Course Texts
- Griffiths, D. J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. Pearson, 2014. ISBN: 9789332535015. (Required)
- Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Quantum Mechanics. Vol. 2. Wiley-VCH, 1991. ISBN: 9780471164357. (Strongly Recommended)
- Shankar, R. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Springer, 2013. ISBN: 9781461576754. (Strongly Recommended)
- Sakurai, J. J. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Addison Wesley, 1993. ISBN: 9780201539295.
- Feynman, R. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. 3. Paperback, 2003. ISBN: 9788131792131.
- Ohanian, H. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Prentice Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780137127955.
Schedule and Reading List
The first third of the course covers review material from 8.05 Quantum Mechanics II, including wave mechanics, energy eigenstates, the variational principle, Stern Gerlach, spin 1/2, operators and spin states, vector spaces and operators, Dirac's bra-ket notation, x and p basis states, the uncertainty principle and compatible operators, the quantum harmonic oscillator, coherent states, two state systems, multiparticle states and tensor products, angular momentum, central potentials, and addition of angular momentum. The second two thirds of the class is summarized below.
Time-independent perturbation theory | [Griffiths] Chapter 6 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter XI(including Complements A-D) [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter XII |
The Semi-classical (or WKB) approximation | [Griffiths] Chapter 8 |
The adiabatic approximation and Berry's phase | [Griffiths] Chapter 10 |
Time-dependent perturbation theory | [Griffiths] Chapter 9 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter XIII |
Scattering | [Griffiths] Chapter 11 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter VIII |
Density Operators | [Sakurai] Chapter 3.4 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Complements EIII and FIV |
Introduction to the quantum mechanics of identical particles | [Griffiths] Chapter 5.1, 5.2 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter XIV |
Degenerate Fermi systems | [Griffiths] Chapter 5.3 [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter XI Complement F |
Charged particles in a magnetic field | [Griffiths] Section 10.2.3 (Aharonov-Bohm effect) [Cohen-Tannoudji] Chapter VI Complement E |
Quantum Computing and quantum information |