A Time to Sow
ICLnet Guide to Christian Missions on the Internet

v 1.32
Part 11 of 17
October 10, 1997
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11. Organizations: S




Provided at this site is contact information, links to other SA chapters, an international news release service and other Salvation Army publications, including the NIV Bible with Word of Life study notes. Sections include Partners in Mission, WWW Discussion Group, "Contacts Required", and Thought for the Week.


SAMOVAR BOOKS [new 12/96]
Greetings From Ireland! -- Louis Hemmings, Samovar Books. Are you interested in second hand theological books? Samovar Books has approximately 1500 titles for sale. Subjects include: Church History (Early/Reformation/Anglican/General); Holy Land; Bible Dictionaries; Biography; Greek/ Hebrew; Commentaries/ Exposition/ Lectures/ Theology; Antiquarian; Roman Catholicism (from Reformed perspective); Anglo-catholic; Missionary; Hymnology, and related subjects. Readers can ask to have the current booklist (all 109 kilobytes) mailed via e-mail, or review Louis' current booklists at the web site.

SAMS-USA is a voluntary missionary society in the Episcopal Church working in Latin America and Spain to proclaim by word and deed the the message of new life in Jesus Christ. SAMS sends long and short-term missionaries to for evangelism, church planting, youth ministry and a wide range of social ministries. SAMS USA is a sister society of SAMS Great Britain (founded morethan 150 years ago), SAMS Australia SAMS Canada, SAMS Ireland and SAMS New Zealand. Available on line are a Letter from SAMS' Director; SAMS' Staff and Missionaries; information on SAMS Short Term Missions; information about SAMS' E-mail update service (which includes news and prayer concerns); an invitation to Come and Help; Requests for Long Term Missions; details for those Thinking about Missionary Service; and, Helpful Links. At the time of our survey some of the above links were still being developed.
Statement of Faith: http://www.episcopalian.org/sams-usa/stm/faith.htm
WWW.Episcopalian.Org: http://www.episcopalian.org/

SBCNet is the official online service for the Southern Baptist Convention. It provides a number of resources for Southern Baptists that includes a history of Southern Baptist, the Baptist Faith and Message and a directory of Southern Baptist resources on the web. The Convention provides information about its organization and purpose, distinctive beliefs, history and growth, and its involvement in missions from SBCNet web site. A thorough treatment of the Baptist Faith and Message is provided. Information about its Seminaries, Commissions on Brotherhood, Christian Life, History, Radio and Television, Stewardship is made available. There are links to associated organizations, Woman's Missionary Union and Baptist World Alliance. The SBC resources page proides information or links to the Baptist Press, Boards and Agencies, Seminaries, Colleges and Schools State Conventions (an extensive directory), and Other information.

A project dedicated to the cause of fighting child abuse in all its forms in the Philippines. The goal of the project is to protect and extend a helping hand to the abused and neglected children through free medical assistance, food, shelter, and education. Love without action is dead. SCM CHILDSAVERS is God's loving light to the abused, neglected and suffering little children. - Adapted from SCM Child Savers. Information included by SCM includes information on how to be a child saver, the SCM Childsaver's Poem and a short FAQ about SCM. SCM provides: Medical and Dental Services; Home for Abused Children; Housing Proects; Educational Programs; Social and Welfare Programs; Emergency Response and Disaster Relief; Supplemental Feeding Programs, and information about the Asian Christian Faith Church. Located in Manila, Republic of the Philippines.

Information provided at this unofficial site includes a description of SU Malaysia ministries for Bible Ministry, Bible Correspondence Courses, Children Ministry and Youth Ministry (sections being developed at the time of our survey), and Camping and Publications (sections available). Information about obtaining a paper copy subscription to SU's Christian youth Magazine, Phases, is provided. Information about SU's Sijil Pelajaram Malaysia (SPM) Bible knowledge paper exam (including a link to an old syllabus) is also made available. The site developer also provides connections to more general information about Malaysia.

Scripture Union NT is a children's, youth and family organisation which has been operating in partnership with Australian Churches for well over a century. The site will eventually include major sections on Resource Centre, Schools Ministry, Youth Stuff and SU camping, the last two available at the time of our survey.Youth Stuff includes the Mega Youth Service and an electronic verion of SUNT's quarterly newsletter, The Blast, a very funny magazine, reported elsewhere in this guide. SU Camping information includes information on Jungle Bungle Boot Camp, Easter Camp, Leadership Development Camp, and RATS (Rage at the Shed) Camp. While you're visiting, check out the graphics files on the main page for information about In Ya Face Grace Wearing Apparel, counter-culture apparel that makes a statement and gives you the edge!

Online information includes information describing SU's aims, activities, vision, and recent news. An annual holiday brochure is provided.

SCRIPTURE UNION (UK) [new 11/96]
Scripture Union is a movement of volunteers and staff working together in 117 countries to spread the Good News of Jesus with children, teens and adults. Scripture Union works in schools throughout Britain, supporting and resourcing Christian staff and pupils. SU has been involved in evangelism for over 125 years. There is provided a web page describing activities of Scripture Union including on line samples of SU publications: Alive to God Bible study; Heaven... It's Not the End of the World, by David Lawrence; and, Oliver and the Big Green Snake (a teaching aid for kids). Published Resources available from Scripture Union include descriptions of Children's Books, Adult Literature, Bible Reading Materials, Children's Bible Reading Materials, SALT -- Sharing and Learning Together. A section of Audio/ Video Resources is provided as well. Scripture Union Press Releases are provided in the Noticeboard and in the Scripture Union International newsletter (reported elsewhere in this guide). Scripture Union also provides connections to its online affiliates.

Church Planting is Our Business! SEND International is now 50 years old! And instead of being middle aged, SEND is right in the middle of the action. The founding leaders were fresh from a war and barely out of their teens. Caution was not in their vocabulary. Today's missionaries are all ages, but no less anxious for challenge. Today we face challenges all over the world where we need to seize the day. In some countries we can throw caution to the wind and grab the opportunity. In other places we must walk slowly. The constant joy and tension of missions is to know when to be cautious and when to throw caution to the wind. -- SEND International. Information currently available on line details SEND Temps (including What do you get as a volunteer, and Current Opportunities (for example, in Japan, The Ukraine, and Alaska); SEND Summers (summer team opportunities); SEND Career Options (including opportunities in Russia, The Ukraine, Spaine, North Central and South Central Europe, Japan, Taiwan, The Philippines, and Alaska/ Yukon); and, SEND Missionary Stories.

For Christians who would like to know how, Michael Liimatta, Director of Education at the International Union of Gospel Missions, has guidlines on just how to go about it. Mike provides information in plain English, and links the reader to many useful online resources. He might even inspire you to build your own web site.
Michael Liimatta: http://www.iugm.org/michael.html

Scripture Gift Missions (SGM International) is an international Christian literature ministry involved in Africa, the British Isles, East and South Asia, Europe, North and Latin America, the Middle East, the South Pacific, and the West Indies. The ministry has been involved in over one hundred years of work, 800 languages and has produced nearly one billion pieces of Scripture. The work is a testimony to the Lord who is the one who has enabled all this to be achieved. More importantly He is the one who takes what is basically black ink on white paper and transforms lives with it! This site includes a very interesting historical outline of SGM International. Sample publications are provided on site: You Matter (English), The Alternative Series (Polish), The Holy Spirit -- God in Us (Shona language, Zimbabwe), and The Progress Series (Misima language, Papua New Guinea). Also included are letters from around the world, a fascinating set of distribution statistics for 1995, and a directory of SGM offices around the world, many with e-mail links. Recommended.

The Foundation is to be a store-house of professional expertise, experience and finance available to serve Israel and to bless God's covenant people in the future. The Foundation is used to: assist in the job-creation process in Israel. This will be done by the offering of professional advice and international support; provide training in marketing, business accounts, administration, personnel management and other skills; facilitate import/export activities by means of match-making advice; arrange seminars and conferences with a view to expanding trade with and through Israel; encourage assistance to the world´s poor and needy in accordance with Isaiah 58:6-14 and in the knowledge that Israel should become a blessing for them as a first-fruit of the times to come, when Israel will be a blessing in the midst of the whole earth (see Hag. 2:6 and 7); co-operate with others to bring about these purposes.
ICCC Main Page: http://www.iccc.net/

"The cries of the Martyred have been muffled. The silence must be shattred." Christians around the world are suffering. The growing persecution of Christians is largely unknown or unheeded, the voice of the suffering followers of Christ rarely heard. The goal of the 1997 International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is to shatter the silence and end apathy -- in the church and in the world. The organization aims are to raise awareness of the abuse of human rights and persecution, provide compelling educational materials, and issue a call for prayer and compassionate action to the church universal. -- Adapted from the International Day of Prayer Home Page. A directory of organizations concerned with persecution, secular and Christian, includes available contact information. The site is organized into the following basic sections: Who We Are; What You Can Do; and, What You Should Know. Graphics must be turned on to navigate this site.
Directory of Organizations: http://www.persecutedchurch.org/youknow/knowsub4.htm

Purposes is to reach international students who are in the US while they are open-minded and curious about all things American. This organization has led people from several countries to Christ, and hopes to disciple them as missionaries to their people. As they know the culture, the language, and have contacts, who better? There are strong admonitions in Scripture to love the stranger and alien in our land, something we Americans are failing at. Remember, we are all immigrants here and all are here by God's blessing. There are sample trax on line, including: When I Was A god, The Approaching Apocalypse, Check Out Time! Ordering information is available, and the nominal costs that are associated are used to continue the ministry.

SIM [new 3/96]
SIM is a major international missions organization with offices in Australia, Canada, East Asia, New Zealand, Southern Europe, The UK and Northern Europe, and, the U.S.A. Articles located at the SIM site include information on the history, purpose, and roles of SIM ministry. Also included is a list of directors, a section on reaching people through the power of prayer, and the newsletter of SIM events worldwide: SIM Now.

The Sion's Jewish Instruction Pages project comes from rock solid ministry confirmed to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jew. Sion makes available an extensive apologetics archive, including conservatively based contemporary writing and heavily emphasized classical works. Jews are cordially welcomed to visit. The pages are also a most useful tool for those who are also involved in Christian apologetics ministries to Jews. Very highly recommended.
Archive Page: http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/m.sion/home.htm

SGA is now in its sixth decade carrying the love of Christ to the people of the former Soviet Union. Under the leadership of its president, Dr. Robert W. Provost, SGA trains pastors and layleaders, sponsors national church-planting missionaries, supports two national seminaries and seven Bible institutes, supplies Bibles and literature, provides humanitarian aid, and more...

SOMA [new 11/96]
SOMA is a Christian mission agency in the Anglican Communion dedicated to: Fostering renewal in the Holy Spirit throughout the world; Enabling the Church to fulfill the Great Commission by ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit; and, Changing the world for Jesus Christ. SOMA is involved in countries such as Malawi, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Honduras, Argentina, Mexico, Equador, India, Boga-Zaire, Mozambique, and Nepal. Regular features at the web site include Field Reports, Prayer Call, Upcoming Missions, and Directors Notes.
WWW.Episcopal.Org: http://www.episcopalian.org/

Designed to provide informational support for and about Fundamental missionary efforts worldwide. Highlighted on the SONshine pages are TopicTalk, which will be a forum for contemporary issues. PASSport Passages, noted in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide, is a monthly look at missions worldwide. SONshine has a substantial Gateway of links to Fundamental resources and doctrinally sound information on the internet, including Universities & Colleges, Institutes, Christian Schools; Mission Boards & Ministries/ Missionaries; Fellowships and Organizations; and, Christian Literature.

Correspondence courses and other ministries. Source of Light's purpose is to evangelize, edify, and disciple believers, strengthen existing churches and establish national churches. It's purpose, also, is to disseminate Gospel literature into the hands of the multitudes in as many lands and languages as possible.

The site includes Current Issues and Headlines that are pertinent to ethics and religious liberty (reviewed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide). The Major Areas of Interest secion includes position papers for Biomedical Ethics, Christian Citizenship, Eductaion, Gambling, Homosexuality, Hunger and Religious Liberty (including Religious Persecution) and Sanctity of Human Life are available at the time of our survey. Position papers addressing Alcohol and Drugs, AIDS, Environment Pornography, Race Relations will be made available. The Commission makes available it's newsletter, Salt and Light, on the internet. (Refer to the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide.) There is provided an online catalog of publications and order information. The archive is supported by online search.
Descriptive Index: http://www.erlc.com/Descriptindex.htm
Southern Baptist Convention: http://www.sbcnet.org/

SPEED THE NEED [new 7/96]
Urgent Needs Network for Christian Missionaries. For readers who have not yet experienced the great urgency and the high rewards connected with intercessory prayer for warriors on the field, then connect to Speed the Need. For the warriors that already know the burden, then you will enjoy the proximity provided by Speed the Need. David Hatch brings something special to missions by way of continual energy, deeply felt concern for Christian missions efforts world wide, dogged intercession, and unending hope. STN Base is diligently being reconstructed. One of the new information bases that is being constructed is STN's Emergency Medical Reference Room, which includes Poison Control Centers, Internet Emergency Rooms, Surgical Procedures, Medical Specifics Reference Links, Drug Databases, Disease Info Centers, and CPR Refresher Links. Another is STN's Missions Toolbox, which will eventually include sections onEmergency Medicine, News/ Weather/ Quakes Hurricanes, Mission Links Around the World, Dental Technology, Country Inforation, Furlough Assistance, Amateur HAM Radio, and more. Find on line the latest STN Bulletin (Urgent Needs for Missions), the latest edition of CyberFaith Newsletter (including mission related news, and follow-up information from STN Newsletter), and the latest version of STN PrayerPad (non-urgent needs). STN provides a way to subscribe from the home page. Highly recommended.

In Touch Ministries, with Dr. Charles Stanley, provides a page of short inspirational bios. At the time of our survey, one can read about J. Hudson Taylor, C.S. Lewis, Oswald Chambers, Amy Carmichael, and Jim Elliot. It's interesting to note that, Elisabeth Elliot wrote an excellent biography on missionary Amy Carmichael, entitled "A Time to Die".)
In Touch Ministries: http://www.intouch.org/

(In the Context of 20th and 21st Centuries). This publication is a statistical chart showing numbers. Caterogies are: World Population; Worldwide Expansion of Cities; World Population by Religion; Global Christianity; Membership by Ecclesiastical Block; Membership by Continent; Christian Organizations; Christian Workers; Christian Finance; Christian Literature; Scripture Distribution; and, Christian Broadcasting.
Global Evangelization Movement:

StraightWay International is dedicated to providing an answer and alternative "straight" lifestyle to the social problems of contemporary living through fulfilling Christ's mission to bring the Way of Life, Peace (shalom) and Goodwill to all men through proclamation (outreach) and demonstration (community). It provides residential training and rehabilitation to whole families, unwed mothers and single fellas and girls. It has gained international recognition as one of the most effective programs in existence offering drug and suicide prevention, guidance counseling and human services. Its outreach arm, called StraightWay, challenges a quarter of a million public school students with a positive answer to drug abuse, delinquency, suicide and sexual promiscuity. Besides its information and preventative education services, it offers two main sites---one in Texas (USA) and one in Europe (Slovakia)---for training in family life, Christian leadership and basic vocational and living skills. Documentation available at the web site includes information about the FamilyLife Training Center, a therepeutic community providing residental rehabilitation and ministry, the LifeWay Training Center (Europe), which provides Christian life leadership training and academic study for those interested in pursuing a ministry in Euroasia, StraightWay Outreach, bearing the positive message of young people, addressing drug abuse, suicide, and so forth. For your reading, Restoring the Role of Fatherhood is a polemic giving definition to StraightWay's response/ ministry. How do Discern Cults from Genuine Therapeutic or Intentional Communities is another document available on board.

Presented at this site are facts about the book, and how to order it. The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus is a book directed at those who would consider themselves biblically illiterate, though many with a Bible background willprofit from its reading. As a narrative, the Bible is explained chronologically from the beginning to the end, starting with the simple and moving to the complex. The goal is to make the Bible's message clear and logical. Comprised in 318 pages, 6 X 9 by 3/4, illustrated with over 100 drawings, maps, and diagrams. Author John Cross is lecturer, author, photographer and family man. Over the years his interests have included fishing, hiking, rock climbing, canoeing, sailing, flying, and amateur radio. Among other things he has written and directed three award winning videos. He has lived and worked in three countries, visited twenty-one others. No passion has equaled his desire to explain simply "The Book." Originally from Canada, John and his family live in Papua New Guinea. Information for this book is being provided by Good Seed International, Durham, Canada, an organization with a vision for equipping the individual to clearly present the message of the Bible. GSI invites you to share its vision to publish and distribute tools tailored to post and non-Christian societies around the world. It is GSI's hope to translate The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus into all the major language groups. Profits will be used to this end.

Resources related to SIL's focus on the study of minority languages and cultures around the world. A collection of pointers to linguistics, anthropology, literacy, translation, computing resources. Includes the Ethnologue, 11th ed.; SIL Bibliography, SIL International Publications Catalog, SGML Bibliography and FAQ, etc.

A missionary outreach of the Calvary Chapels, Survival Ministries' basic approach, taken from Matthew 25:35-40, is to use whatever physical means available to show people care, so that the message of eternal life through knowing Jesus Christ can be shared. Since starting in a garage in Riverside in 1983, the ministry has given away thousands of Bible study tapes, and tons of food, clothing, medicines and furniture, as the Lord has provided funds, facilities, donations and workers. The ministry has been blessed to be a part of the training and support of missionaries and others. On line find contact info and descriptive information about this ministry, and the radio log for Mission Possible Radio. Also find a detailed prayer list focused on needs around the world that Survival is involved with, in Ireland, Japan, The Philippines, Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and the U.S.A. Information is also available about the Missionary Training School of Survival Ministries, now in it's sixteenth year. The current Survival Newsletter (described elsewhere in this guide) and archive are made available.

The Sydney Centre for World Mission operates by God's grace under the auspices of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance. Since our initial survey in August 1996, much new information has been added providing a rich environment for all who are involved (or with to become more involved) with the Great Commission. Amongst sections provided is Target 2000 Missions Mobilisation, its goal to link 2000 Australian churches to unreached people groups by AD 2000. SCWM provides information about the 27 participating agencies linked with SCWM Target 2000 Australia, including Australian Contacts and a link to AD2000 Australia. SCWM also provides information for Target 2000 World, including YWAM's UK Target 2000 and a link to the AD2000 US Office. The Vision of Target 2000 examines your calling: adopting, promoting, local, prayer, missions awareness courses, and training. Also examined are ways that readers can find information about unreached people groups, including information gathering, linking with missions agencies, and discipling. The Centre can also provide help. Another major web section is Prospectives on the World Christian Movement. Included is information on twelve courses being offered in 1997, a course overview, contact information, and an unreached peoples section. The Centre has established two major directory resources, mentioned elsewhere in this guide. A Directory of Other Mission Agencies includes members of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance, NSW and members of Interlink not operating in New South Wales. An EMA Ministries Directory includes members of EMA, New South Wales. The Sydney Centre for World Missions sponsors Break the Night Tours, a multi-media presentation of the needs of those who have no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It also co-hosts courses in New South Wales with the Evangelical Missions Alliance under tha banner, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. A very helpful section of missions Books and Resources is provided, including Australian and overseas catalogues, highly recommended missions books (individual works and collections). Finally, but not least, agencies that want to be more informed about developing an internet site are encouraged to read the section entitled EMA Agencies, e-mail and the World Wide Web. This series of documents are an excellent presentation that includes sections on: current use of e-mail by mission agencies; demonstration of missions web sites; options for creating a web page, cooperation with overseas branches of your organization advertising your web site; internet security; and further action. SCWM is a first rate web site which we highly recommend.

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