0. Introduction | ||
1 | Creating, capturing, and delivering value with technology strategy | |
I. Creating value: technology, market, and organizational perspectives | ||
2 | Case: eInk | McGahan, Anita. "How Industries Change." Harvard Business Review, October 1, 2004. Foster, R. "The S-curve: A New Forecasting Tool." Chapter 4 in Innovation, The Attacker's Advantage. New York, NY: Summit Books, Simon and Schuster, 1986, pp. 88-111. ISBN: 9780671622503. Utterback, James. "Invasion of a Stable Business by Radical Innovation." Chapter 7 in Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780875843421. |
3 | Case: Apple 2006 | Moore, G. Crossing the Chasm. Revised ed. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1999. (Read chapter 1 "High-Tech Marketing Illusion," and chapter 2 "High-Tech Marketing Enlightenment," pp. 9-62.) ISBN: 9780066620022. Christensen, Clayton. "How Can Great Firms Fail? Insights From the Hard Disk Industry." Chapter 1 in The Innovator's Dilemma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1997, pp. 3-28. |
4 | Industry life cycles and evolution of markets | No required reading |
5 | Case: Novartis | Tushman, Michael, and Wendy Smith. "Technological Change, Ambidextrous Organizations and Organizational Evolution." In Companion to Organizations. Edited by J. Baum. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. ISBN: 9780631216940. Eisenhardt, Kathleen, and Charles Galunic. "Coevolving: At Last, A Way to Make Synergies Work." Harvard Business Review, January 1, 2000. |
6 | Partnership case: Intel (A): photolithography strategy in crisis | Eisenhardt, Kathleen, and Shona Brown. "Patching: Restitching Business Portfolios in Dynamic Markets." Harvard Business Review, May 1, 1999. Henderson, Rebecca "Going for Growth: Managing Discontinuous Innovation." Chapter 7 in Strategy and Technology. (forthcoming) |
7 | Organizational of innovation: structure, processes and incentives | No required reading |
II. Capturing value: appropriability, competition, and interdependence | ||
8 | Case: Abgenix and the XenoMouse | Henderson, Rebecca. "Making Money From Innovation." Chapter 3 in Strategy and Technology. (forthcoming) |
9 | Appropriability: uniqueness and complementary assets | No required reading |
10 | Case: Ember: developing the next ubiquitous network standard | Shapiro, Carl, and Hal Varian. "The Art of Standards Wars." California Management Review 41, no. 2 (1999): 8-32. Arthur, Brian. "Increasing Returns and the New World of Business." Harvard Business Review, July 1, 1996. |
11 | Open standards, increasing returns, and propriety control | No required reading |
12 | Case: Red Hat and the Linux revolution | Henderson, Rebecca, and Kim Clark. "Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms." Administrative Science Quarterly 35 (1990): 9-30. |
13 | Partnership case: Google and AOL | Brown, Shona, and Kathleen Eisenhardt. "The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting Organizations." Administrative Science Quarterly 42 (1997): 1-34. |
14 | Horizontal / vertical strategies and the evolution of the value chain | No required reading |
15 | Case: Nokia, Apple iPhone, and Google phone | Brandenburger, Adam, and Barry Nalebuff. Co-Opetition. New York, NY: Broadway Business, 1997. (Read chapter 1 "War and Peace," chapter 2 "Co-Opetition," and chapter 5 "Added Value," pp. 3-39 and 110-158.) ISBN: 9780385479509. |
16 | Strategic management of platforms and ecosystems | No required reading |
III. Delivering value: organizational dynamics and inter-firm relationships | ||
17 | Case: we've got rhythm! Medtronic Corporation's cardiac pacemaker business | Repenning, Nelson, and John Sterman. "Nobody Ever Gets Credit For Fixing Problems That Never Happened." California Management Review 43, no. 4 (2001): 64-88. Eisenhardt, Kathleen and Don Sull. "Strategy as Simple Rules." Harvard Business Review, January 1, 2001. Eisenhardt, Kathleen and Shona Brown. "Time Pacing: Competing in Markets that Won't Stand Still." Harvard Business Review, March 1, 1998. |
18 | Case: Toyota Motor corporation: launching Prius | Eisenhardt, Kathleen, Jean Kahwajy, and L. J. Bourgeois III. "How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight." Harvard Business Review, July 1, 1997. Eisenhardt, Kathleen. "Making Fast Strategic Decisions in High-Velocity Environments." Academy of Management Journal 32 (1989): 543-576. |
19 | Organizational dynamics: overload, time-pacing, simple rules, and probing | No required reading |
20 | Partnership case: Alza/Ciba (1): structuring a deal? | Hamel, Gary, Yves L. Doz, and C. K. Prahalad. "Collaborate With Your Competitors — And Win." Harvard Business Review, January 1, 1989. |
21 | Partnership case: Alza/Ciba (2): managing the relationship, 1977-1979 | No required reading |
IV. Practicing technology strategy | ||
22 | Case: Kodak and the digital revolution (A) | No required reading |
23 | Selected student presentations | No required reading |
24 | Conclusions and reflections | No required reading |