Workshops on Random Matrices
Free probability workshop at MSRI
Contains streaming videos of lectures by some of the prominent people involved in free probability. Also contains .pdf versions of their slides. Some, but not all, is related to aspects of infinite random matrix theory.
Random Matrix Models workshop at MSRI
Contains streaming videos lectures by (mostly) physicists and mathematicians involved in, generally speaking, finite random matrix theory.
Workshop on Random Matrices at FoCM
Workshop on the mathematics and applications of Finite and Infinite Random Matrix Theory. Links contained are useful for getting a sense of the state-of-the-art in the theory and applications of Random Matrix Theory.
Other Notable Workshops
Workshop on Random Matrices and Other Random Objects
Articles on Random Matrix Theory may be found in the following journals.
Contains pre-prints related to random matrix theory. Sometimes the articles are published under "free probability", and "integrable systems" though a keyword search should suffice.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis and Applications
SIAM Matrix Analysis and Applications
Prominent Researchers in Free Probability
Dan Virgil Voiculescu (UC Berkeley). Bio (PDF)
Roland Speicher (Queens University)
Denes Petz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Phillippe Biane (Ecole Normale Supirieure)
Alexandru Nica (University of Waterloo)
Uffe Haagerup (University of Southern Denmark)
James Mingo (Queens University)
Michael Anshelevich (UC Riverside)
Piotr Sniady (University of Wroclaw)
Prominent Researchers in Infinite Random Matrix Theory
Peter Forrester (University of Melbourne)
Zhidong Bai (National University of Singapore)
Alexander Soshnikov (UC Davis)