Malaysia Sustainable Cities Practicum

A photo of a grand building topped with gold in the background with a cluster of small shabby houses in the foreground.

The grand Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building overlooks a shantytown in Kuching, East Malaysia. (Image by Kenny K Photography on flickr. License: CC BY.)


MIT Course Number

11.384 / 11.385 / 11.386

As Taught In

Spring 2018



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Course Description

Course Features

Educator Features

Course Description

The Malaysia Sustainable Cities Practicum is an intensive field-based course that brings 15 graduate students to Malaysia to learn about and analyze sustainable city development in five cities in Malaysia. The students in the Practicum will help determine the extent to which these efforts have been successful. They will identify specific projects or policy-making efforts that the following year's cohort of International Visiting Scholars can examine more closely. 

Lead Faculty

Professor Larry Susskind

Teaching Assistants

Jessica Gordon
Yasmin Zaerpoor

Administrative Staff

Takeo Kuwabara
Selmah Goldberg


Other Versions

Related Content

Lawrence Susskind. 11.384 Malaysia Sustainable Cities Practicum. Spring 2018. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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