Required Text
[RAK] = Knief, R. A. Nuclear Engineering: Theory and Technology of Commercial Nuclear Power. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Hemisphere, 1992. ISBN: 9781560320890.
Supplemental Text for Power Conversion Lectures
[MMEW] = El-Wakil, M. M. Nuclear Energy Conversion. Scranton, PA: Intext Educational Publishers, 1971. ISBN: 9780700223107.
General Readings
NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations – Appendix A to Part 50, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants. U. S. NRC.
NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations – Appendix B to Part 50, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants. U. S. NRC.
NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations – Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities. U. S. NRC.
Safety Culture Evaluation of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Conducted by Performance, Safety, and Health Associates, Inc. April 14, 2003. (PDF)
1 | Overview, goals of course Review of reactor types | Chapters 1, 2, and 4 [RAK] |
2 | Review of reactor physics | Chapter 4 [RAK] |
3 | Review of reactor kinetics and control | Chapters 5 and 6 [RAK] |
4 | Review of feedback effects and depletion | Chapter 6 [RAK] |
6 | Reactor heat removal | Chapter 7 [RAK] |
7 | Design issues: power cycles for nuclear plants | Chapters 8, 9, and 10 [RAK] Chapter 2 [MMEW] |
8 | Power cycles for nuclear plants – Rankine and Brayton cycle | Chapters 7 and 8 [MMEW] |
10 | Safety systems and functions | Chapter 13 [RAK] |
11 | Safety analysis report and LOCA | Chapter 15 [RAK] |
21 | Significant nuclear accidents – Three Mile Island | Rogovin, Mitchell. Three Mile Island: A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public, Volume 1. Washington DC, Washington: NRC, 1980. |
22 | Significant nuclear accidents – Chernobyl | Chapter 15 [RAK] |
24 | Role of safety culture | FENOC Requests Sorensen, J. N. "Safety Culture: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art." Reliability Engineering and System Safety 76, (2002): 189-204. Kadak, Andrew, C. "What's A Safety Culture? How Do I Get It? How Do I Keep It?" Nuclear Nonoperating Owner's Group, Boston, MA (September 28, 1989): 1-11. (PDF) |
25 | Current regulatory issues | NRC Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, Supplement: Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity. May 19, 1995. U. S. NRC. (PDF - 2.6MB) |