
The 9 homework assignments for this course is taken from a large compendium of worked problems, meant to accompany the course notes. Each problem is listed separately in the table below. The entire collection is also available as a single download.

Hover, Franz S. System Design for Uncertainty: Worked Examples. Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Ocean Engineering, 2010. (PDF - 2.2MB)

Linear time invariance(PDF)
Fourier series(PDF)
Bretschneider spectrum definition(PDF)
LTI machine(PDF)
Convolution of sine and unit step(PDF)
Fourier series calculations(PDF)
Probability primer with dice(PDF)
Autonomous vehicle mission design, with a simple battery model (HW 1)(PDF)
Simulation of a system driven by a random disturbance(PDF)
Sea spectrum and marine vehicle pitch response(PDF)
Ranging measurements in three-space (HW 2)(PDF)
Numerical solution of ODE’s(PDF)
Pendulum dynamics and linearization(PDF)
Bouncing robot(PDF)
Road vehicle on random terrain (HW 3)(PDF)
Dynamics calculations using the time and frequency domains(PDF)
Deck flooding calculation with short-term statistics(PDF)
Computations on recorded RP data (HW 4)


Data (DAT)

Hurricane winds(PDF)
Aircraft in winds(PDF)
Identification of a response amplitude operator from data (HW 5)


Data (DAT)

AUV mission optimization(PDF)
Geometry optimization(PDF)
Min-max multi-objective optimization(PDF)
Walking robot constraints(PDF)
Floating structure in waves(PDF)
Flight control of a hovercraft (HW 6)(PDF)
Dynamic programming for path design(PDF)
Identification of a response amplitude operator from data: redux (HW 7)


Data (DAT)

Motor servo with backlash(PDF)
Positioning using ranging: 2D case(PDF)
Dead-reckoning error(PDF)
Landing vehicle control(PDF)
Control of a high-speed vehicle(PDF)
Nyquist plot(PDF)
Monte Carlo and grid-based techniques for stochastic simulation (HW 8)(PDF)
Hurricane Ida wind record (HW 9)


Data (TXT)

Metacentric height of a catamaran(PDF)
Floating structure heave and roll(PDF)
Submerged body in waves(PDF)
Spectral analysis to find a hidden message


Data (DAT)

Feedback on a highly maneuverable vessel(PDF)