Text and References
There is no required textbook. Some of the reading will be taken from the following texts. If you want to buy a book, I suggest Heavy Quark Physics, but note that it will only be useful for < 20% of the material.
- Manohar, Aneesh Vasant, and Mark B. Wise. Heavy Quark Physics. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521037570. [Preview with Google Books]
- Donoghue, John F., Eugene Golowich, et al. Dynamics of the Standard Model. Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN: 9780521362887.
- Collins, John C. Renormalization. Cambridge University Press, 1984. ISBN: 9780521242615.
- Georgi, Howard. Weak Interactions and Modern Particle Theory. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, 1984. ISBN: 9780805331639. Also available online.
- Ellis, R. K., W. J. Stirling, et al. QCD and Collider Physics. Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780521581899.
The reading assignments below are for Part I of the course. See the lecture notes section for notes for Part II.
1 | Weinberg, Steven. Chapter 18 in The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN: 9780521670548. Peskin, Michael E., and Daniel V. Schroeder. Chapter 12 in An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Westview Press, 1995. ISBN: 9780201503975. |
2 | For those needing a review of the SM look at: For dim-6 standard model operators look at: Some of their operators are actually redundant by the equations of motion, see: For equations of motion, see the paper by C. Arzt discussed in class: |
3 | For the Dimensional Regularization read: For the Decoupling Theorem, look at the review article: |
4–5 | Look at the review article: For a discussion of the renormalization group at NLO/NLL see pp. 69–71 of the above article. Then look at pp. 82–6 for a discussion of scheme dependence and scheme independence. |
6–7 | Read the following to complement our Chiral Perturbation theory discussion this week: Donoghue, John F., Eugene Golowich, and Barry R. Holstein. Dynamics of the Standard Model. Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 97–115. ISBN: 9780521362887 is also good reading. Note that the equations of motion for Sigma in Chiral Perturbation theory are derived on pp. 104–5 of the review: A discussion of CCWZ can be found on pp. 19–24 of the review: |
8–10 | Readings from Manohar, Aneesh Vasant, and Mark B. Wise. Heavy Quark Physics. Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 9780521037570.
Extra (optional) OPE Readings from Heavy Quark Physics :
11–12 | Read the introduction, pp. 1–21 of: Two short papers, one on the R-RGE and MSR mass:
13–14 | For information on fine-tuning, see: Thesis, Stewart, Iain W. Applications of Chiral Perturbation Theory in Reactions with Heavy Particles. Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, 1999, pp. 16–26, introduction to the EFT, the fixed points and beta function; (extra, non-assigned reading for Chapter 5 on why its one-loop exact for a certain class of operators and details on renormalization schemes). For information on conformal invariance see: For information on the su(4) Wigner symmetry, see: For information on the deuteron form factors see: |