AN OPEN DOOR... REVELATION 3:8 [new 4/97]
The missions page of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (Unofficial). A general Information section provides a statement on The Faith and Practice of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America in (English and in Spanish languages); A Message from the Mission Committee; A History of Protestant Reformed Missions (in process); and a Daily Meditation. A section of Miscellaneous information includes an E-mail directory, a guest book, a form for questions that visitors may wish to express and a list of links to other sites of interest on th internet. A Mission Fields section provides information files and contact information for missions North American, British Isles, and Ghana, Africa. Another section includes information on Sister Churches: the Evangelical Reformed Churches of Singapore and the New Zealand Protestant Reformed Church. SWAMI (Sindhis With a Mission International) ministers to youth who have converted from Hinduism to Christianity. Information about the ministry includes background information, mission, belief, goals and conferences. Another Literature section provides the Reformed Freee Publishing Association's Catalog and a large catalog/ price list of PRC literature. The Literature section also includes on line versions of: Missions: or, "I Will BuildMy Church", by Reverend C. Hanko; and, Cross-Cultural Missions: Part 3, by Robert D. Decker. The final section focuses upon Covenant Reformed News, a short fortnightly newspaper published by the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church of Northern Ireland (mentioned in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide).
Protestant Reformed Churches in America Main Page:
We believe that all doors are open and that God enables His Body to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. We therefore define our ministry as follows: To strengthen the Body of Christ living under restriction or persecution, by providing and delivering Bibles, materials, training and other helps, and encouraging it to become involved in world evangelism; To train and encourage the Body of Christ in threatened or unstable areas, to prepare believers to face persecution and suffering, and to equip them to maintain a witness to the Gospel of Christ; To motivate, mobilise and educate the church in the free world to identify with and become more involved in assisting the Suffering Church, believing that "when one member suffers, all members suffer with it" (I Cor. 12:26 NKJV). Field Operations, a department of Open Doors International, is responsible for Open Doors projects in the Muslim world extending from Morocco in north-west Africa via the Middle East to Central Asia. -- Adapted from introductory statement and vision statement. Open Doors Field Operations has provided Detailed Country Information on Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Northern Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. There is information provided relating to Open Doors' News and Prayer Items monthly (detailed in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide). Information has been made available regarding Christin Prisoners in the Muslim World. A Directory of E-mail addresses for Open Doors offices around the world has been made available. Also there is an Archives Section that includes back issues of News and Prayer; Open Doors World Watch List, Maps (.gif image format), and a document series entitled Persecution of Christians in... (Egypt, Iran, Sudan, and Uzbekistan). Open Doors World Watch List, maintained by Wybo Nicolaia, is a survey resulting from questionnaires made by Open Doors. It provides the status of Christianity in countries ranging from the worst situation to total freedom of religion. Very highly recommended.
A friend in missions once reminded me that one of the reasons Christians face suffering is because Christians put themselves in that vulnerable position to reach out to others. People in missions frequently risk comfort, health, and life to open that opportunity for others to know Christ. If you have read God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew, then you know of the risks, and of God's protection. Open Doors has been instrumental in promoting faith, bringing prayer to God, and calling upon His compassionate response for the sake of the Great Commission. With God's blessing Open Doors has promoted the cause of the suffering Church in compelling ways. We are very pleased to note that Open Doors With Brother Andrew in Canada can now be found on the internet. Open Doors believes "... that all doors are open and that God enables His Body to go into all the world and preach the gospel." The mission of Open Doors is: To strengthen the body of Christ living under restriction or persecution, by providing and delivering Bibles, materials, training and other helps, and encouraging it to become involved in world evangelism; To train and encourage the body of Christ in threatened or unstable areas, to prepare believers to face persecution and suffering, to equip them to maintain a witness to the Gospel of Christ; and, To motivate, mobilize and educate the church in the free world to identify with and become more involved in assisting the Suffering Church, believing that 'when one member suffers, all members suffer with it' (1Cor. 12:26)" -- adapted from the Vison Statement. Information that Open Doors With Brother Andrew Canada have placed on line include the Vision Statement and a section entitled The Suffering Church, which will include a list of pertinent regions around the world. At the time of our survey a feature article written by Johan Companjen, Prayer and the Suffering Church, is available. Another document, provides Brother Andrew's views on over 40 years of Ministry, and a companion file provides a "time line" of important dates marked by Open Doors. Also provided is a calendar of scheduled events. Very highly recommended.
A globe-spanning missionary force headed by George Verwer. OMs role in the body of Christ is to motivate, develop and equip people for world evangelization, and to strengthen and help plant churches, especially among the unreached in the Middle East, South and Central Asia and Europe. OMs vision is Focusing on the unreached; Partnering with churches; Caring for OM members; Training & equipping world Christians; Mobilising the next generation; Globalising and strengthing OM's ministry. Information is provided about OM's standards, ministry and goals. The Information Resources section contains Webline: Stories From the OM World, including India, France and Hungary. Several periodicals are available on line, including: OM News Bytes, OM World News, Prayerline, and Relay -- Operation Mobilisation's Worldmagazine (described in the newsletters/ journals section of this guide.) OM provides useful ways to get involved, including campaigns and job openings. There is also a World Awareness Quiz to further edify interested visitors. A strongly motivated international missions organization.
...An American based Christian charitable relief and developmental organization established with a domestic and international vision and goal to support churches and other non-profit organizations such as the Salvation Army, Operation Blessing, AmeriCares, World Harvest etc. At international level, its mission is to send relief and developmental support to South Sudanese refugees who are displaced by war from their country of Sudan to neighboring countries of Uganda and Kenya and those who are internally displaced. [Their] vision and goal is grounded on four key areas of operation to help alleviate the suffering of the Christians and those who are facing Islamic genocide in the Sudan. [Their] vision and goal includes sending agricultural development, education, medical needs and spiritual growth. -- adapted from The Goal and Vission of Operation Nehemiah, William L. Ochan Ajjugo. Provided on site is a document entitled The Position of the Sudanese Chuch on the Curent Conflict in the Country, and the organization's latest newsletter (reported in the Newsletters/ Journals section of this guide).
Operation Rescue unashamedly takes up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ. ORN employs only biblical principles. The Bible is ORN's foundation; the Cross of Christ is ORN's strategy; the repentance of the Church of Jesus Christ is ORN's ultimate goal. As the Church changes its heart toward unborn children, God Himself will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and bring healing to our land. Included at this site are press releases, the ORN Newsletter archive, commentary on personalities and issues. There is a great chart listing quotes from the AMA in answer to the questions: "What is Abortion?", "Who Should Perform Abortions?", and What Shold be Done to Physician-Abortions?".
Information includes an annotated listing of World Wide Web resources covering both sides of the creation/ evolution controversy. Provided are links to general Christian resources, and links to Steve Schimmrich's pages on Dinosaurs and Vertebrate Peleontology, nad page on Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution. There is also an extensive number of connections to related World Wide Web collections. Highly Recommended.
Author Dick Fischer graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Science degree and was commissioned in the Air Force in 1961. He flew 164 combat missions in Viet Nam. After the service, he became a Christian. His first article on religion was published in The Washington Post in 1986. He received his master's degree in theology in 1992. He has published articles in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, and has reviewed articles for publication in Christian Scholar's Review. He is a member of American Scientific Affiliation, Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute, Evangelical Theological Society, and he is listed in Who's Who in Theology and Science. The Origins Solution tells the uncompromising truth, is thoroughly documented, and resolves the creation-evolution controversy in an uncomplicated, reader-friendly style. The book offers compelling evidence that even the early passages of Genesis appear to be historically accurate. Well worth reading... check it out!
Maintained by Efthimios Mavrogeorgiadis. Sections include Holy Scripture, Divine Liturgy, Orthodox Reading (incl. Texts by Orthodox Christians, Orthodox Church and Sacraments, I Believe, Manual Against Heretics, There is No Death, Procession of the Holy Spirit, etc.); Orthodox News, Icons, Information and Resources (incl. Mount Athos Greek Manuscripts Catalog, Orthodox subscriber list log files, FTP site info., and a pointer to MIT Orthodox Christian Fellowship WWW page).
A Christian online bookstore that specializes in books on Church history, and Orthodox Christianity. Major emphasis on this page is to provide information about Orthodox publications that can then be purchased at, however there are other nuggets in the form of links to Orthodox sites. The books selection provides bibliographic information and a short descriptive digest for each entry. At the time of our survey, a Links section includes resources for Christianity in Pakistan, and to Voithia, an independent Orthodox news archive of the Orthodox Christian Assistance Foundation.
A substantial Greek Orthodox site. Information includes Orthodox news and events, charitable organizations, the Resources for Orthodox Christians section, including a telephone Actionline, Orthodox and general Christian internet locations, and the Holy Cross Bookstore. OM Access hosts the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), the National Orthodox Christian Fellowship, and the forthcoming Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC). Review Michael Oleska's "Evangelism and Culture" at the Mission Center.
OTHER GOSPELS [new 3/96]
The compiler brings together a number of internet files associated with concerns regarding religions and aberrant teaching, classified by group. Another section includes tools for Christians: Apologetics, Bible Tools, Devotionals, Theologians, a Guide to Christian Martyrs (Polycarp, Wycliffe, Milne), Early Church Writings, Christian Concerns, and Ecumenism.
The network home of The Other Side newspaper column, by Mark Howerter. "a still small voice but getting bigger originating from the wilderness of the cornfields near Monmouth,IL (Boondocks, USA)" The Other Side is a newspaper column too conservative for the media... so it had to go to the net to get the word out. Articles are divided under the following criteria: Political Articles, Articles on Religion, Heartstring Pullers; Articles Just For Fun, and, Miscellaneous. Titles include: If Jesus Were Born in the Politically Correct 1990's; How Do you hid a 900 lb. Gorilla? Congress Knows!; Dumb and Dumber, Goals 200 & OBE; Can't Isn't in Some People's Dictionary; The Ant and the Grasshopper, and many others.
Outline Bible Resources provides on line information for The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bibles. Over 400,000 Outline Bible volumes/ books are now in print, being used in 186 countries. The purpose of the studies are to equip God's servants for expository study, preaching, and teaching. Materials would be of interest to your church bookstore, resource center, or library, and for church leader training. The site offers downloadable samples in PC Word and Adobe Acrobat Format.
OUTREACH CANADA [revised 2/97]
Affiliated with OC International, Outreach Canada provides resources for churches and church leaders and information on: Ministry Assessments, Community Profiles and Demographics, Church Planting Assistance, Mapping of Cities and Regions, Intercultural Ministries, Lifestyle Evangelism Resources, and Corporate Strategy and Planning Materials. Also available from Outreach Canada is a ChurchInfo Center, providing church management software.
Outreach Missions purposes to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by every means available. They are presently ministering through radio, distribution of Bibles, assisting Filipino native pastors and American missionaries with monthly financial assistance. Outreach Ministries helps support American missionaries in Belgium, Latavia, South America and Indonesia. They help support Home Missions in the USA. Provided on line are information about the Childrens' Assistance Program, Sponsorship Agreement, and Newsletter. Frames and graphics dependent.
Renewal for World Mission. "Several generations of North American missionaries know the Overseas Ministries Study Center for its warm 'home away from home' accommodations and its program of continuing education for cross-cultural ministries. From 1922, when OMSC was founded by the family of gospel hymn writer William Howard Doane, OMSC has welcomed Christian workers from many nations into residence for personal renewal, updating of ministry insights and skills, and Christian fellowship that crosses national, ethnic and denominational boundaries." -- Renewal for World Mission. The web site includes information about OMSC Study Programs, Residential Opportunities, Doan Missionary Scholarships and Research Grant Opportunities, as well as introductory information for OMSC Senior Mission Scholars. OMSC publishes the International Bulletin of Missionary Research for which a list of articles for the current edition is listed, as well as article planned for the next edition, and subscription information.
The Pacific Emergency Management Center is a network of emergency professionals, educators, trainers, local, state and federal government officials, business executives, nonprofit leaders and neighborhood activists believes that the more we help each other, the safer we are going to be the next time around. This site provides well organized listings of emergency response networks to natural disaster.
E-mail Directory:
The series of interviews by Speed the Need recalls and updates the history of a fateful move of Christian men and women known as missionaries to freely give the Word of God to the Aucas in Equador. It is a testimony of humble men and women who carry the fellowship of Christ's love first and foremost in their hearts, as expressed by their deeds, made possible by His grace. Becoming a part of His will in their lives they became a part of God's promise, that His Word does not return to Him incomplete -- neither in the lives of these men and women or in the lives of whom they are called to inform. Five missionaries died for their beliefs in Christ on a "Palm Beach" in Equador in January 1956. Many of the Aucas (now Waorani) have become Christian people who will continue to see God's Word return to Him completed only because Christian men and women shared the burden of Christ's love as a part of the Great Commission. Documentation on site includes information from interviews with STN and men and women who were directly involved in the Waroni story. Sections include: Vital Background Reading - Preface; The Hobey Lowrance Interview - The Gift Drop Goes On; The Chuck Howard Interview - "Palm Beach" Impacts a Young Boy; The Bob Griffin Interview - Flying in the Same Faith Space; The Judy Maxwell Interview - Gikita Touches a Heart; The Steve Saint Account - About Gikita; An Eyewitness Account - The Waorani New Testament Dedication Service; Book/ video list - Palm Beach Resources; and, Acknowledgements. Highly recommended.
Speed the Need:
Amongst other software products, Parsons Technology has extensive development time into Christian software. Perspective Parsons Tech customers who visit this site learn about QuickVerse Products and Add-ons. the QuickVerse Library, and QuickVerse Compatibles. Also provided are sections on Hot News, New Products, Beginner Basics, Practical Techniques, and Behind the Scenes. Products that are available include QuickVerse v.4.0, the International Children's Bible, a Membership Plus Demo, the Rainbow Study Bible, and many other Christian products developed by Parsons Technology. Keeping in Step is a newsletter published by the Bible Software Industry Standards Group. The Church Software Division of Parson Tech is managed by Craig Rairdin. His home page (noted below) is described elsewhere in this guide. Available are specific issues surrounding Parsons Technologies Church Software Division, and socially active perspectives.
Craig's World:
Church Software Division:
The Pastor's Helper, developed by Barry L. Davis, contains full-text sermons, links to other preaching and sermon helps sites, and other links of interest to Christians. Articles of use to the pastor will soon be added. At the time of our survey available sermon series include: 1 Thessalonians, Colossians, and Purpose Statements of Jesus. Also provided are Miscellaneous Sermons applied from Old and New Testaments, and Topical Sermons. The Pastor's Helper has a broad range of references in its Preaching Links section, ranging from classical preaching to secular reference works (Bartlett's, Roget, etc.), Bible Study Links, Apologetics Links, and Christian Software. Also included is a list of links to non-Christian sites.
"Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind." PathFinders Education Foundation is a Christian ministry serving churches and Christian organizations in the two-thirds world. This ministry provides education resources to these ministries, enabling them to effectivly carry out their mission. Ministry objectives are to rovide educational resources (in the form of materials, curriculum and program funding) which equip the Church to fulfill its mission; To respond to the unique ministy needs of local churches in the two-thirds world by linking them with ministry specialists who can provide expertise training in answer to those needs; and, Implement Bible and ministry training programs designed to equip Christians for ministry leadership and spiritual maturity. - adapted from the introductory information. PathFinders Education Foundation Mission Statement and Objectives are presented in the About section at the web site. The Ministry section details the missions involvement in: Training and Development of Church Ministries; Training and Development for Programs Reaching Children at High Risk; Faculty Recruitment and Bible and Seminary Programs for Brazil and Eastern Europe; Bible and Ministry training Program serving the Church in twelve countries; and, Health and Community Education projects. PathFinders Education Foundation is involved in Cina, India, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, the UK, and Australia. Review the Countries of Involvement section for outlines detailing commitments in these countries. For visitors who would like to become more involved, custom fit the skills God has given you to be more influential in The Great Commission, a form page is provided, and consultation freely given. Highly recommended.
Patricia's NT Greek Vocabulary Review© Version 1.6 is a HyperCard stack that is designed to help individuals learn or review biblical Greek vocabulary words. It automatically keeps track of the words you get wrong, and records them for you to practice on. It contains 1167 of the most frequently used words in the New Testament. Software developer Lawrence Veinott has attempted to include every word that occurs 9 or more times in the NT. It is much more than a flash card stack as it automatically records your mistakes, saves those words, and gives you the option of being tested on the ones you have missed. Patricia's Greek has been reviewed in "The Mac Shareware 500", (Prevost and Terrell, Ventana Press) which highlights some the best Macintosh shareware available. The program is well worth the modest shareware price being asked. Highly recommended.