The 9 homework assignments for this course is taken from a large compendium of worked problems, meant to accompany the course notes. Each problem is listed separately in the table below. The entire collection is also available as a single download.
Hover, Franz S. System Design for Uncertainty: Worked Examples. Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Ocean Engineering, 2010. (PDF - 2.2MB)
Linear time invariance | (PDF) |
Convolution | (PDF) |
Fourier series | (PDF) |
Bretschneider spectrum definition | (PDF) |
LTI machine | (PDF) |
Convolution of sine and unit step | (PDF) |
Fourier series calculations | (PDF) |
Probability primer with dice | (PDF) |
Autonomous vehicle mission design, with a simple battery model (HW 1) | (PDF) |
Simulation of a system driven by a random disturbance | (PDF) |
Sea spectrum and marine vehicle pitch response | (PDF) |
Ranging measurements in three-space (HW 2) | (PDF) |
Numerical solution of ODE’s | (PDF) |
Pendulum dynamics and linearization | (PDF) |
Bouncing robot | (PDF) |
Road vehicle on random terrain (HW 3) | (PDF) |
Dynamics calculations using the time and frequency domains | (PDF) |
Deck flooding calculation with short-term statistics | (PDF) |
Aliasing | (PDF) |
Computations on recorded RP data (HW 4) | (PDF), Data (DAT) |
Hurricane winds | (PDF) |
Aircraft in winds | (PDF) |
Identification of a response amplitude operator from data (HW 5) | (PDF), Data (DAT) |
AUV mission optimization | (PDF) |
Geometry optimization | (PDF) |
Min-max multi-objective optimization | (PDF) |
Walking robot constraints | (PDF) |
Floating structure in waves | (PDF) |
Flight control of a hovercraft (HW 6) | (PDF) |
Dynamic programming for path design | (PDF) |
Identification of a response amplitude operator from data: redux (HW 7) | (PDF), Data (DAT) |
Motor servo with backlash | (PDF) |
Positioning using ranging: 2D case | (PDF) |
Dead-reckoning error | (PDF) |
Landing vehicle control | (PDF) |
Control of a high-speed vehicle | (PDF) |
Nyquist plot | (PDF) |
Monte Carlo and grid-based techniques for stochastic simulation (HW 8) | (PDF) |
Hurricane Ida wind record (HW 9) | (PDF), Data (TXT) |
Metacentric height of a catamaran | (PDF) |
Floating structure heave and roll | (PDF) |
Submerged body in waves | (PDF) |
Spectral analysis to find a hidden message | (PDF), Data (DAT) |
Feedback on a highly maneuverable vessel | (PDF) |