Healthcare Finance (15.482x)

Blue and white tablets spilling out of a prescription bottle on top of a pile of crisp twenty dollar bills.

Factors that drive the cost and development of pharmaceutical drugs and medical treatments are explored in this class. (Image by License: CC BY.)


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Course Description

Healthcare Finance (15.482x) provides students with the background, resources, and framework to influence the healthcare industry. Topics include applying financial techniques such as portfolio theory, securitization, and option pricing to biomedical contexts to develop more efficient funding structures to reduce financial risks, lower the cost of capital, and bring more life-saving therapies to patients faster.

As part of the Open Learning Library, this course is free to use. You have the option to sign up and enroll if you want to track your progress, or you can view and use all the materials without enrolling.

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Andrew Lo. RES.15-005 Healthcare Finance (15.482x). Spring 2019. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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