Readings for Classes 1 & 2
APTA report on COVID Best Practices (PDF - 4.9 MB)
Basu, Garaub (2020). "A Clean Transportation System Is the Prescription My Patients Need." The Boston Globe (op-ed), May 25, 2020.
Caiazzo, Fabio, Akshay Ashok, Ian A. Waitz, et al. (2013.) "Air Pollution and Early Deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the Impact of Major Sectors in 2005." Atmospheric Environment 79, pp. 198–208.
"APTA, Transit Industry Unveils Nationwide 'Health and Safety Commitments' Program." Metro, September 10, 2020.
UITP policy brief, October 2020 (PDF - 2.7 MB)
Travaglio, Marco, Yizhou Yu, Rebeka Popovic, et al. (2021). "Links Between Air Pollution and COVID-19 in England." Environmental Pollution 268(A):115859.
Wu, X., R. C. Nethery, M. B. Sabath, et al. (2020). "Air Pollution and COVID-19 Mortality in the United States: Strengths and Limitations of an Ecological Regression Analysis." Science Advances 6(45), p.eabd4049.
Chelsea Transportation Collaborative and Staci Rubin (2020). "Chelsea and East Boston Deserve True Transit Equity." CommonWealth, May 28, 2020.
Sadik-Khan, Janette, and Seth Solomonow (2020). "Public Transit Has to Come Back." The Atlantic, December 21, 2020.
Roberts, Siobhan (2020). "The Pandemic Is a Prisoner's Dilemma Game." The New York Times, December 20, 2020.
Thompson, Derek (2020). "We're Never Going Back to the 1950s." The Atlantic, December 16, 2020.
——— (2020). "What Will Happen to Cities in 2021." The Atlantic, December 9, 2020.
Kayyem, Juliette (2020). "Never Go Back to the Office." The Atlantic, May 19, 2020.
Aloisi, James (2021). "We Cannot Be Passive Actors in COVID Recovery." CommonWealth, January 3, 2021.
Small, Andrew (2019). "The Problem with Switching to Electric Cars." Bloomberg CityLab, September 23, 2019.
Schwartz, Hart (2018). "America's Aging Vehicles Delay Rate of Fleet Turnover." The Fuse, January 23, 2018.
Readings for Classes 3 & 4
Kanik, Alexandra (2020). "The Decisions Cities Made about Coronavirus Had a Big Impact on Bike-Share Ridership." CityMonitor, July 21, 2020.
MBTA Report from the General Manager (PDF)
Johanson, Mark (2020). "Why Our Reliance on Cars Could Start Booming." BBC Worklife, December 2, 2020.
Sadik-Khan, Janette, and Seth Solomonow (2020). "Fear of Public Transit Got Ahead of the Evidence." The Atlantic, June 14, 2020.
"Tailoring Transit Service for Essential Workers Is a Matter of Racial Justice." TransitCenter, April 16, 2020.
Kessler, Eve (2020.) "Riders Haven’t Abandoned Transit During COVID—They’re Taking Fewer Trips." Streetsblog USA, October 15, 2020.
Mishael, Rachel, and Bryan Lufkin (2020). "How Our Views on Work Have Changed Forever." BBC Worklife, December 16, 2020.
Ryan, Greg (2020). "Is Remote Work Leading Mass. Firms to Consider Moving Jobs Out-of-State?" Boston Business Journal, December 22, 2020.
Buzatu, Sorina, and Loredana Pianta (2020). "How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Changing Urban Mobility." Stardust, September 17, 2020.
Marchant, Natalie (2020). "Paris Halves Street Parking and Asks Residents What They Want to Do with the Space." World Economic Forum, December 7, 2020.
Hsu, Jeremy (2020). "Population Density Does Not Doom Cities to Pandemic Dangers." Scientific American, September 16, 2020.
Maffei, Lucia (2021). "Boston Staffing Firm Aquent Makes the Leap, Ditching Over 30 Offices." Boston Business Journal, December 16, 2020.
Banerjee, Debolina, and Katrina Peterson (2021). "Pollution Profiteering Masking as Climate Policy: Why We Oppose SB 5126 and All Forms of Cap-and-Trade." Puget Sound Sage, January 15, 2021.
MilNeil, Christian (2021). "Baker’s Climate Plans Presume a Future with Lots of Driving." Streetsblog MASS, January 18, 2021.
Readings for Class 5
Florida, Richard, Andres Rodriguez-Pose, and Michael Storper (2020). "Cities in a Post-COVID World." Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography #20.41, Utrecht University, revised September 2020.
Wilson, Kea (2020). "How Same-Day Shipping Is Clogging U.S. Roads." Streetsblog USA, December 7, 2020.
Thompson, Derek (2020). "Get Ready for the Great Urban Comeback." The Atlantic, October 2020.
Porter, Eduardo (2020). "Coronavirus Threatens the Luster of Superstar Cities." The New York Times, July 21, 2020.
Rudick, Roger (2020). "Transit Safety Protocols in the Time of COVID." Streetsblog SF, August 19, 2020.
Shamshiripour, Ali, Ehsan Rahimi, Ramin Shabanpour, and Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian (2020). "How Is COVID-19 Reshaping Activity-Travel Behavior? Evidence from a Comprehensive Survey in Chicago." Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7, 100216.
Zhang, Junyi (2020). "Transport Policymaking That Accounts for COVID-19 and Future Public Health Threats: A PASS Approach." Transport Policy 99, December 2020, 405–418.
Block, India (2020). "London, New York, Paris and Milan Give Streets to Cyclists and Pedestrians." DeZeen, May 7, 2020.
Kindler, Molly, and Laura Stateler (2020). "Amazon and Walmart Have Raked in Billions in Additional Profits during the Pandemic, and Shared Almost None of It with Their Workers." The Avenue (Brookings blog), December 22, 2020.
Manjoo, Farhad (2020). "Why Should We Ever Return to Living and Working So Close Together?" The New York Times, December 22, 2020.
Day, Matt (2020). "Amazon Lures Food-Stamp Shoppers as Online Buying Surges 50-Fold." Bloomberg, November 11, 2020.
MilNeil, Christian (2020). "Everett Celebrates New Bus Lanes, Mobility Hubs Along Broadway." Streetsblog MASS, October 27, 2020.
Rainwater, Brooks (2021). "The Future of Cities Is Walkable, Healthy, Resilient Places." Fast Company, January 4, 2021.
Aloisi, Jim (2021). "We Can’t Follow on Transportation; We Must Lead." CommonWealth, January 25, 2021.
Wei, Wei, Sankaran Ramakrishnan, Zachary A. Needell, and Jessika E. Trancik (2021). "Personal Vehicle Electrification and Charging Solutions for High-Energy Days." Nature Energy 6, 105–114.