The assigned readings refer to the course textbook:
Oppenheim, Alan V., and A. S. Willsky. Signals and Systems. Prentice Hall, 1982. ISBN: 9780138097318.
1 | Chapter 1, p. 1 Section 2.0, Introduction, p. 7 Section 2.1, Signals, pp. 7-12 |
2 | Section 2.2, Transformations of the independent variable, pp. 12-6 Section 2.3.1, Continuous-time complex exponential and sinusoidal signals, pp. 17-22 Section 2.4.2, Discrete-time complex exponential and sinusoidal signals, pp. 27-31 Section 2.4.3, Periodicity properties of discrete-time complex exponentials, pp. 31-5 |
3 | Section 2.4.1, The discrete-time unit step and unit impulse sequences, pp. 26-7 Section 2.3.2, The continuous-time unit step and unit impulse functions, pp. 22-5 Section 2.5, Systems, pp. 35-9 Section 2.6, Properties of systems, pp. 39-45 |
4 | Section 3.0, Introduction, pp. 69-70 Section 3.1, The representation of signals in terms of impulses, pp. 70-5 Section 3.2, Discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: the convolution sum, pp. 75-84 Section 3.3, Continuous-time LTI systems: the convolution integral, pp. 88-90 |
5 | Section 3.2, Discrete-time LTI systems: the convolution sum, pp. 84-7 Section 3.3, Continuous-time LTI systems: the convolution integral, pp. 90-5 Section 3.4, Properties of linear time-invariant systems, pp. 95-101 Section 3.7, Singularity functions, pp. 120-4 |
6 | Section 3.5, Systems described by differential and difference equations, pp. 101-11 Section 3.6, Block-diagram representations of LTI systems described by differential and difference equations, pp. 111-9 |
7 | Section 4.0, Introduction, pp. 161-6 Section 4.1, The response of continuous-time LTI systems to complex exponentials, pp. 166-8 Section 4.2, Representation of periodic signals: the continuous-time Fourier series, pp. 168-79 Section 4.3, Approximation of periodic signals using Fourier series and the convergence of Fourier series, pp. 179-85 |
8 | Section 4.4, Representation of aperiodic signals: the continuous-time Fourier transform, pp. 186-95 Section 4.5, Periodic signals and the continuous-time Fourier transform, pp. 196-202 |
9 | Section 4.6, Properties of the continuous-time Fourier transform, pp. 202-12 Section 4.7, The convolution property, pp. 212-9 Section 6.0, Introduction, pp. 397-401 Section 4.8, The modulation property, pp. 219-22 Section 4.9, Tables of Fourier properties and of basic Fourier transform and Fourier series pairs, pp. 223-5 Section 4.10, The polar representation of continuous-time Fourier transforms, pp. 226-32 Section 4.11.1, Calculation of frequency and impulse responses for LTI systems characterized by differential equations, pp. 232-5 |
10 | Section 5.0, Introduction, pp. 291-3 Section 5.1, The response of discrete-time LTI systems to complex exponentials, pp. 293-4 Section 5.2, Representation of periodic signals: the discrete-time Fourier series, pp. 294-306 Section 5.3, Representation of aperiodic signals: the discrete-time Fourier transform, pp. 306-14 Section 5.4, Periodic signals and the discrete-time Fourier transform, pp. 314-21 |
11 | Section 5.5, Properties of the discrete-time Fourier transform, pp. 321-7 Section 5.6, The convolution property, pp. 327-33 Section 5.7, The modulation property, pp. 333-5 Section 5.8, Tables of Fourier properties and of basic Fourier transform and Fourier series pairs, pp. 335-6 Section 5.9, Duality, pp. 336-43 Section 5.10, The polar representation of discrete-time Fourier transforms, pp. 343-5 Section 5.11.1, Calculations of frequency and impulse responses for LTI systems characterized by difference equations, pp. 345-7 |
12 | Section 6.1, Ideal frequency-selective filters, pp. 401-6 Section 6.2, Nonideal frequency-selective filters, pp. 406-8 Section 6.3, Examples of continuous-time frequency-selective filters described by differential equations, pp. 408-13 Section 6.4, Examples of discrete-time frequency-selective filters described by difference equations, pp. 413-22 |
13 | Section 7.0, Introduction, pp. 447-8 Section 7.1, Continuous-time sinusoidal amplitude modulation, pp. 449-59 Section 7.2, Some applications of sinusoidal amplitude modulation, pp. 459-64 Section 7.3, Single-sideband amplitude modulation, pp. 464-8 |
14 | ReviewSection 4.6.5, Time and frequency scaling, pp. 207-8 Section 7.1, Continuous-time sinusoidal amplitude modulation, pp. 449-59 Section 7.2.2, Sinusoidal amplitude modulation for communications: frequency-division multiplexing, pp. 461-4 Section 7.6, Continuous-time frequency modulation, pp. 479-87 |
15 | Section 7.5, Discrete-time amplitude modulation, pp. 473-9 Section 7.4, Pulse amplitude modulation and time-division multiplexing, pp. 469-73 |
16 | Section 8.0, Introduction, pp. 513-4 Section 8.1, Representation of a continuous-time signal by its samples: the sampling theorem, pp. 514-9 Section 8.3, The effect of undersampling: aliasing, pp. 527-31 |
17 | Section 8.1.2, Sampling with a zero-order hold, pp. 519-21 Section 8.2, Reconstruction of a signal from its samples using interpolation, pp. 521-6 Section 8.4, Discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals, pp. 531-7 |
18 | Section 8.4, Discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals, pp. 531-9 |
19 | Section 8.6, Sampling of discrete-time signals, pp. 543-8 Section 8.7, Discrete-time decimation and interpolation, pp. 548-53 Section 8.5, Sampling in the frequency domain, pp. 540-3 |
20 | Section 9.0, Introduction, p. 573 Section 9.1, The Laplace transform, pp. 573-9 Section 9.2, The region of convergence for Laplace transforms, pp. 579-87 Section 9.3, The inverse Laplace transform, pp. 587-90 |
21 | Section 9.5, Properties of the Laplace transform, pp. 596-603 Section 9.7, Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using the Laplace transform, pp. 604-11 Section 4.12, First-order and second-order systems, pp. 240-50 Section 9.4, Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from the pole-zero plot, pp. 590-5 |
22 | Section 10.0, Introduction, p. 629 Section 10.1, The z-transform, pp. 630-5 Section 10.2, The region of convergence for the z-transform, pp. 635-43 Section 10.3, The inverse z-transform, pp. 643-6 |
23 | Section 10.5, Properties of the z-transform, pp. 649-54 Section 10.7, Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using z-transforms, pp. 655-8 Section 10.4, Geometric evaluation of the Fourier transform from the pole-zero plot, pp. 646-8 Section 10.8, Transformations between continuous-time and discrete-time systems, pp. 658-65 |
24 | Section 6.5, The class of Butterworth frequency-selective filters, pp. 422-8 Section 9.7.3, Butterworth filters, pp. 611-4 Section 10.8.3, The bilinear transformation, pp. 665-7 |
25 | Section 11.0, Introduction, pp. 685-8 Section 11.1, Linear feedback systems, pp. 689-90 Section 11.2, Some applications and consequences of feedback, pp. 690-700 |
26 | Section 11.3, Root-locus analysis of linear feedback systems, pp. 700-4 |