1 | The economics of information | |
2 | Sermo Guest speaker: Dan Palestrant | Sermo one-pager due |
3 | Differential pricing, signaling and screening | |
4 | Bundling and aggregation | Bundling exercise due |
5 | Search and competition Guest speaker: Gregg Gordon | Project group lists due |
6 | Two-sided networks: eBay Guest speaker: Neel Sundaresan | eBay one-pager due |
7 | Pricing at zero Guest speaker: Chris Anderson | Project proposal due |
8 | Amazon Guest speaker: Jeff Wilke | Amazon one-pager due |
9 | Targeted advertising: Google Guest speaker: Hal Varian | |
10 | Measurement, analytics and experimentation | |
11 | The long tail | Project progress report due Long tail one-pager due |
12 | Deep QA and knowledge work Guest speaker: David Ferrucci | |
13 | Midterm exam | |
14 | Wikipedia | |
15 | Enterprise 2.0 Guest speaker: Andrew McAfee | Project slides due Project option 2 blog post due |
16 | Open source and innovation Guest speaker: Eugene Lee | Project presentations begin (Ses #16-22) |
17 | Experimentation, replication and innovation | Experimentation one-pager due |
18 | Digital advantage | |
19 | Social networks | |
20 | Information analytics Guest speaker: Gary Loveman | |
21 | Student presentations | |
22 | Emerging electronic markets | Emerging electronic markets one-pager due |
23 | Future of information economy | Project report due |