1 | Biomimetics is based on the belief that nature, at least at times, is a good engineer. Three examples are:
Pick one of the examples above and do some research on its construction. Write a paragraph discussing the strengths and/or weaknesses, and a second paragraph discussing any possible applications for humans of this technology. Feel free to browse the web, bring in figures or draw your own. | Session 2 |
2 | Think about and write down your thoughts to the following:
| Session 3 |
3 | Think about and write down your thoughts to the following: We heard about the utility of using hexagonal shapes in beehives. Choose one of the three options below and discuss whether it would make sense for a company to mass-produce hexagonal "cells" (or a shape derived from them) for constructing:
| Session 4 |
4 | 1. Answer the following questions: Why do monkeys have long arms but short legs? Why are muscles, as percent of weight, about the same in small and large animals, but not bones? Can a structure be constructed where every member is in tension? 2. Assume that you were able to discover a micro-motor, very similar to the animal's motors described by Vogel. Use your imagination to find uses for such micromotors, used as a single device or many motors bunched together. What are their desirable features? It may be instructive to start with animals' motors. | Session 5 |
5 | Read this paper on swimming fish: Triantafyllou, Michael S., and George S. Triantafyllou. "An Efficient Swimming Machine." Scientific American 272, no. 3 (1995): 64–71. | Session 6 |
6 | 1. Study the paper on the Strouhal number. Taylor, Graham K., Robert L. Nudds, et al. "Flying and Swimming Animals Cruise at a Strouhal Number Tuned for High Power Efficiency." Nature 425, no. 6959 (2003): 707–11. Write a short outline of what you think is the biomimetic method in this paper. How do the authors confirm a natural law? 2. Study this paper on genetic algorithms: Holland, John H. "Genetic Algorithms." Scientific American 267, no. 1 (1992): 66–72. | Session 8 |
7 | Choose one of the following papers: Carpenter, Jennifer. "May the Best Analyst Win." Science 331, no. 6018 (2011): 698–9. Woolley, Anita Williams, Christopher F. Chabris, et al. "Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups." Science 330, no. 6004 (2010): 686–8. Chittka, Lars, and Alex Mesoudi. "Insect Swarm Intelligence." Science 331, no. 6016 (2011): 401–2. Prepare a short presentation based on the paper. | Session 9 |
8 | Democracy and Genetic Algorithms "When you get sick do you go around the neighborhood asking for advice?"
| Session 10 |