Part I: Introduction, Theories, and Histories of Environmental Justice |
1. Several Founding Documents of Environmental Justice | - Bullard, “Environmentalism and Social Justice,” pp. 1–20
- Moore and Gauna, letter to Jay D. Hair
- Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, “The Principles of Environmental Justice”
- Bassey et al., letter to George W. Bush
- Bullard et al.,“Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty: 1987–2007,” pp. x–14
2. Histories of the Environmental Justice Movement | - Cole and Foster, “A History of the Environmental Justice Movement,” pp. 19–33
- Pellow, Garbage Wars, pp. 1–99, 161–169
- Pulido, Environmentalism and Economic Justice, pp. 1–56, 191
- Suagee, “Turtle’s War Party”
Other Resources - Taylor, “American Environmentalism”
- Sze and London, “Environmental Justice at the Crossroads”
3. Theories of Environmental Justice | - LaDuke, All Our Relations, pp. 1–6
- Coates, Between the World and Me, pp. 149–152
- Kuehn, “A Taxonomy of Environmental Justice”
- Been, “What’s Fairness Got to Do with It?” pp. 1001–1009 (Introduction) and 1027–1068 (Part III)
- Harvey, Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference, Chapter 8: pp. 176–204
Other Resources - Auyero and Swistun, Flammable, pp. 1–20, 140–160
- Lazarus, “Pursuing ‘Environmental Justice’”
- Pellow, “Environmental Inequality Formation”
4. Causation | - Summers, “‘Dirty’ Industries”
- Rabin, “Expulsive Zoning,” pp. 101–121
- Mohai and Saha, “Which Came First, People or Pollution?”
- Pulido, “A Critical Review of the Methodology of Environmental Racism Research”
Other Resources - Been and Gupta, “Coming to the Nuisance or Going to the Barrios?” pp. 3–32
Environmental Impact Assessment - National Environmental Policy Act
- Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
- Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Justice Guidance, pp. 7–16
- In the Matter of Louisiana Energy Services, L.P., Parts I.A and III.
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe et al. v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, pp. 21–23, 47–54
Site Cleanup and Enforcement - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, § 9607
- Freeland, “Environmental Justice and the Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001”
Part II. Advancing Environmental Justice: Risk, Regulation, Knowledge Creation, Land Use, Litigation, and Mobilization |
5. Policymaking: Risk Assessment, Cost-Benefit Analysis | - Walker, “Everything Is a Human Being,” pp. 139–152
- Pulido, “Flint, Environmental Racism, and Racial Capitalism”
Risk and Assessment - Carnegie Commission, “Risk and the Environment,” pp. 76–78
- Kuehn, “The Environmental Justice Implications of Quantitative Risk Assessment,” parts II (pp. 107–116) and III (116–129)
Cost-Benefit Analysis - Sunstein and Hahn, “A New Executive Order for Improving Federal Regulation?” pp. 1489–1516
- Ackerman and Heinzerling, “Pricing the Priceless,” pp. 1553–1578
Other resources - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, “Ensuring Risk Reduction in Communities with Multiple Stressors”
- Tickner et al., “The Precautionary Principle in Action”
- Livermore and Revesz, “Rethinking Health-Based Environmental Standards,” pp. 1185–1190 (Introduction) and 1200–1227 (Part II)
- American Lung Association v. Environmental Protection Agency
- Whitman v. American Trucking Associations, Inc.
- Michigan et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency, pp. 1–17
6. Forms of Regulation: Standard-Setting, Markets, Disclosure | Standard-Setting - Lazarus and Tai, “Integrating Environmental Justice into EPA Permitting Authority,” pp. 617–649
Market-Based Regulation - Johnson, “Economics v. Equity,” pp. 111–124, 143–149
Disclosure - Karkkainen, “Information as Environmental Regulation,” pp. 259–294
Other Resources - Driesen, “The Ends and Means of Pollution Control,” pp. 64–96
- Overdevest and Mayer, “Harnessing the Power of Information Through Community Monitoring,” pp. 1495–1506 (Part II)
- Memorandum from Gary S. Guzy
- U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Environmental Justice”
- Karkkainen, “Bottlenecks and Baselines”
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of General Counsel, “Plan EJ 2014”
- Environmental Justice Leadership Forum, Comment Letter on Clean Power Plan
7. Scales of Action: Federal, State, and Local Policies to Advance Environmental Justice | Federal Responses - Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, Exec. Order No. 12,898
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “EJ 2020 Action Agenda” [skim]
State Actions and Cooperative Federalism - Foster, “Environmental Justice in an Era of Devolved Collaboration,” pp. 472–494
Tribal Environmental Regulation - Ranco, “Models of Tribal Environmental Regulation”
Community-Based Strategies - Loh and Sugerman-Brozan, “Environmental Justice Organizing for Environmental Health”
Other Resources - Targ, “The States’ Comprehensive Approach to Environmental Justice,” pp. 171–184
- City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Racial Equity, “Resilient Boston: An Equitable and Connected City”
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, “Environmental Justice Policy”
- Rechtschaffen, “Competing Visions: EPA and the States Battle for the Future of Environmental Enforcement”
- Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency, et al., pp. 1–29
- H.R. 2486, Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act
8. The Production of Environmental Knowledge, Litigation, Mobilization | The Production of Environmental Knowledge - Corburn, Street Science, pp. 47–77
- Arcaya et al., “Community Change and Resident Needs: Designing a Participatory Action Research Study in Metropolitan Boston”
Mobilization - Bullard and Johnson, “Environmental Justice”
Other Resources - Haraway, “Situated Knowledges”
- Appadurai, “The Right to Research”
- Corburn, Street Science, pp. 25–46
- Fischer, Citizens, Experts, and the Environment, pp. ix–28
- Sze, Noxious New York, pp. 143–211
- Morello-Frosch et al., “Citizens, Science, and Data Judo,” pp. 371–392
- Bryant and Hockman, “A Brief Comparison of the Civil Rights Movement and the Environmental Justice Movement,” pp. 23–26
9. Land Use Planning and Environmental Justice | - Arnold, “Planning Milagros,” pp. 3–10, 89–123
- Been, “Compensated Siting Proposals,” pp. 787–796
- Cole, “Empowerment as the Key to Environmental Protection,” pp. 661–683
- Calpotura, “Why the Law?”
Other Resources - Anguelovski, Neighborhood as Refuge, pp. 195–219
- Dowdell v. City of Apopka, pp. 1181–1188
Litigation - South Camden Citizens in Action v. N.J. Dept. of Env. Prot., pp. 452, 481–495
- Bean v. Southwestern Waste Management Corporation
- R.I.S.E. v. Kay
- Draft Revised Guidance for Investigating Title VI Administrative Complaints Challenging Permits, pp. 39,667–39,684
- Comments on Draft Revised Guidance for Investigating Title VI Administrative Complaints Challenging Permits
- Complaint Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 [skim]
- Letter from Rafael DeLeon to Christopher Reardon (Angelita C. preliminary finding)
- Agreement Between Cal. Dep’t of Pesticide Regulation and U.S. EPA (Angelita C. settlement).
Part III. Selected Contemporary Environmental Justice Issues |
10. Environmental Gentrification, Food Justice, Prisons | - Chavez, “Wrath of Grapes Boycott Speech”
- Penniman, “Radical Farmers Use Fresh Food to Fight Racial Injustice and the New Jim Crow”
- Hilmers et al. “Neighborhood Disparities in Access to Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice”
- Checker, “Wiped Out by the ‘Greenwave’”
- Braz and Gilmore, “Joining Forces”
Other Resources - Anguelovski et al., “Assessing Green Gentrification in Historically Disenfranchised Neighborhoods”
11. Hazard Mitigation and Inequality | - Pastor et al., “In the Wake of the Storm,” Chapter 1
- Anguelovski et al., “Equity Impacts of Urban Land Use Planning for Climate Adaptation”
- Lee and Van Zandt, “Housing Tenure and Social Vulnerability to Disasters”
- Hino et al., “Managed Retreat as a Response to Natural Hazard Risk”
- Hersher and Benincasa, “How Federal Disaster Money Favors The Rich”
Other Resources - Cutter and Finch, “Temporal and Spatial Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards”
12. Disaster Recovery and Inequality | - Howell and Elliott,“Damages Done”
- Gotham, “Limitations, Legacies, and Lessons”
- Capps, “Why Are These Tiny Towns Getting So Much Hurricane Harvey Aid?”
Other Resources - Texas Low Income Housing Information Service v. Ben Carson and HUD
- Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center et al. v. St. Bernard Parish et al.
13. Movement Building | - Cole and Foster, “Processes of Struggle,” pp. 103–133
- Buford, “Has the Moment for Environmental Justice Been Lost?”
- 116th Congress, 1st Session, H. Res. 109
- Lim, “How the Green New Deal Can Deliver Land Justice”
Other resources: - Pellow, Resisting Global Toxics, pp. 73–95
- Anthony, “The Environmental Justice Movement” pp. 91–98
- Schlosberg, “Reconceiving Environmental Justice”
14. Just Transition | - International Climate Justice Network, “Bali Principles of Climate Justice”
- Sze and Yeampierre, “Just Transition and Just Green Enough,” pp. 61–73
- Loh and Shear, “Solidarity Economy and Community Development”
- Boyce and Pastor, “Clearing the Air”
- Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,“Adoption of the Paris Agreement”
Other Resources - Cleveland National Forest Foundation v. San Diego Association of Governments, pp. 1–25
- Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, pp. 1–6, 18–32
- Loh and Eng, eds., “Environmental Justice and the Green Economy”