programs of the Departmet of Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Another section provides tables of contents and subscription information for the
department's Journal of Northwest Sematic Languages. The department overseas activities of the Centre for Bible Translation in Africa, and it provides descriptive information about the activities of the Centre and the Centre's involvement with co-operting institutions.
Acknowledging our faith in the triune God, the authority of the Word of God, our Reformed heritage, the historical ties with the Dutch Reformed Church, our belonging to the one general church of Christ, the Faculty aims at... providing professional theological training to students of the Dutch Reformed Church and other churches and individuals, cultivating scientific and thorough theological scholarship in teaching and research, providing continuing community service, while taking into account... the challenges of changing times the need for the comprehensive training of students, the calling to confront all people and all spheres of life with the Gospel, the ethos and service morale of the Gospel. - Mission Statement. The web site provides information about the Faculty of Theology, Old and New Testament Studies, Missiology, Practical and Systematic Theology, and Ecclesiology. A page representing its Kuratorium is being developed. Information is provided about its library. There is also an Afrikaan language version of this site.
Buvton: Afrikaans Language Page:
University of the Nations, a part of YWAM International, seeks to apply biblical truth to every area of life. Students develop intellectually, culturally and spiritually and also gain international perspective as they take courses in several nations. A live-learn environment leads to enduring relationships among students and staff. The index, mentioned below incorporates a substantial number of web sites related to University of the Nations. Additional sections include: International Colleges and Facilities (Christian Ministries, Communications, Counselling and Health Care, Education, Humanities nad International Studies, The Arts, Science and Technology); Centres and Institutes (Community Development, Educational Resources, Environmental Resources Stewardship, IMPACT, Discipleship Training Schools, Youth and Family, Regional Pacific Islands, Equivalency Institute, Field Ministry Internships); Geographic Locations (there are 1124 courses worldwide, including 200 fields of discipline); and, Academic Information.
Various Languages:
In addition to information about the history and development of University of the Nations, it's curricula, etc., you'll find the following documents: Foundational Values -- Guiding principles for our past and future growth; The Manila Covenant -- Affirming YWAM's role in world missions; The Christian Magna Carta -- The basic rights of every human being; The Lausanne Covenant -- A commitment to evangelise the world; Books by Loren Cunningham -- Plus how you can order these and other YWAM books.
URBANA [new 5/97]
One of the most influential gatherings affecting missions mobilation amongst students, Urbana has inspired many to commit their lifetimes to missions. Provided on site are Urbana Live, which includes transcripts from the most recent Urbana conference, an Online Store (providing access through InterVarsity audio and video products), RealAudio files, and Urbana's magazine, Next Steps, noted in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide. Urbana also has provided a database service for students who are interested in pursuing a career in missions. The database, an Online Options Guide, provides a way to find opportunities in education related to missions and in mission organizations. Very highly recommended.
For students who are interested in pursuing a life in missions, Urbana provides an extensive database service. The database is comprised of Educational institutions and Missions organizations that provide either educational expertise in missions or contact information and detail for mission organizations. The database is set up to search Educational Exhibitors and Mission Agencies through a guided checklist. One may also browse the entire database.
THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS [revised 10/97]
VOM is an international organization that concerns itself with the torture and persecution of Christians throughout the world. Founded by Reverend Richard Wurmbrand who was held captive for many years in Romania, VOM has developed a unique Christian ministry. Main sections at the web site include the Feature Story; Global News Briefs; Resources; Ministry Opportunities; and, Pray for the Persecuted. Turn the graphics option for your browser on to navigate this site.
Site Index:
Developed by our friend Steve Swartz, a member of the Australian aboriginies and Islanders Branch of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, this site delivers important insights for linguists, but it also proves to be a very good resource for anyone who may wish to know more about the considerations faced by Christian linguists and provide insight into how carefully Bible Translations are prepared. Whether the reader is in missions, is considering a career in translation, or wants more intercessory insight, you can get them from someone who has been on the field for about twenty years. Steve has included his favorite web sites, including SIL, Huntington College (Indiana, USA), The Bible Society in Australia, The NJB Guide (that's us folks!), and David Nash's Linguistics Database (ANU), including extensive Warlpiri research listings. For intercessors, and perpective partners in the Warlpiri Project, visitors will find a Newsletter, Prayer Points, and an e-mail connection. Documents provided on line include a Warlpiri Dictionary (size 987 kb), and sections for the Warlpiri Bible: Genesis, Jonah, Ruth, and Luke, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Titus, Philemon, and 2 & 3 John, all transitional at time of our survey. Following are Linguistic and Bible-related Articles: Aboriginal Iniation and Jewish Circumcision; Aboriginal Shame and Biblical Condemnation; Amen, Amen: Introduction or Response?; Because: The Case of the Missing Reason; Warlpiri Expository Discourse and Paragraph Structure; and, Hiding the Light -- Anther Look at Luke 8:16-18. Over the years, Steve has also assembled the following Warlpiri Text Collection: Parable of the Sower; Jobs I Do as a Warlpiri Pastor; Christian Corrobrees; Traditional Warlpiri Punishment Practice; Warlpiri Death Practices; and, Personal Testimony. One can order Warlpiri Books and cassettes from The Bible Place is a bookstore run in cooperation with the Bible Society in Australia and the Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. What's the Lord doing in Australia. Well, here's a pretty good place to find out. Highly recommended.
One of many extraordinary documents provided to the internet community by the Xenos Christian Fellowship from Columbus, Ohio, and written by a co-founder of Xenox, Dennis McCallum. The document represents a very well organized study of Watchman Nee, a review of a very crucial period in the formation of the indigenous House Church Movement in China, and as noted by the author, "also demonstrates some of the problems the church can inherit when patriotism is confused with Christianity." Highly recommended.
Xenos Christian Fellowship:
Information is organized under the following sections: Air Travel, Currency, Embassies & Tourists Offices, General Reference, Language, and World Maps. Because WebCrawler is one of the major internet search agencies, the information provided should always be accessable.
Wesleyan World Missions has a vision that all people have opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ and worship in a Biblical Church. WWM exists to exalt Jesus Christ by calling Wesleyans to evangelism, church planting, leadership development, and ministries of compassion for the establishing of a flourishing international Church. WWM provides contact information and Wesleyan World Currents (a newsletter for Wesleyan missionaries), and Wesleyanafone (weekly prayer information) on line at their web site. WWM is involved in Albania, Australia, Brazil, The British Isles, Cambodia, Central Europe/ CIS, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Germany, Guyana, Haiti, Hondorus, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Liberia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sierra Leone, Southern Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and Zambia.
Funding Services for Missionaries. White Harvest is an inter-agency funding service for missionaries and Christian workers involved in the white, (ripe) harvest fields of the world. The Foundation is dedicated to releasing as many workers into the Harvest as possible, by providing them with fair wages and freeing them from support raising. Priority is given to workers who must raise their own support and to those working with unreached and least evangelized peoples. White Harvest Fund (WHF) is built by donations from businesses, churches, foundations, and individuals committed to the completion of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. WHF does not employ or supervise missionaries. Their goal is that each worker they sponsor will be fairly compensated at 100% of budget. Funds developed on behalf of individual workers and their families may include the following services and benefits: Medical and dental benefits, student loan repayment plans, financial needs analysis, debt management, education for children, including a college scholarship fund, also a retirement fund. Files on line outlines qualifications, contact information, and registration fees for prospective missionaries and information on how others may contribute to the foundation.
An exhibit of the Billy Graham Center Archives, Wheaton College. Recommended.
Documents in the Spotlight Series, BGC Archives:
Into All the World. "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." - Mark 16-15. WGM is an interdenominational, international, missionary organization committed to making Christ known to all peoples. Founded in 1910 by the National Holiness Association, now known as the Christian Holiness Association, WGM is comprised of over 330 missionaries from more than twenty denominations. These missionaries currently serve on five continents. Although World Gospel Mission has not been controlled by the Christian Holiness Association for many years, WGM remains solidly committed to the proclamation of scriptural holiness. Although the Mission's focus is on evangelism, WGM ministers to the whole person through church planting, education, medical care, community health and development, and even crisis relief for persons with whom the Mission is directly involved. The Mission concentrates on developing self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating churches which are indigenous to their respective country or region. The Mission is currently involved in ministering to the whole person on many fields. Currently the World Christian Encyclopedia lists WGM as the second largest of the mission societies of Wesleyan theology and the largest of the Wesleyan interdenominational missionary organizations. Included on site are organizational documents detailing WGM's history, goals, and vision, a Statement of Faith, and Statement of Purpose. WGM's Fields of Ministry include needs and background information for most countries to which WGM ministers. WGM's Fields of Ministry include: American Indian Field, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Dominica, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Peniel Compassionate Ministries, St. Croix, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The mission has set up a web-based under the heading WGM Bullletin Board, designed to host conversation relating to WGM activities and missions in general. Posts are made from the web page, and a posting FAQ has been made available. An Urgent Prayer Requests section is provided as well, and is reported in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide.
The Church of the Nazarene is a very strong participant in international missions and in relief work around the world. Available from this part of the Nazarene network are links to information resources of the Nazarene World Mission Society (highlighted elsewhere in this section), the Office of Volunteerism (including programs Work and Witness, Nazarenes on Call, Nazarene Disaster Response, and Nazarenes in Volunteer Service). The Nazarene Compassionate Ministries includes Child Development and Child Sponsorship programs, and Social Transformation and Disaster Response activities. Plans are underway to provide World Mission Magazine.
The information on this page rates top notch as an information resource directory for missions. The page is divided into three sections: International Missions Organisations; Missionary Radio; and, Other Missions Organisations, Information and Resources. Developed by James MacDonnell, University of Edinburgh, Scotland as a part of his The Christian Zone!! resources. Recommended!
WORLD RELIEF [new 6/96]
As commissioned by the National Association of Evangelicals, World Relief works with the Church in alleviating human suffering worldwide in the name of Christ. World Relief brings hope to some of the world's poorest people, continually meeting the changing needs of suffering families through local evangelical churches. World Relief is uniquely committed to working with local churches in the areas of disaster response, community development, and refugee assistance. More information about World Relief, it's commission and goals are provided at the web site.
WORLD TEAM [revised 4/97]
One Mission Fused by the Vision of Two. Combining the ministries of RBMU International and World Team. The organizsation's purpose is to glorify God by working to establish reproducing churches among the least-evangelized peoples of the world. Their work is ultimately for the glory of God. Their energies are focused on the least-evangelized in city and rural situations. Their task is to establish churches that reproduce. World Team helps people assess how they fit into God's plan for the nations, brings together committed and enthusiastic world Christians from around the globe, provides comprehensive, effective and practical training for church planting, and sends teams to establish churches among the world's least-evangelized urban and rural peoples. World Team provides information about it's programs and vision. They are in the process of developing a page that will provide links to information about World Team ministries around the world. World Team uses the Cell Church model, and provides a document that gives a basic introduction to Cell Church. A Cell Church Resource Catalogue and Conference Schedule is also on site. Highly Recommended.
A nonprofit Christian humanitarian organization committed to serving God by working with the poor and oppressed in more than 100 countries. World Vision supports more than 4,200 projects, including long-term community development projects focused especially on the needs of children, emergency relief assisting people affected by conflict or disaster, promotion of justice seeking to change unjust structures, strategic initiatives serving the Church.
WV Australia:
WV Canada:
WV Locations:
Every day, 35,000 children die of hunger-related causes. This website givesyou the chance to do something about it.
A twenty five year old Independent Baptist Mission board consumed with the passion of helping churches accomplish the Great Commission. The focus of the mission is in its name. WWNTBM is World Wide in its Perception, New Testament in Practice, Baptist in Principle, and have Missions as its Purpose. Information provided on line by the mission includes the Bylaws and Statement of Faith, and contact information for the Board and membership. Files are available in Adobe PostScript and Powerpoint formats.
Alternate URL:
Proclaiming Radical Grace. Included on site are Bible Studies (including series on Grace, Colossians, Romans, and topical studies), WorldNet Grace Ministries' International Student Ministry, Bread for Life (committed to taking the unchanging message of Jesus Christ to a rapidly changing world, in words and in deeds...meeting physical, spiritual and social needs of mankind), a Statement of Faith, the WorldNet Newsletter (described elsewhere in this guide), and a directory of internet links. The International Student Ministry includes documents intended to challenge our thoughts on missions in the section entitled A Fresh Look at the Great Commission: How the Early Church Evangelized the World; The Biblical Mandate for Ministry to Internatio
nals; The Obsticles to World Evangelism; The Window of Opportunity; How Our Foreign Policy is Being Undermined; and, Who is Influencing Whom?
WYCLIFFE ASSOCIATES (UK) [revised 10/97]
Click on any link and the reader will be delivered to information that provides three statements that underscore the ministry of Wycliffe Associates: to use the expertise of ordinary men and women like you and I to help in the Great Commission. There are three selections provided for the reader. The first two: "Yes, I would like to help a missionary", and "Yes, I would like some help from a Christian volunteer", bring together the specific needs of individual missionaries and the specific qualifications that volunteers have to provide. In effect the site offers a very novel kind of placement service. If the average internet user thinks he or she is not qualified to help, then review what's needed: Urgent prayer; Computer keyboarding, Library research, Shopping, Translation, Sending magazines and comics, Professional advice, Help with newsletters, Computer help, Forwarding e-mail, and Abstracting news information. The third selection is, "Yes, I would like to know more". Provided is information on WA's Christian basis of faith, Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL, The Summer Institute of Linguistics, as well as a link to the Ethnologue, an immense database that provides details about language groups around the world. Recommended.
Presently included on the WBT server are a Fact Sheet, General Statistics, a FAQ including addresses for WBT's regional offices, Press Releases, their outstanding magazine, "In Other Words" (See the newsletters/ journals section of this guide.), a section on Computing in Wycliffe, and WBT's Doctrinal Statement.
Youth Development International intends to reach out to kids in need of help. YDI is composed of caring men and women (mostly volunteers spread out in over 120 regional outposts throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries around the world. Founded in 1959, YDI for the past 36 years has served on the front lines in bringing the message of hope to young people. Available from this page is information about the National Youth Crisis Hotline, which provides ministry to a wide variety of emotional and physical issues, the YDI Christmas Outreach Program, and their Wilderness Expedition. The YDI Online section provides Notebook Updates (encrypted zip file), and Messages for Volunteers (also encrypted and zipped), and will contain YDI Spotlight. There is a section telling how you can be involved in helping to field the 1100 calls a day YDI is currently receiving, 40% who cannot be helped because YDI needs more people. If readers want to provide a Christian response to the need, YDI is offering you a partnership that is such a solution. Recommended.
YWAM is an international movement of Christians working to help make a difference in a needy world. It is now one of the largest interdenominational Christian ministries, with over 9,000 volunteer staff based in about 600 locations in 120 countries. In addition, tens of thousands more people from scores of nations are involved on a short-term basis each year. Coming from many different backgrounds and working in a wide range of situations, YWAMers are united in their desire to be part of changing people's lives for the better. They have responded to "The Great Commission" --Jesus' command to His disciples to go into all the world and tell the "good news". YWAM provides an immense amount of information reporting on all aspects of missions at it's networking sites. Its International Communiations Network incorporates Press and Media Services, PROCLA-MEDIA Productons, Research and Information, and World Christian News and Books. The latter provides order capability of 280,000 titles, including all YWAM Publishing titles; books ranging from cross-cultural ministries, missions application, missionary biography, apologetics, theology, anthropology, periodicals, and so forth. If you have a moment or so, check out Mary Filides' wonderful artistic abilities via the samples of People Group Drawings in the News and Books section, and see what the 30 Days of Muslim Prayer project is all about. Links to YWAM Base Pages (web sites), and YWAM's Public E-mail addresses are provided. Did you know that King's Kids International, Mercy Ships, University of the Nations, Operation Impact (from the YWAM Netherlands), and many other ministries) are integral parts of YWAM's exceptionally well coordinated international ministry? You'll find links here. Europe NOW! is YWAM's newsletter focusing on needs in Europe. YWAM has
provided much more information than can be outlined in this guide. The site is exceptionally well organized, and is highly recommended.
YWAM Base Pages:
YWAM Public E-mail Directory: