1 | Introduction — processes and variation framework | Process control overview (PDF) Boning, Duane S., et al. "A General Semiconductor Process Modeling Framework." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 5 (November 1992): 266-280. |
5 | Probability models, parameter estimation, and sampling | Kurtosis handout (PDF) |
10 | Yield modeling | Ciplickas, Dennis J., et al. "Predictive Yield Modeling of VLSIC's." IEEE 5th International Workshop on Statistical Metrology (June 2000): 28-37. Stapper, Charles H., and Raymond J. Rosner. "Integrated Circuit Yield Management and Yield Analysis: Development and Implementation." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 8 (May 1995): 95-102. |
17 | Nested variance components | Drain, Davis. "Variance Components and Process Sampling Design." Chapter 3 in Statistical Methods for Industrial Process Control. New York, NY: Chapman & Hall, 1996. ISBN: 9780412085116. Example, nested variance components (XLS) |
19 | Case study 1: tungsten CVD DOE/RSM | Example, tungsten RSM (XLS) Example, tungsten RSM (JMP) |
20 | Case study 2: cycle to cycle control | Hardt, D. E., and Tsz-Sin Siu. "Cycle to Cycle Manufacturing Process Control." SMA, 2002. Rzepniewski, Adam K., et al. "Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Multivariable Manufacturing Processes with Process Model Uncertainty." ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (2004): IMECE2004-61783. |
21 | Case study 3: spatial modeling | Guo, Ruey-Shan, and Emanuel Sachs. "Modeling, Optimization, and Control of Spatial Uniformity in Manufacturing Processes." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 6 (February 1993): 41-57. Davis, Joseph C., et al. "A Robust Metric for Measuring Within-Wafer Uniformity." IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology C 19 (October 1996): 283-289. Mozumder, Purnendu K., and Lee M. Loewenstein. "Method for Semiconductor Process Optimization Using Functional Representations of Spatial Variations and Selectivity." IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology 15 (June 1992): 311-316. |