Day 1 | |||
Lec #1: What is evaluation? Lec #2: Outcomes, indicators, and measuring impact | Case 1: Women as policy makers. Group discussion | Ses #1: Choose topics for presentation, theory of change | |
Day 2 | |||
Lec #3: Impact evaluation—why randomize? Lec #4: How to randomize Rachel Glennerster, J-PAL | Case 2: Learn to read evaluations. Group discussion Case 3: Extra teacher program. Group discussion | Ses #2: Theory of change Ses #3: Evaluation design | Exercise 1: Random sampling and law of large numbers |
Day 3 | |||
Lec #5: Sampling and sample size Lec #6: Analysis and inference Shawn Cole, Harvard University | Case 4: Deworming in Kenya. Group discussion | Ses #4: Evaluation design, power calculations | Exercise 2: Sample size estimation |
Day 4 | |||
Lec #7: Randomized evaluation: start to finish Lec #8: Cost effectiveness and scaling up | Ses #5: Power calculations Ses #6: Potential challenges | Exercise 3: Mechanics of randomization | |
Day 5 | |||
Course wrap up Rachel Glennerster, J-PAL | Ses #7: Finalize presentations Final group presentations |