Lecture 1: An overview of quantum mechanics. |
L1.1 | Quantum mechanics as a framework. Defining linearity (17:46) |
L1.2 | Linearity and nonlinear theories. Schrödinger's equation (10:01) |
L1.3 | Necessity of complex numbers (07:38) |
L1.4 | Photons and the loss of determinism (17:20) |
L1.5 | The nature of superposition. Mach-Zehnder interferometer (14:30) |
Lecture 2: Overview of quantum mechanics (cont.). Interaction-free measurements. |
L2.1 | More on superposition. General state of a photon and spin states (17:10) |
L2.2 | Entanglement (13:07) |
L2.3 | Mach-Zehnder interferometers and beam splitters (15:32) |
L2.4 | Interferometer and interference (12:26) |
L2.5 | Elitzur-Vaidman bombs (10:29) |
Lecture 3: Photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and de Broglie wavelength. |
L3.1 | The photoelectric effect (22:54) |
L3.2 | Units of h and Compton wavelength of particles (12:39) |
L3.3 | Compton Scattering (22:34) |
L3.4 | de Broglie’s proposal (10:39) |
Lecture 4: de Broglie matter waves. Group velocity and stationary phase. Wave for a free particle. |
L4.1 | de Broglie wavelength in different frames (14:53) |
L4.2 | Galilean transformation of ordinary waves (12:16) |
L4.3 | The frequency of a matter wave (10:23) |
L4.4 | Group velocity and stationary phase approximation (10:32) |
L4.5 | Motion of a wave-packet (08:58) |
L4.6 | The wave for a free particle (14:35) |
Lecture 5: Momentum operator, Schrödinger equation, and interpretation of the wavefunction. |
L5.1 | Momentum operator, energy operator, and a differential equation (20:33) |
L5.2 | Free Schrödinger equation (09:56) |
L5.3 | The general Schrödinger equation. x, p commutator (17:58) |
L5.4 | Commutators, matrices, and 3-dimensional Schrödinger equation (16:12) |
L5.5 | Interpretation of the wavefunction (08:01) |
Lecture 6: Probability density and current. Hermitian conjugation. |
L6.1 | Normalizable wavefunctions and the question of time evolution (16:50) |
L6.2 | Is probability conserved? Hermiticity of the Hamiltonian (20:42) |
L6.3 | Probability current and current conservation (15:14) |
L6.4 | Three dimensional current and conservation (18:13) |
Lecture 7: Wavepackets and uncertainty. Time evolution and shape change time evolutions. |
L7.1 | Wavepackets and Fourier representation (12:23) |
L7.2 | Reality condition in Fourier transforms (09:11) |
L7.3 | Widths and uncertainties (19:13) |
L7.4 | Shape changes in a wave (16:56) |
L7.5 | Time evolution of a free particle wavepacket (09:44) |
Lecture 8: Uncovering momentum space. Expectation values and their time dependence. |
L8.1 | Fourier transforms and delta functions (13:58) |
L8.2 | Parseval identity (15:50) |
L8.3 | Three-dimensional Fourier transforms (06:04) |
L8.4 | Expectation values of operators (28:15) |
L8.5 | Time dependence of expectation values (7:37) |
Lecture 9: Observables, Hermitian operators, measurement and uncertainty. Particle on a circle. |
L9.1 | Expectation value of Hermitian operators (16:40) |
L9.2 | Eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator (13:05) |
L9.3 | Completeness of eigenvectors and measurement postulate (16:56) |
L9.4 | Consistency condition. Particle on a circle (17:45) |
L9.5 | Defining uncertainty (10:31) |