A newsletter reviewing current local activities of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). Information of interest to the ABWE family.
ABWE Web Site: http://www.abwe.org/
ACCESS [new 6/97]
An article "copy and distibution service" provided by The New Zealand 'Gospel and Cultures Trust'. The Trust's tri-annual newsletter, indexes a substantial listing of new articles which may be ordered. Presently over 900 articles have been listed in the series of newsletters. A complete set of issues is available from the Trust, however The Network for Gospel and Culture has provided the latest on line. Recommended.
Network for Gospel and Culture: http://www.voyager.co.nz/~dozer/
AD 2525 Global Monitor [new 5/97]
Founded in 1990 by David B. Barrett and Todd M. Johnson as the AD 2000 Global Monitor, it was renamed AD 2025 Global Monitor in 1995. the AD2525 Global Monitor is a bimonthly trends newsletter measuring the progress of world evangelization into the 21st century published by GEM Research, Global Evangelization Movement. The Monitor's purpose is to scan, measure, and monitor the church's progress in reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.Scanning means the editors range over the world's monthly output of 1,000 new books and articles related to the subject. Measuring means the editors aim to give precision to the 200 major topics comprising evangelization. And monitoring means the editors report on both progress and failure, especially as it relates to World A -- the least evangelized individuals, languages, peoples, cities, and countries of our globe. Articles included in the issue we reviewed at the time of our survey include: Ecclesiastical Crime Continues; New Era; News Analysis (including: World Facing Water Crisis; and Understanding Evangelize); News Events (Buddhist Canon Published in 755 Volumes); New Trends (Regional Conflicts and Human Suffering; Unpleasant News For the 21st Century; How Does Your Uban Garden Grow? and, Western Oil Companies Look to Central Asia); New Profiles; New Martyrs (including A Genocide Chronology and Christian Martyrs, by Justin Long); New Books; New Statistics; World Evangelization Statistical Monitor; New Technologies; New Web Sites; and, Bringing Information to Remote Sites. Highly recommended.
Global Evangelization Movement: http://www.gem-werc.org/
ADVANCE [new 9/96]
An excellent monthly newsletter reporting on international events of interest to missions. Published by Kainos Press, being distributed by Mark Kelley, and archived at Brigada. A search engine is being developed and is available for Advance and Brigada Today archives. E-mail service available. The archive extends back through September 1995 at the time of our survey. Highly recommended.
ADVONET [new 4/96]
The quarterly People Group Advocate missions newsletter of Caleb Project. A recently surveyed issue includes: The Advocacy Graphic; Introduction to Advocacy; The Meitei of Manipur, India; People-Group Advocate Training (YWAM); The Internet and Advocacy; and, People Specific Advocates at Caleb Project.
Apologia Report serves professionals in religion (graduate/undergraduate educators, ministers, missionaries, journalists, media professionals, Christian bookstore managers, as well as students of Christianity and other religions). Apologia Report has been formed by three senior researchers formerly affiliated with the Christian Research Institute (CRI) of San Juan Capistrano, California. The first online edition of the publication was recently released by its evangelical publisher, a new non-profit organization known simply as Apologia. Apologia Report targets the wide spectrum of religious issues which have an impact on orthodox Christian faith. The report covers an extensive range of topics, including cults, the occult, world religions, aberrant theology, new religious movements, spiritual trends in modern culture, and general apologetics. Former CRI researchers Dr. Ron Rhodes and Paul Carden will also contribute to the publication, with the publication's editor, Rich Poll. Rhodes has authored several books on new religions and other topics related to apologetics, the defense of the faith. Carden directs an international apologetics-centered ministry network with outreaches to the former Soviet Union and Latin America. Poll sifts through the key tools religion professionals use to remain current in their fields of specialization as they relate to defending Christian faith. The annotated bibliographic format of Apologia Report provides summaries and reviews from many academic journals and popular periodicals, the online universe, books, broadcast media, software, CD-ROMs, unpublished monographs, and other news sources. Having written a similar research bulletin, FYI, for a private audience through the Christian Research Institute during the last decade, Poll's work is known to a number of professionals in Christian apologetics. -- Adapted from the announcement. Information about the publisher is detailed in another section. From the sample reviewed on line at the time of our survey, the following topics were reviewed: Alternative Medicine; Angels; Bible Software; Buddhism; Capital Punishment; Culture; Discernment; Euthanasia; Holy Laughter; Homosexuality; Islam; Mormonism; Nation of Islam; New Religious Movements; Politics; Psychology; General Religion; Science; and Trinity Broadcasting Network. Apologia Report is supplemented by ARNotes. Sample copies of ARNotes is available from the subscribe page. Having had the opportunity to work with Rich Poll for a number of years now, we very highly recommend Apologia.
Apologia Report Info/ Subscribe Page: http://apologia.org/main/mainpages/AboutAR.html
Apologia: http://apologia.org/main/mainpages/AboutPub.html
Online Samples: http://apologia.org/main/mainpages/ARsample.html
ARNOTES (AR NOTES) [new 5/97]
Published by Apologia, ARNotes is an infrequent supplemental service to Apologia Report (See the review of Apologia Report in this section of our guide.) ARNotes includes important apologetics news that does not fit well into the format of Apologia Report. Sample issues of ARNotes follows samples of Apologia Report from this Apologia Report samples page. Information included in the sample we reviewed included: Aum Shinrikyo; Buddhism; Chopra, Deepak; Christology; Cults, General; Evolution; Fee, Gordon; Heresy, General; James, William; Mormonism; Nation of Islam; Science; Sufism; and, World Wide Church of God. Apologia Report is reliable information, very highly recommended.
Apologia Report: http://apologia.org/
THE ASIA LUTHERAN [revised 4/97]
A publication of Asia Lutheran Press Services. From the issue surveyed are the following articles: Editorial; A Small Church with Big Hopes: The Hong Kong and Macao Lutheran Church; Young People with Big Faith and Small Apartments to Meet in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hong Kong; Reaching Ethnic Koreans Inside China; The Bethel Series Continues to Bless Korea; Worship Drama Performed for the First Time in Korea; A New Name ... A new Start: The Japan Lutheran College and the Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary; Asians Share in Action: a Supplement to the Asia Lutheran: A Newsletter of Lutheran Communications in Asia (including LUCIA coordinating committee works on plans for several activities in 1996 and 1997; Journal features the Hong Kong Transition; Pre-Assembly schedule set: Asia Region-World Association for Christian Communication; and, Can religion and science mix? a report from China); The Internet: an update; Interaction and participation invade the information age; E-mail: Lutheran users respond; E-mail: a 'How-to' guide; Media Literacy applied to the Internet; Lutheran Church News of Asia; Ecumenical Christian News of the Asia Region; and, A festival celebrating Martin Luther in Wittenburg, Germany.
Frames Version: http://www.jlh.org/asia_lut.html
A publication of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. Articles in the issue surveyed include: The January 1996 Tribune is History, by BBT staff; The BBFI Mission Office -- A World Mission Service Center, by Bob Baird; A Brief History of the BBFI, by Mike Randall; The Purpose of the BBFI, by BBT editor; The Name -- Baptist Bible Fellowship, by Noel Smith; What We Believe, by G.B. Vick; Why the BBFI Works, by W.E. Dowell; The Tribune Still Gets the Word Out, by Tom Harper; Applying the Challenge of Moses, by Sam Davison; A Brief History of Baptist Bible College, by the editor; Alumni Association Looking For You, by Ray Branson; BBC East: Preparing Students for Lives of Ministry, by Harry Boyle; Our Graduate School is Vital, by Parker Dailey; and, Teens on the Mission Field and its TIME (Teens in Mission Evangelism International), by Ed Holland. (A paper copy is also available by a modestly priced paid subscription.)
The networking newsletter, from the Christian Research Institute.
This is another most useful FAQ being compiled by Shawn Abigail. The FAQ is designed under the following general organization; there are numerous subsections not listed in this brief digest: Are the NIV, NKJV or NASB translations available on The Internet?; Why would I use an electronic Bible instead of a paper Bible?; What programs are available for IBM PC's and compatibles?; What programs are available for the Mac?; What programs are available for UNIX?; What Bible software is available for the Amiga?; What cross-platform/other platform Bible software is available?; What fonts are available for Biblical languages?; What tools are available for Biblical language study?; Where can I get more information about Bible software?; What sets of icons are available for MS-Windows?; What tools exist for scholarly study?; What stand-alone tools exist to study Bible geography?; and, Other Products of Interest. As with Shawn Abigail's Bible Study FAQ, this FAQ is very well organized and clearly written. Highly recommended.
Alternate Location: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/software/bsf.txt
aFTP Access: ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/pub/resources/software/bsf.txt
BIBLE STUDY FAQ [new 12/96]
The most extensive FAQ of this type on the internet, the Bible Study FAQ, by Shawn Abigail addresses the following questions: What Bible study tools are essential?; What translation should I study from?; What translations should I own?; What about a Study Bible?; What Study Bibles are available?; What is a Concordance?; How can I use a Concordance?; What are Strong's Numbers?; Are there different types of concordances?; Are there disadvantages to using a concordance?; What is Vine's Expository Dictionary?; What about Topical Bibles?; How valuable are cross references?; Where can I get more information on using these tools?; What other books exist on Bible Study?; Should I use a Bible commentary?; What commentaries should I consider buying?; Why should I read the Bible?; How can I read the Bible?; What principles will help me interpret the Bible?; What other principles of interpretation exist?; Do special principles exist for interpreting prophecy?; What books exist on Bible Interpretation?; What types of Bible studies exist?; How do I handle Bible contradictions?; Where can I learn more about resolving contradictions?; What about the Holy Spirit and Bible Study?; How do I apply my Bible study?; Can computers help me study the Bible?; What videotapes can teach me about Bible study?; What about Christian correspondence courses?; Do I need to learn all of the big words in the Bible?; What is the best way to learn about the big words?; How can I apply the Bible to my life?; What books exist on Bible application?; What is a Bible Handbook?; and, How many different types of study Bibles are there? Highly Recommended.
Alternate Location: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/bstudy-faq.txt
aFTP access: ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/bstudy-faq.txt
A monthly outreach of the Bible Society in Australia. The issue reviewed at the time of our survey included country specific information. Articles reported are: The Gun or the Bible; Bible Impact Days; Word for the Day; Prayer Points; and, Takin it to the Streets
Bible Society in Australia: http://www.bible.org.au/
This massive undertaking of the Summer Institute of Linguistics appears in its ninth edition. The paper copy contains 21,000 entries and the online version now has close to 11,000 entries. Divided into two sections, the bibliography consists of vernacular works and technical works. The online version has contents guides for country, language, subject and entry type. A search utility is provided as well.
SIL home page: http://www.sil.org/
Provided by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: http://www.graham-assn.org/bgea/bgeacurr/currlet.htm
THE BLAST [new 11/96]
A Magazine Produced for the Youth of NT by Scripture Union Northern Territory (Australia). And, it is fun and instructive. Articles included the issue we surveyed include: Grow, or Just Flow?, by Doulos and Donka; ExclusiveInterview with Russel Abram; Top Ten Things to Do With The Blast (You may need the paper copy if you want to fully enjoy these suggestions!), The Blast RATS (Riots at the Shed) Camp Profile. What Happened?!; and, Dear Gronow Girls. Hey, you don't have to be living in Northern Territory, Australia to enjoy this magazine. Highly recommended. Available in text, intermediate and advanced html formats.
Scripture Union NT: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sunt/
Newsletter of Crianças do Brasil para Cristo (Channel to Brazil for Christ), whose purpose is to minister to street children in Brazil. Information includes messages from the director, activities and programs of the ministry, and internet links.
Channel to Brazil for Christ: http://solid-www.com/cbc/
An international ministry with special focus on Lithuania, the Philippines, Cuba, and the United States. This is a newsletter to supporters and friends.
Articles from the sample surveyed include: Let Your Heart Burn!; Disaster Response Update; Free a Family Through CRWRC; CRWRC--Guinea and TNT-Labe -- Income Earning Project Takes Off; Dominican Republic: DesCo -- Meet Jean Jaques -- Reading, Writing, and Riding; and, Prayer Requests.
An international news service from Australia. Sections are arranged into an Index which provides links to the CRNews articles available at the web site and also serves as an alternative to the graphical presentation. The CRNews is very current and arranged chronologically. Information and Services includes copyright, useage, and policy statements, information about how to subscribe to the paper copy of CRNews. More information is provided about this news agency's Archive Service by which readers may request e-mail copies or disk media copies for a nominal fee. Also find Keith Suter's 2GB News Commentary, a section on Government Enquiries, Prayer Points for the Sydney, Australia area, and Announcements.
CRNews Index Page: http://www.strata.net.au/users/crnews/index.htm
Reprinted articles from the Christian Research Institute's newsletter.
Published by an established leader in Christian apologetics and cult awareness ministries, included in the archive are reprints from the Christian Research Institute's major magazine.
Stay informed using the Christianity.Net news area. Daily updates from Religion News Service keep you up-to-date about the latest developments in the world of religion. This area also provides access to in-depth features from Christianity Today magazine. Articles in issue we reviewed at the time of our survey include: and, New Christian Coalition Congress; Mexican, U.S. Church Leaders Meet.
Religious News Service Archive: http://www.christianity.net/news/rnsmain/rnsarch.html
Christianity.Net: http://www.christianity.net/
An important Christian newspaper from Greece, supporting a broad circulation around the world, now available in three languages here on the internet. Sample articles include: The Good Year Begins And Ends Up With Jesus Christ, by Leonidas Fengos; The Gospel Was Written in Greek: Eight Jews Along ith a Greek Man Have Written The Gospel in the Greek Language; Do Not Be Afraid - Jesus Christ Is Alive; Christ Loves You And Calls You, by K. Kondilis; To a New Horizon with New Visions. Christian Testimony includes: ...Now the Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence and the Violence Take It by Force; "Blessed is the Man Who Walks Not in the Counsel of the Ungodly, Nor Stands in the Path of Sinners, Nor Sits in the Seat of the Scornful" What the Word of God Does Not Say--"That We ShouldNot Examine Churches Doctrines", and, Love is a Medicine for Longevity and Remedy.
Greek: http://www.kapatel.gr/press/christ/ef_gr.htm
Spanish (Cristianismo): http://www.kapatel.gr/press/christ/ef_sp.htm
Christians Against Torture is affiliated with Amnesty International, and works under the umbrella of Cytun (the Council of Churches in Wales). Articles contained in the newsletter at the time of our survey include: Mehdi Zana Released (Turkey); Christians Against Torture on the WorldWide Web; Urgent Actions; Saving Lives for a Brighter Future; Abergele Conference a Success; 1996 Regional Conference - Swansea; Concern as Mordechai Vanudu's Condition Deteriorates; GAM Thanks Supporters; and, Iran Jails Woman for Murder of Two Christian Priests.
Available from Fred and Crystal Kovacs, missionaries of the Asemblies of God at ICI Univesity.
Published by CMDNet, the networking extention of the Centre for Mission Direction (New Zealand), articles available at the time of our survey include: Web Watch; Ralph Winter; Mongolian Clip Art; Lift Up Your Eyes to the Hindu World; 30 Days of Hindu Prayer Focus; Global Payer Digest (5/97); Cooperative Outreach of India; Checking Reality -- the JP 2000 List; Urban Mission (2/97); Missionary Attrition; Urbana CD; and, Would You Believe It? Highly Recommended.
CMDNet: http://www.cmd.org.nz/cmdnet.html
Centre for Mission Direction: http://www.cmd.org.nz/
The official publication of Compassion Interntional, a ministry addressing the needs of children.
A newsletter of Compassion International.
The Newsletter of the Sydney Centre for World Mission. The sample surveyed include the following articles: Night of Missions Update: NSW Tours for 1996 Now Being Planned, by Mike Jelliffe; Sydney Centre Goes on the Internet; From Cyberspace and the Internet; Dr. Paul White Annual Memorial Lecture in Missiology; Joshua Project 2000; Perspectives; and, local information.
Home Page: http://www.zeta.org.au/~scwm/
A weekly e-mail post from the Third World Baptist Missions Network. The news service reports short articles comprising news updates and current trends in religion, government and society.
Third World Baptist Missions: http://www.3rdWorld.org/
A ministry of Speed the Need missionary prayer needs, CyberFaith reports on current happenings with Speed the Need, and reports and evaluates internet resources that man be of interest to people in Christian missions.