1 | Introduction, Video: L’île Aux Fleurs. | Read Bush, Vannevar. “As We May Think.” Lightman, Alan. Einstein’s Dreams. Read excerpts. |
2 | Non-linearity and Multiple Perspectives. Narrative Design Project |
Nelson, Theodor. Literary Machines. Read excerpts. Watch Nelson Video (Language Lab). Goldenberg, Robert. “Talmud.” In Back to the Sources. Pp. 129-151. |
3 | Multi-form Narratives, Design Project | Read texts by Wolfgang Iser, Umberto Eco, Hans Jauss, George Poulet, Roland Barthes. Develop Narrative Design Concept. |
4 | Authorship/Readership & Experimental Literature: Raymond Queneau, George Perec, Julio Cortázar. |
Oulipo. |
5 | Experimental Literature. | Read Joyce, Dante, Landow, Eco (excerpts). |
6 | Encyclopedic Narratives: Dante's Inferno. Directed by Peter Greenaway. Dante. The Divine Comedy. Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. Schmidt, Arno. Zettels Traum. |
7 | Transformations: Project 1 due
Class Presentations |
8 | Creating Narrative Spaces with Audio First Paper due – Audio Art |
Watch Ruttmann, Walter. Weekend, and Remixes. |
9 | Ruttmann, Walter. Weekend, and Remixes. | |
10 | Wühr, Paul. Soundseeing Munich. Revision of First Paper due |
Manovich, Lev. "Database." In The Language of New Media . Pp. 213-243 |
11 | Discussion of Manovich, "Database." | Work on Audio Projects |
12 | Murray, Janet. Authors @ MIT. Discussion of Manovich, "Database." (cont.) |
Work on Audio Projects |
13 | Audio Projects Presentations | |
14 | Hypertext Fiction, Net literature. Second Paper due |
Murray, Janet. "Properties of Digital Media." |
15 | Hypertext Fiction, Net literature. |
Watch Groundhog Day, Run Lola Run, Sliding Doors. (Film Office) |
16 | Multi-linear Narratives: Run Lola Run, Sliding Doors, Groundhog Day. |
Watch Interactive Movie: Tender Loving Care (LLRC). Read Article on Interactive Narratives. |
17 | Interactive Narratives: Berliner Sehen. Interactive Movie: Tender Loving Care. |
Assignment: Watch Memento. |
18 | ELIZA and Artificial Intelligence Projects. | |
19 | Exploration and Critique of Interactive Narratives. Conversation Based Narratives: ELIZA, and No Recuerdo (by Douglas Morgenstern). |
Select a Game for Presentation Read articles on Narratives in Games. |
20 | Analysis of Games and their Narrative Structures. Game Presentations Third Paper due |
21 | Gallery Visit - David Small - The Illuminated Manuscript. |
Read Friedrich Schiller, On the Aesthetic Education of Man, letters 14 and 15, and Henry Jenkins, "Game Design as Narrative Architecture." |
22 | Games as Narratives/Games as Play – Visit by Danish Researcher. | Work on Final Project |
23 | Project Prototypes for Final Project | Work on Final Project |
24 | Fourth Paper due | |
25 | Final Project Presentations | |
26 | Media Spectacle (Public Presentations of Final Projects) |