
Text: Bird, R. B., R. C. Armstrong, and O. Hassager. Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Volume 1. Fluid Mechanics. 2nd ed. Wiley-Interscience, 1987. ISBN: 9780471802457.

1Funny Flow PhenomenaChapter 2 
2Review of Classical HydrodynamicsChapter 1 
3Equations of ChangeChapter 1Homework 1 out
4Material Functions IChapter 3 
5Material Functions II: Linear ViscoelasticityChapter 3

Homework 1 due

Homework 2 out

6Material Functions III: Extensional FlowsChapter 3 
7Generalized Newtonian FluidsChapter 4Homework 2 due
8Generalized Newtonian Fluids (Continued)Chapter 4 
9Linear Viscoelasticity: The BasicsChapter 5 
10Linear Viscoelasticity IIChapter 5Homework 3 out
11Experimental Methods for LVE Time-Temperature Superposition (TTS)Chapter 5 
12Polymer Physics: Dilute Solutions (Rouse/Zimm Theories)NotesHomework 3 due
13Polymer Physics: Reptation of Entangled Melts & Rubbery MaterialsNotes 
14Ordered Fluid ExpansionsChapter 6Homework 4 out
15Ordered Fluid Expansions: Special Cases and RheometryChapters 6 and 10 
16Differential Constitutive ModelsChapter 7Homework 4 due
17Differential Constitutive Models (Continued)Chapter 7 
18Differential Constitutive Models (Continued)Chapter 7 
19Integral Constitutive ModelsChapter 8Homework 5 out
20Integral Constitutive Models (Continued)Chapter 8Homework 5 due
21Gels and Gel Rheology INotes 
22Gels and Gel Rheology IINotesHomework 6 out
23Suspension Rheology INotes 
Exam 2
24Suspension Rheology IINotesHomework 6 due
Special Projects Due
25In Class Project Presentations  
26Last Day: In Class Project Presentations