Lecture 10: Fermi's Golden Rule |
L10.1 | Box regularization: density of states for the continuum (20:31) |
L10.2 | Transitions with a constant perturbation (19:01) |
L10.3 | Integrating over the continuum to find Fermi's Golden Rule (19:37) |
L10.4 | Autoionization transitions (11:30) |
Lecture 11: Fermi's Golden Rule for Harmonic Transitions |
L11.1 | Harmonic transitions between discrete states (15:12) |
L11.2 | Transition rates for stimulated emission and absorption processes (17:12) |
L11.3 | Ionization of hydrogen: conditions of validity, initial and final states (20:54) |
L11.4 | Ionization of Hydrogen: Matrix Element for Transition (22:20) |
Lecture 12: Hydrogen Ionization (completed). Light and Atoms |
L12.1 | Ionization Rate for Hydrogen: Final Result (16:23) |
L12.2 | Light and Atoms with Two Levels, Qualitative Analysis (14:31) |
L12.3 | Einstein's Argument: the Need for Spontaneous Emission (19:31) |
L12.4 | Einstein's argument: B and A coefficients (9:42) |
L12.5 | Atom-light interactions: dipole operator (11:10) |
Lecture 13: Light and Atoms (continued). Charged Particles in Electromagnetic Fields |
L13.1 | Transition rates induced by thermal radiation (17:50) |
L13.2 | L13.2 Transition rates induced by thermal radiation (continued) (16:35) |
L13.3 | L13.3 Einstein's B and A coefficients determined. Lifetimes and selection rules (13:54) |
L13.4 | Charged particles in EM fields: potentials and gauge invariance (21:50) |
L13.5 | Charged particles in EM fields: Schrodinger equation (8:38) |
Lecture 14: Charged Particles in Electromagnetic Fields (continued) |
L14.1 | Gauge invariance of the Schrodinger Equation (21:08) |
L14.2 | Quantization of the magnetic field on a toru (25:14) |
L14.3 | Particle in a constant magnetic field: Landau levels (18:19) |
L14.4 | Landau levels (continued). Finite sample (9:07) |
Lecture 15: Adiabatic Approximation |
L15.1 | Classical analog: oscillator with slowly varying frequency (16:34) |
L15.2 | Classical adiabatic invariant (15:07) |
L15.3 | Phase space and intuition for quantum adiabatic invariants (16:23) |
L15.4 | Instantaneous energy eigenstates and Schrodinger equation (26:46) |
Lecture 16: Adiabatic Approximation (continued) |
L16.1 | Quantum adiabatic theorem stated (13:02) |
L16.2 | Analysis with an orthonormal basis of instantaneous energy eigenstates (14:31) |
L16.3 | Error in the adiabatic approximation (14:21) |
L16.4 | Landau-Zener transitions (19:30) |
L16.5 | Landau-Zener transitions (continued) (14:18) |
Lecture 17: Adiabatic Approximation: Berry's Phase |
L17.1 | Configuration space for Hamiltonians (15:27) |
L17.2 | Berry's phase and Berry's connection (25:04) |
L17.3 | Properties of Berry's phase (11:12) |
L17.4 | Molecules and energy scales (17:57) |
Lecture 18: Adiabatic Approximation: Molecules |
L18.1 | Born-Oppenheimer approximation: Hamiltonian and electronic states (24:48) |
L18.2 | Effective nuclear Hamiltonian. Electronic Berry connection (20:02) |
L18.3 | Example: The hydrogen molecule ion (27:01) |