1 | Introduction and the Geometric Viewpoint on Physics | |
2 | Introduction to Tensors | |
3 | Tensors Continued | |
4 | Volumes and Volume Elements; Conservation Laws | Problem set 1 due |
5 | The Stress Energy Tensor and the Christoffel Symbol | |
6 | The Principle of Equivalence | |
7 | The Principle of Equivalence Continued; Parallel Transport | Problem set 2 due |
8 | Lie Transport, Killing Vectors, Tensor Densities | |
9 | Geodesics | Problem set 3 due |
10 | Spacetime Curvature | |
11 | More on Spacetime Curvature | |
12 | The Einstein Field Equation | Problem set 4 due |
13 | The Einstein Field Equation (Variant Derivation) | |
14 | Linearized Gravity I: Principles and Static Limit | Problem set 5 due |
15 | Linearized Gravity II: Dynamic Sources | |
16 | Gravitational Radiation I | Problem set 6 due |
17 | Gravitational Radiation II | |
18 | Cosmology I | Problem set 7 due |
19 | Cosmology II | |
20 | Spherical Compact Sources I | Problem set 8 due |
21 | Spherical Compact Sources II | |
22 | Black Holes I | Problem set 9 due |
23 | Black Holes II | |
24 | Advanced Topics I (not video captured) | Problem sets 10 and 11 due |
25 | Advanced Topics II (not video captured) |