Each section and recording in Part I is available as an individual file, as well as a single download. Additional audio and other supplemental files are available with purchase of this textbook.
Complete Part I text and audio (ZIP)
Background 1. China | Chapter (PDF) |
Sounds and symbols: An overview of pinyin 1. The syllable | Chapter (PDF) 0.2.3 The low-tone (MP3) 0.3.1 The consonant chart (MP3) |
Unit 1 1.1 Conventions | Chapter (PDF) 1.10.1 Tone combos (the first 6) (MP3) Exercise 3c (MP3) Exercise 3d,e (MP3) |
Characters 1 1.1 General features of Chinese texts | Lesson (PDF) Stroke Order (PDF) |
Unit 2 2.1 Pronunciation | Chapter (PDF) 2.4 Nouns and modification (MP3) 2.7.1 Some Chinese place names (MP3) 2.9 At the airport (MP3) 2.11.3 Tone combos (the next 6) (MP3) |
Characters 2 2.0 Review | Lesson (PDF) Stroke Order (PDF) |
Unit 3 3.1 Pronunciation: Initials of rows 3 and 4 | Chapter (PDF) 3.4.1 Dialogues (MP3) 3.7.1 Dialogue (MP3) 3.12 Courses and classes (MP3) 3.13.1 Tone combos (the last 3) (MP3) |
Characters 3 3.0 Review | Lesson (PDF) Stroke Order (PDF) |
Unit 4 4.1 Tone contrasts | Chapter (PDF) 4.2.1 Places (MP3) 4.10 On the bus to Miányáng (MP3) 4.11.1 Two short narratives (MP3)