Case Study and Project Reports will be presented by the assigned Teams. The process is as follows:
Prof. Kimerling will lead a short in-class discussion on the approach for each Case Study or Project. Q&A is encouraged to clarify specific details.
The Instructors and TAs will moderate online Discussion Forums: within this Forum students should post their team's tentative outline, develop concepts, discuss sources and preliminary findings. Instructors and TA will provide feedback within this Discussion Forum.
An optional office meeting with Prof. Kimerling is available if desired by any Group.
On the day of presentations, each Group must present a 20 minute presentation of 5-6 slides. Each member of the Group must present one slide from this presentation. Slides must be posted to the Web site the night before.
Students are expected to bring hard copies of all presentations to class.
Corrected slides and a final 2-page report must be posted to the Web site two days after presentation.
Grade assignment for the Case Studies and Projects will account for the following:
- presentation and writing skills
- clarity and rationality of the design execution
- presentation of background, issues, alternatives and conclusions
Project 1: Engineering the Future of Solar Electricity
All student work is presented with permission of the authors.
Project 1A: Electricity Generation System Constraints (PDF) | Group 1 (PDF) Group 2 (PDF) |
Project 1B: Materials Selection (PDF) | Group 1 (PDF) Group 2 (PDF) |
Project 1C: Solar Cell Design and Manufacturing Platform (PDF) | Group 1 (PDF) Group 2 (PDF) |
Project 1D: Final Poster (PDF), Presentation, and Report Background"Future of Solar Electricity." (PDF). Adapted from High Impact Supply Chain R&D for PV Technologies and Systems. U.S. Department of Energy (April 21, 2010): DE-FOA-0000234. | "Solar Electricity: Problem, Constraints and Solutions." "Local Generation of Solar Electricity: Problem and Constraints for the Emergence of Significant Capacity." "Design of CdTe Thin Film Solar Cell and the Basis of its Emergence as a Significant Factor in Grid Electricity Capacity." "Design of Si Thin Film Solar Cell and the Basis of its Emergence as a Significant Factor in Local Electricity Power Generation." "Summary of Options for the Growth of Solar Electricity." |