An ethnically diverse, independent, fundamentalist Baptist church located in Bayonne, NJ where the Word of God is uncompromisingly preached. Emphasis is on soul winning outreach. All are welcome. Call for a free ride or information.
The Caleb Project is providing a collection of links and current information on the Persecuted Church. Referenced are Mark Kelley's excellent online report, Advance; current information on the situation with Kuwaiti Christian, Robert Hussein, the recent destruction of churches in Indonesia, persecution taking place in the Peoples Republic of China, and related issues. Referenced are the Global Evangelism Movement's new e-mail conference, Gem-Persecution, being distributed from MAFxc, and to COMPASS DIRECT: Global News from the Front Line. The issues introduced are very high priority.
The vision of playing an aggressive part in fulfilling "The Great Commission" remains the heartbeat of PJMMI. Establishing 1,000 home churches in Ukraine, with expansion to Russia and finally China, has remained their dream! PJMMI's emphasis and reason for existence is based out of Acts 1:8, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." PJMMI are witnesses! Because of this, their influence has reached past the Ukranian borders into Russia, Belarussia, Uzbeckistan, Siberia, the Russian Far East, and China. In doing so, PJMMI carries out their Pentecostal heritage of "Turning the world upside down" (Acts 17:6). This dream has now become a reality. -- adapted from The Vision, Peter & Jill Mehl Ministries International. Text describig PJMMI's ministry includes information on the min
istry's Operation Mail-out church planting program, Church Planting Kits, Correspondence Bible Conferences; PJMMI Crusades, Video and Audio Ministries, Materials Distribution, Operation Train Robbery (thre million trcts and booklets distributed in Crimea the first year!), Bible Schools, Prison Ministries, Short-term Missions in the Former USSR and China, and Other Ministry Functions, including the ministry's involvement with orphanages, mime ministries, street praaching, hospitals, Siberian outreach, and other countries in the CIS. Highly recommended.
Includes information about Pilgrimage/ NavPress Seminars: Learning to Care: Building Community in Small Group Training Sites, Hosting a Seminar, a Small Group Toolkit, Small Group Resources, and Links to Small Group and Related Sites.
Members of PCI acknowledge Jesus Christ to be both true God and true man. They accept Him as their personal Savior, and Savior to the world. In gratitude to Almighty God for the gift of flight, PCI endeavors to use their interest and talents in aviation to promote His gospel throughout the international aviation community, in particular, and the world in general, through service. They use only honest and ethical means in serving those in need. They provide their services free of charge to any needy person, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnic identity. Their services include: counselling and instructing youth groups about flying; flying missions of mercy; transporting patients, relatives, and supplies; transporting ministers to their mission stations; witnessing at air shows, airports, and in their daily lives; fostering Christian fellowship at meetings, at or near airports; distributing tracts and Bibles free of charge at air shows and airports - Adaopted from Mission Statement, Pilots for Christ. Provided on line at the time of our survey are organizational files on PCI founder, Reverend William Starrs, and PCI's Mission Statement. More information, including What is PCI, Becoming a Member, a newsletter and bulletins, Mission Resources, Chapter information, an archive, a PCI Store and Sponsors information is in the works.
Pioneers is a non-denominational mission agency that is intent on reaching the unreached with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to church-planting ministry among Unreached People Groups. Pioneers also works through innovative strategies, often using non-traditional methods to achieve the stated goal of a church for every people group by the year 2000 A.D. Pioneers' outreach focuses on Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Tribal, Secular, and Chinese unreached people groups.
Pioneers Japan:
Although somewhat dated now, this award-winning guide still contains links to remote stations around the internet with very valuable files.
Owners Anna and Joe Losiak say that this bookstore provides the largest selection of evangelical books from Poland in the United States. It is a very large selection indeed. The master index is available in Polish and English languages. Sections include Apologetics, Bible, Business & Money, Christian Living, Christian Novels, Christian Psychology, Christian Video, Dictionaries, Evangelism, Faith Problems, For Children, For Parents, Friendship, Leadership, Love and Dating, Marriage, Missionary Writing, Philosophy and Religion, and End Times. A peek at the section on evangelism includes Basic Christianity by John Stott, Born Again, and Peace With God, by Billy Graham, Four Spiritual Laws, by Campus Crusade for Christ, Is Anyone There?, by David Watson, Searching for God, by A.W. Tozer, Adventure of Your Life, by Youth for Christ, The Only Way to Heaven, by Wager, and, Witnessing Without Fear, by Bill Brith. This is a family site. Find a Polish Christian Newsletter (also described in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide), PBS interviews (in Polish language), Picture of Camp Moyoca and Alpine Valley (youth camps for Polish speakers in America), Radio reports (transcripts) by Anna Losiak (Christian radio in Polish). Search engine. Online order capability. Highly recommended.
This site, provided by NeoSoft, allows users to download shareware copies or to buy the full-fledged versions of NeoSoft products, the following which are represented on line: NeoBook and NeoBook Professional are authoring systems to produce electronic publications; NeoDraw is a Windows-based drawing application; NeoPaint is a paint and image editing application; QuikMenu 4 Windows is a customizable desktop environment for Windows; QuikMenu III is a graphical desktop for DOS systems; QuikMenu Mailbox for Windows is a stand-alone internal e-mail utility which allows networked Windows users to exchange messages between themselves and with DOS users of QuikMenu III (above); eoSoft Viewer for Windows is the ultimate viewer/list/browse utility for Windows; Icon Editor is a Windows-based utility for creating icons and small images; NeoShow and NeoShow Pro are easy to use presentation authoring tools.A complete listing of products and ordering information is available on line at this site.
The Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church exists to commend the Christian Faith via its historical, Anglican Form -- i.e., the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Primary sections available at the PBS web include Online Publications and Key Links. Online Publications includes An Open Letter to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; What Kind of Christianity Does the Prayer Book Stand For; Why Keep the 1928 Book of Common Prayer; and, the following Cramner-Seabury Studies: Divorce and Remarriage; and, Fathrhood -- Divine and Human -- In Crisis. Key Links are connections to Cramner-Seabury Theological Seminary, the 1928 Book of CommonPrayer, and Churchill Systems.
The Prayer Chain commensed shortly after David Hollander and Aaron Sperry attended a City on the Hill conference. It's intended to be a ministry to those who need prayer. (And don't we all need prayer.) The site is nicely divided up into sections on Prayer Requests, Urgent Requests, Answered Prayer, and information about the project. There is a form page for writing requests. Information provided on line appears to be limited to request, and first name if so requested, in which case your personal prayer on behalf of another may be registered by intercessors Hollander and Sperry. It looks like a workable solution to foster good interaction. Check it out.
PRAYER DIGEST [new 8/96]
A Daily Intercessory Prayer List. Published and compiled by Dave Burton from direct requests ot the Prayer Digest, and from other prayer lists and web sites. An e-mail subscription is available, however, as a safeguard Mr. Burton requests on line registration. The web page displays a number of general categories for which people are requesting prayer. First names are used in many instances, presumably to honor privacy when requested. Mr. Burdon provides a number of connections to other prayer projects here on the internet. A text-based version of the Prayer Digest web page makes a handy sheet to take away from your machine for prayer time. Also, for visitors' convenience he provides an e-mail prayer submission form for visitors who may not wish to join the subscriber list. Two helpful and stylish comliments that make The Prayer Digest a noteworthy service include nicely integrated connections to Today's Gospel Reading, from The Daily Word for Reflection, and Internetspirations, provoking daily Bible commentary in calendar form, by Robert Clemmons. Recommended.
THE PRAYER LIST [new 7/96]
We are very happy to note that Don Martin is diligently working on reviving the Prayer List. The Prayer List is a daily calendar that focus on prayer for international needs. Don's site is still being constructed, but he has placed the following information on line: The Focus of the Prayer List, a FAQ About the Prayer List, Prayer Outlined, etc. Don is hoping to have another edition ready in August.
An international prayer group serving Christ and meeting needs of members, acquaintances and others. Weekly prayer lists, special prayer challenges, devotionals, prayer partners, more. To subscribe to the internet mailing list, check out the Mail-based services section in this guide. Recommended.
Precious in HIS Sight Internet Adoption Photolistin
g provides a photolisting of children available for international adoption, a collection of adoption information, and links other sites for adoptive parents. Adoptive families (Christians and non-Christians) are being sought for these particular children by various US adoption agencies. The Internet Adoption Photolisting is more than an information clearinghouse. It is a ministry to perspective caring parents. Read about Annette's visit to Ethopia, review general information about adoption.
FAQ for Adoptive Parents:
Taking Christians to the Continent. Formerly the Australian Inland Mission, and framed within the PresbyterianChurch of Australia, PIM's reason for existence remains, to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ throughout the inland and remote areas of Australia. Its goals have been to establish fully staffed hospitals in isolated towns, fast and efficient communication, fast transport for the injured and sick to hospital, and to meet the spiritual needs of isolated people. PIM has established regionaloffices in New South Wales, The Northern Territory, Queensland, and South and Western Australia. Visitors to the Presbyterian Inland Mission web site will find historical information about the mission, including Smith of Dunesk Mission, AIM's founding, its hospitals, radio communication project, PIM's Aerial Medical Service, On Track With the Padre, PIM's incorporation with Congregational and Methodist ministries, and information about PIM's current patrols and future plans. Provided is information about Presbyterian Country Ministries in Western Australia, and courses provided through the program. Current activity reports are provided, and PIM's On Track magazine is scheduled to be uploaded (both reported in the Newsletters/ journals section of this guide. There is a directory of regional PIM e-mail addresses provided.Internet links are provided, generally particular to Australia: the Presbyterian Church, other missions, apologetics, Royal Flying Doctors and SOTA are included.
Pastor Sherman Isbell. Provides information about the Presbyterian Reformed Church, as well as many articles on Reformed theology in the British Puritan tradition. The Presbyterian Reformed Church was organized in 1965 under the auspices of the late Professor John Murray of Westminster Theological Seminary. In the near future, current and past issues of The Presbyterian Reformed Magazine will be available online through this site. Pastor Isbell hopes to continue enlarging the site, with additional articles by past and contemporary writers on issues of perennial interest, however there exists a formidable archive at the time of our survey: History of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, by Sherman Isbell; The Constitution of the Presbyterian Reformed Church: Basis of Union, by John Murray; The Form of Government and Book of Discipline of the Presbyterian Church; A fixed or a Fluid Church, by John Macleod; Broad Churchism, by Robert L. Dabney; The Regulative Principle Applied to Church Government, by James Henry Thornwell; Orders in the Offices: A book review by Sherman Isbell; The Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines (The Original text of 1646, from the manuscript of Cornelius Burges, Assessor to the Westminster Assembly, with the Assembly's proof texts, as published in the modern critical edition of 1937, by S.W. Carruthers (believed to be the only complete edition available on the internet); Warrents to Believe, by David Dickson and James Durham; If Any Man Thirst, by James Webster; Young's Communicant's Catechism, by John Williamson; A Preface to Archibald Alexander: the Memoirs of Thomas Halyburton; Effectual Calling, by John Duncan; Forsaking Our Own Mercy, by John Duncan; God in Christ Reconciling the World, by Robert Murray M'Cheyne; Hyper-Evangelism: Another Gospel, Through a Mighty Power, by John Kennedy of Dingwall; A Word to the Anxious, by Kenneth MacRae; Arminianism in the Pilgrimage of the Soul, by John Murray; Conversion, by William Young; The Preached Covenant Series by Sherman Isbell (including Robert Rollock and His Background; Smuel Rutherford; and, The Westminster Standards, and Contemporary Antinomianism) The Savior, by John Kennedy, 1992, A book review by Sherman Isbell; Pictures in Christ, by John Murray; The Second Commandment, by William Young; Regulated Worship, by Sherman Isbell; Heavenly Sancturay, by Sherman Isbell; Singing of Psalms, by Sherman Isbell; Duties of Husband and Wife, by John Dod and Robert Cleaver; The Right of Private Judgment and Due Freedom of Inquiry, by Archibald Bruce; The Kirkiad: or, Golden Age of Church in Scotland, by Archibald Bruce; T
oleration and the Establishment of Religion, by Archibald Bruce; Israel's Theocracy, by Archibald Bruce; The Giving of Law, by John Brown; The Nature and Lawfulness of Union Between Church and State, by William Cunninham; An Introduction to Samuel Rutherford's The Due Right of Presbyteries (1644), by Sherman Isbell; A Course Reading in Reformed Systematic Theology, by Sherman Isbell; and, Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life, by Robert Murray M'Cheyne. Recommended.
Founded in 1864 when Prescott was made the territorial capital, the Prescott United Methodist Church has persevered through the mining days, fire and the Great Depression. The web site represents an orderly, quick loading set of pages that provide attractive graphics that do not encumber ones attempts to move around and find information. The church provides local information (about worship services, staff, it's location, local church news, a YouthNet project, Wednesday programs, and an interesting history. Also, since Prescott is a resort destination, the church receives a number of visitors every year. A welcome is extended to all visitors.) Recent Sermons available on line include: Anyone Can Honk; He Had to Go Through Samaria; The Almost Christian Revisited; The Best Techer I Ever Had; Not So Simple, Simon; Harmony and Melody; and, Is Your Faith Boring?. There is a section provided for Faith Stories, that includes an introduction, faith stories, and an invitation for visitors to share theirs. And, there is a Prayer Concerns section that is updated weekly if not more frequently. Networking visitors can share theirs as well. A Theology Primer is being developed,which will focus on widely held Christian beliefs (basic Christian beliefs), and also particular theological emphasis of United Methodism (Wesleyan Emphasis). The Prescott United Methodist Church's list of linksincludes sections on UM Resources, Bible and Church History Study, Sermons and Devotionals, etc.
Preview Family Movie and TV Review is published by Movie Morality Ministries (MMM), fouded by John H. Evans, a former petroleum industry executive. He is an active member and leader in an inter-denominational church in Dallas. John began publishing the Preview movie guide in late 1980 on a part-time basis and became it's full-time director in 1984. Introductory and historical notes about the ministry are provided on line. Readers can also find information about how to subscribe to the on line distribution service, which offers an e-mail edition, and a Dial-A-Review service. Subscription to the paper copy is also available. The site also offers sample reviews from the magazine and ratings and definitions information, plus a hotlist of selected links to remote internet information servers.
PFI is a global Christian movement of reconciliation and restoration for all those involved in and affected by crime, proclaiming redemptive power and transforming love of Jesus Christ for all people. PFI's purpose is to exhort and serve the Body of Christ in prisons and in the community in its ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims, and their families, and in its advancement of biblical standards of justice in the criminal justice system.
Prison Fellowship Ministries has sprouted the following ministries: Angel Tree focuses on evangelism and service to families of prisoners. The Iniative Against Crime works with churches, communities, victims, prisoners and ex-prisoners law enforcement agencies. Victims Assistance. A set of pages are currently being developed for Chuck Colson's popular Breakpoint radio transcripts, and PF's monthly newsletter, Jubilee, describing PF's relationship with those who have been influenced by PF programs. Justice fellowship is geared to "restorative justice", the Biblical principle that directs us to restore as well as to punish.
PROBE MINISTRIES [revised 7/96]
A body of Christian scholars which promotes a Christian world view by analyzing and challenging contemporary culture and presenting balanced, reasoned, biblically-based information. Probe exists to influence the culture for Christ and to equip and motivate Christians to do the same. Probe has two primary ministries: a 5-minute radio program called "Probe," and Probe's Mind Games Conference, a College Survival Course. Documents are divided into the following subjects: Most Recent Broadcasts (transcripts); Theology/ Apologetics; Culture; Current Issues; Cults and Other Religions
; World View Issues; Mind Games (College Survival Course); Science; Education; Quizzes; and, Other Christian World View and Apologetics Sites. Documents are easily read, and lucid.