The table below features the topics discussed during the semester, as well as the graded activities.
For further detail on the class activities and assignments, see the Assignments section.
I: Introduction | ||
1 | Introduction and review of syllabus Pick recitation time In class discussion: What is political science? Assignment for the Week: Register to Vote(If you are a citizen of a country without absentee balloting, you should write a short letter to an official from your country inquiring into the rationale for the lack of absentee balloting.) | |
II. The State and Regime Type | ||
2 | What is a state, and why have one? Process of state-building. In Recitation
| |
3 | Discussion of Lee Kuan Yew's remarks on democracy Brainstorming on paper topic | Paper 1 due |
III. Four Lenses | ||
4 | Social divisions (and conflict) In Recitation
| |
5 | Culture (and corruption) | |
6 | Institutions (and government performance) In Recitation
| |
7 | Leadership and indispensability Buzz groups on paper topic | Paper 2 due |
IV. Democratization | ||
8 | Why do countries become democratic? In Recitation
| |
9 | Class presentations on Arab Spring | Paper 3 due |
V. Case Study on the Breakdown of Democracy: Inter-war Germany | ||
10 | Why did democracy break down in inter-war Germany? In Recitation
| |
11 | Preparation for class debate | Paper 4 due |
12 | Class debate: Why did the Weimar Republic Collapse? In Recitation
| |
13 | Discussion of Europe and Latin America | Paper 4 rewrite due |
VI. Political Institutions and Economic Growth | ||
14 | Broad theories of economic development In Recitation
| |
15 | Discussion of North and de Soto versus industrial policy | |
VII. Why did Women get the Vote (and Other Rights)? | ||
16 | Background on women's emancipation Group meeting to identify sources and division of labor In Recitation
| |
17 | Group meetings | Group paper on women's suffrage due |
VIII. Classical Athens | ||
18 | Society, politics, and the rule of law in classical Greece In Recitation
| |
19 | Presentations by breakout groups: Are there any lessons from Athens that could be applied to modern democracies? That should be applied? | |
IX. The U.S. in Comparative Perspective | ||
20 | What's right and what's wrong with the U.S. system? Presentations by breakout groups: Identification of potential reforms: "Big" (presidentialism, federalism, bicameralism, and plurality-winner electoral rules) and "small" | |
21 | Presentations by breakout groups: Discussion of foreign benchmarks and recent proposals In Recitation
| |
22 | Discussion and critique of presentations by breakout groups | Paper 5 due |
X. State-building, Ethnic Conflict, and "Democracy" in Iraq | ||
23 | Attempts to impose democracy by foreign powers In Recitation
| |
24 | Show and tell on Iraq | Paper 5 rewrite due |
25 | Discussion of "solutions" for Iraq In Recitation
| |
26 | Discussion of final exam |