[B&B] = Blundell, Stephen, and Katherine M. Blundell. Concepts in Thermal Physics. Oxford University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780199562091.
[Huang] = Huang, Kerson. Statistical Mechanics. Wiley, 1987. ISBN: 9780471815181.
1 | [B&B] Chapter 3: Probability | Probability Notes, Chapter 1, One Random Variable (PDF) | Lecture 1 (PDF) |
2 | No Readings | Probability Notes, Chapter 2, Two Random Variables (PDF) | Lecture 2 (PDF) |
3 | No Readings | Probability Notes, Chapter 3, Functions of a Random Variable (PDF) | Lecture 3 (PDF) |
4 | No Readings | Probability Notes, Chapter 4, Sums of Random Variables (PDF) | Lecture 4 (PDF) |
5 | Zemansky, Mark Waldo, and Richard Dittman. "Temperature." Chapter 1 in Heat and Thermodynamics: An Intermediate Textbook. 5th ed. Kôgakusha, 1968.[B&B] Chapter 6: Partial Derivatives, and Chapter 7: Exact Differentials | Thermodynamic Systems Definitions (PDF) | Lecture 5 (PDF) |
6 | [B&B] Appendix C.6: Energy, and Appendix C.7: Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes | No Notes | Lecture 6 (PDF) |
7 | [B&B] Appendix C. 8: Volume of a Hypersphere | Development and Use of the Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) | Lecture 7 (PDF) |
8 | [B&B] Section 4.1–4.5: Statistical Definition of Temperature | Development and Use of the Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) (cont.) | Lecture 8 (PDF) |
9 | No Readings | Development and Use of the Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) (cont.) Interstitial Atoms: An example using the Microcanonical Ensemble Example (PDF) | Lecture 9 (PDF) |
10 | [B&B] Chapter 16: Thermodynamic Potentials | Notes on the Derivation and Use of the Maxwell Relations (PDF) | Lecture 10 (PDF) |
11 | [B&B] Chapter 13: Heat Engines and the Second Law | No Notes | Lecture 11 (PDF) |
12 | [B&B] Chapter 13: Heat Engines and the Second Law (cont.) | Notes on the Derivation of the Canonical Ensemble (PDF) Development and Use of the Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) (cont.) | Lecture 12 (PDF) |
13 | No Readings | Development and Use of the Microcanonical Ensemble (PDF) (cont.) | Lecture 13 (PDF) |
14 | [B&B] Section 20.2: Obtaining the Functions of State, and Section 21.6: Heat Capacity of a Diatomic Gas Strickler, S. J. "Electronic Partition Function Paradox." Journal of Chemical Education 43, no. 7 (1996): 364. | No Notes | Lecture 14 (PDF - 3.2MB) |
15 | [B&B] Section 23.1–23.7: Black Body Radiation | No Notes | Lecture 15 (PDF) |
16 | No Readings | No Notes | Lecture 16 (PDF) |
17 | [Huang] Appendix A on Identical Particles | Notes on the Indistinguishable Particle Effects in Rotational Raman Scattering (PDF) An Example of Quantum Statistics in a Two Particle System (PDF) | Lecture 17 (PDF) |
18 | [B&B] Section 22.1–22.5: Chemical Potential and Grand Canonical Ensemble | No Notes | Lecture 18 (PDF) |
19 | [B&B] Section 21.1: Density of States; Section 30.2 Fermi Gas | No Notes | Lecture 19 (PDF) |
20 | [B&B] Section 36.1–36.4: Compact Stellar Objects | No Notes | ![]() |
21 | No Readings | No Notes | Lecture 21 (PDF - 1.1MB) |
22 | [B&B] Section 30.3–30.4: Bose Gas and BEC | No Notes | Lecture 22 (PDF - 2.3MB) |