The purpose of Proclaiming the Gospel is a methodic apologetics ministry to Roman Catholics by former Roman Catholic Mike Gendron. Included on site is a detailed history of the ministry's history and founder, and an introduction of the PTG's purpose, methods and organization. There is a substantial archive of PTG apologetic articles. A small sampling includes: Respond in Faith; Sharing the Gospel; Traditions; Justification Contradictions; Guidelines for Witnessing; and, Seeking Former Catholics. Proclaiming the Gospel also makes available its bimonthly newsletter, described in the Newsletters section of this guide.
Frames version:
PROJECT CAN-DO [revised 8/96]
Christ Among Nations - Disciple Outreach, "Equipping youth for mission-minded leadership, reaching the lost and caring for people, locally and globally." Project CAN-DO, a mission project of the Texas District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, is a vehicle to actively involve the youth of the church in Christ's Great Commission to "Go an make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19).
An effort coordinated by Reverend Bob Smith at Concordia Theological Seminary, the site includes the following major sections: Selected Works of Martin Luther, Selected Historic Works From Others (Andrae, Cheminitz, Gerhardt, Melancthon thus far); Hymnals; and, The Book of Concord. Included are major Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) documents and position papers, and a series of Sermon Notes from the Russian Gospels, a project resulting from Dr. Harold Bul's work with missions in St. Petersburg, Russia. Links are provided to additional LCMS network locations, and to related Project Wittenberg sites by anonymous FTP and Gopher. Winner of Point's Top 5% survey. See the Gopher related resources section in this guide for PW's primary Gopher site at Concordia Theological Seminary.
This very large compilation of prolife information remains the standard of all prolife sites. Compiled by Steve Freeza, the author of the most articulate newsletters addressing prolife issues, this extensive reference page of the ProLife News site includes sections for Hot Topics, Newsletters, Mailing Lists, Reference Books, Other Web Resources, Facts, Figures, Essays, Issues; Nationla, Regional and Student Organizations; and, Other Items of Interest. Highly Recommended.
The ProLife News:
The official Promise Keepers' web wite.
This is an unofficial site that provides general information, including conference schedules, "New Man" magazine, accountability groups, cross references, etc. There is an extensive listing of national PK sites. The PK Statement of Faith, PK Promises, and group resources are available.
A World of Information About Biblical Prophecy. Prophecy Central is a comprehensive research effort being assembled by Ron Graff. As the shock waves surrounding the tragedy with Heaven's Gate, Mr. Graff has provided information about Heaven's Gate and Higher Source currently available on the internet. Several works by Ron Graff are available on line, including: An Overview of Prophecy; The Registration (a full length novel); and Warnings and Cautions, and a Bibliography and Sources document. A section, Pieces of the Prophecy Puzzle provides Scripture, Current Events and Nots on a large selection of prophecy related concerns: The End and the New Beginning; Evil Empires; False Christs; Fulfilled Prophecy; Mark of the Beast; Modern Technology; Mystery Babylon; New and Old Testament Prophecy; New World Order; Olivet Discourse; Rapture; Rebirth of Israel; Revelation; Revived Roman Empire; Signs of the Times; Temple; Wars; and World War III. To extend the range of his research, Mr. Graff has added a detailed categorized list of Prophecy Web sites. The Prophecy Puzzle is an extensive hypertext Prophecy software package available at a modest price for Windows 3.1+ and Windows 95. Readers can subscribe to Prophecy Central's Update (described in the Mail-based services Section of this guide) or view the online archive. Recommended.
Warnings & Cautions Page:
Protestáns Missziói Tanulmányi Intézet. Established in 1995 in conjunction with the Reformed Church of Hungary, the Lutheran Church of Hungary and the Károli Gáspár Reformed University with certain clearly defined goals ... "To promote and advance the study of missiological questions in such a way that seeks to integrate biblical and theological depth with practical and spiritual warmth and which is aimed at both theologians (pastors) and laity; In close cooperation with the founding churches and institutions to provide and support education in missiology and training in missions, which relates to their history and to the context of post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe." - from the main page.
This unofficial site represents a substantial collection of contemporary and historical information related to the Reformed Church. The Introction provides history and government, beliefs and practices, institutions and publications, liturgy, church order, a declaration of principles and a directory of Protestant Reformed Churches. A Listing of Protestant Reformed Churches provides contact information, including e-mail addresses and web site links, and even area maps when possible. Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches includes general and related information on PRC involvement in missions, a list of Mission Fields, Sister Churches (outside of the USA), the SWAMI (Sindhis With a Mission International) program, and literature related to missions, including Covenant Reformed News. Provided are lists of Protestant Reformed Theological Schools, and Protestant Reformed Christian Schools. Find more information about the Reformed Witness Hour radio broadcast, including an archive of transcripts from the broadcasts. And, there is a publications catalog from Reformed Free Publishing Association. More sections include Recent Publications: an archive of articles for The Standard Bearer, and for the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal, and for The Reformed Witness Hour, as well as The Five Points of Calvinism, a book by Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, and Gise J. van Baren. The section on Literature includes original material and links to other sites and is organized with sections for confessions, canons and catechisms; creeds; liturgy, and Bible. Subsections include a large sermons archive, an articles archive and a pamphlet archive, a Daily Meditations archive. Provided also is a Books section including Whosoever Will, by Rev. Herman Hoeksema as well as the book mentioned earlier. There are Sample Lessons from Catechism Books on line, including: Bible Stories for Beginners, Old Testament and New Testament for Juniors, Old Testament and New Testament for Seniors, The Heidelberg Catechism for Juniors, and Essentials of Reformed Doctrine. Information is also provided relevant print and tape resources. They have also provided an internet links page.
PubliShare is located in The Netherlands. This site contains an overview on activities and projets of the OLB Ministries Europe and information on how to become involved. Provided is an overview, ordering information and distributors. The software archive includes version 6.31 for windows, including a multi-lingual version. Versons for MSDOS and Macintosh are scheduled to be uploaded as well. Languages include Dutch, English, French, and German.
A missionary church located in Glasgow, Scotland. Queen's Park Baptist Church offers sections from the Pastor, Jonah's Diary, Fellowship Groups, Worship, and Christian Links. We recommend that visitors also check out the Other Exiciting Things Section, especially the document on A Letter About Chinese Orphanages. Missionary organizations represented at Queen's Park include The Scripture Union, YWAM, Operation Mobelisation, and the Christian Literature Crusade.
This publishing house seeks to avoid denominational bias, and holds to the accepted faith of the historic Church as it is found in the Bible, and expressed in the Early Church creeds. For sale are a number of series: Foundation; Key; Scripture Insight; Contemporary Issues; Christian Life; and, Inheritance. More books are forthcoming. Sample passages and order information are also provided.
RAVENHILL [new 4/97]
"My desire is simply that these things which are made available may be sign posts pointing the way. Hopfeully there will be hearts quickened by the call of the sign post who will follow the road to its destination." - from the introduction. This site contains the works of Leonard Ravenhill that are currently available. Files that have thus far been provided include Sermon Messages, Maxims, Meditations, Portraits of Revival Preachers by evangelist Ravenhill (Billy Nicholson, Richard Baxter). Heart Breathings is being gradually added to the archive. Pentecost at Any Cost is also available as well as information on how to subscribe to the Leonard Ravenhill distribution list (see the Mail-based Services section of this guide.) Spanish language text is made available. Recommended.
Ravenhill Españ:
Primary mission is to promote Ravi Zacharias ministries, distinctive in its strong evangelistic and apologetic foundation. The goal of the ministry will be to reach thinkers and train emerging leaders in key cities of the world - all done to the glory of God.
The library is a project of the Peninsula Bible Church. Turning your web page to the library will put you in touch with a pastor who was well known for his systematic expositional approach to the whole Bible. A review of this wonderful archive sections on surveys on the entire Bible, studies on Bible books, topical expositions, gems of theology, doctrine, Christmas and Easter, worship, and themes in prophecy.
Digest View:
RE: CREATIONS [new 6/97]
Uncover the Drama of the World! If Anyone is in Christ ... They are a New Creation (II Cor. 5:17a). RE: CREATIONS is husband-and-wife drama ministry who are born-again believers, Charles and Rebecca Reese are called to proclaim the Gospel of God's love and grace through this creative medium. The team has travelled thoroughout the country sharing this glorious message in churches, on college campuses, and in conferences and retreats. Their upbeat, original presentations are based solidly on the Word of God and seek to challenge and instruct as well as entertain. The site includes introductory information about the ministry, its vision and goal, people, and tour information. Recommended.
A San Diego based Ministry dedicated to helping those who are ex-offenders. The Primary purpose of the web site is to offer resource information to chaplains and jail ministers. Their hope is that this information will assist in the discipleship of ex-offenders and give some practical help and references to churches and organizations that work directly with the needs of ex-offenders. Available is a directory of information including the following categories: Bible Study Aids & Correspondence; County Jails and Prison, Drug and Alcohol Counselling, Emergency Hospital, Food, Shelter; Juvenile Programs, and Residential Programs. There is also provided a directory of Re-Entry Service Programs affiliated with Re-Entry.
ChurchTec missionaries assigned to ICI University at Irving Texas, by the Assemblies of God, are gathering prayer support and providing a number of useful services to the internet community. Sections include Prayer Support, including an online prayer card and prayer guide for folks who are interested. Our Ministry includes information about ICI University and the Kovachs' assignment. The Kovachs have provided a list of selected links to remote sites, including Assembly of God, Berean, Royal Rangers, CHI Alpha, Assemblies of God Church, related Christian sites. The Technical Assistance section provides a sample collection of ChurchTec Reprints and Technical Articles.
A discipleship ministry, directed by Dr. Ron Rhodes, that exists to help readers grow strong in the Word of God and equip us to become knowledgeable in the application of biblical wisdom. Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries and offers a number of free publications, including a newsletter, information about a number of books by Dr. Rhodes, curriculum and seminar materials, a new radio show, a weekly syndicated column for newspapers and magazines, and a strong on line presence. Director Rhodes obtained his degress from Houston Baptist University and Dallas Theological Seminary. From 1988 to 1995 Dr. Rhodes was Associate Editor of the Christian Research Journal and Editor of the Christian Research Newsletter. He has written many books and articles relating to Christian apologetics and has been a frequent participant on CRI's Bible Answer Man. Information and advice available from this ministry is as reliable and thoughtful as any ministry one will find anywhere. At the web site readers can find a section on Available Resources detailing books by Ron Rhodes that may be ordered from the ministry and from local Christian bookstores. Another section, Downloadable Articles by Ron Rhodes, includes the following at the time of our survey: Millennial Madness; Confusion in Christian Music?; Recovering from the Recovery Movement; Strategies for Dialoguing with Atheists; The Debate Over Feminist Theology: Which View Is Biblical?; Black Theology, Black Power, and the Black Experience; Christian Revolution in Latin America: The Changing Face of Liberation Theology; The Christ of the New Age Movement; The Jesus of the New Age Movement; Esotericism and Biblical Interpretation; Enter The Dragon? Wrestling With The Martial Arts Phenomenon (Part One: The Historical-Philosophical Backdrop); Enter the Dragon? Wrestling with the Martial Arts Phenomenon (Part Two: A Christian Assessment); The Eye of Faith; Summary of Problems with Posttribulationism; The Doctrine of the Tribulation in Relation to the Rapture; Witnessing to Jews; Witnessing to Liberals; Close Encounters of the Celestial Kind: Evaluating Today's Angel Craze; The Inspiration of Scripture; Interpreting Scripture; Manuscript Evidence for the Bible; The Case for Unlimited Atonement; Is Universalism Biblical?; Is Purgatory Biblical?; Is Reincarnation Biblical?; Is Annihilationism Biblical?; Important Creeds of Christendom; and, A Biblical Perspective on Suicide. Another section, Other Resources on the Net, includes a list of connections to Christian Gateways, Apologetics sites, Theology sites, Cult and Cult Awarenes sites, Research sites, and sites offering miscellaneous information. More than any recommendation that we can give, this ministry recommends itself. For those visitors who want to know how one becomes a Christian, stop by and find out. The ministry offers concise, lucid information well worth the visit. Highly recommended.
Founded by Dr. Hugh Ross, this ministry is decicated to showing how the latest scientific discoveries point to God of the Bible, the Creator. Information includes a FAQ, topical papers, and the "Facts and Faith" newsletter. A catalog of publications is provided with ordering info.
A collection of on line recovery resources provided by Chet Samond. Included are online connections to AA and other 12-step organizations, and to Non 12-step organizations. There is also a special listing of links for Christian Recovery, which includes a sermon, helpful Scripture references, and connections to Christian recovery organizations. Chet also provides a listing of other useful resources around the networks.
Chetski's Place:
Inno-Active Event Resources. A non-profit ministry providing innovative and interactive recreational resources, events, training and consulting to churches, ministries and non-profit youth organizations around the country and beyond. Sections include: What We Do; The RecSource Catalog; RecFX School Information; Rental Informatiion, and contact information.
Dr. Paul Morris received his M.Div. at Grace Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at California Graduate School of Theology. He has served as senior pastor of three congregations and chief clinician at three mental health centers. He has conducted over 100 seminars throughout the United States and Canada and has written four books: Love Therapy, Shadow of Sodom, (Tyndale House Publishers), Get Ready to Soar, (Prison Fellowship), and The Rains of Grace (unpublished). He also contributed to an anthology of Christian psychotherapy edited by Dr. Gary Collins entitled, Helping Others Grow, also published by Tyndale. Along with his wife Bonnie, he hosted a Christian radio talk show, Linked with Love, in the Washington D.C. area for 4 years. His 22 years as a therapist and clinician along with his commitment to biblical scholarship has produced a mode of counseling which is not only psychologically and biblically sound but extroadinarily pragmatic. Online users find an explanation about what Redemptive Therapy entails, articles from the Journal of Redemptive Therapy (described in the Journals/ Newsletter section of this guide), and access to fee based services provided by Dr. Morris.