[RA] = Wilhelm, James J., ed. The Romance of Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation. Vol. 1267. Garland, 1994. ISBN: 9780815315117. [Preview with Google Books]
[CT] = De Troyes, Chrétien. Four Arthurian Romances (12th century). SMK Books, 2012. ISBN: 9781617205835. [Preview with Google Books]
[Perc] = ———. Arthurian Romances. Penguin Classics, 1991. ISBN: 9780140445213. [Preview with Google Books]
[MF] = Burgess, Glyn Sheridan. The Lais of Marie de France: Text and Context. Penguin Classics, 1999. ISBN: 9780140447590.
[Bor] = De Boron, Robert, and Nigel Bryant. Merlin and the Grail: Joseph of Arimathea, Merlin, Perceval: The Trilogy of Prose Romances Attributed to Robert de Boron. Vol. 48. BOYE6, 2008. ISBN: 9780859917797. [Preview with Google Books]
[Mal] = Malory, Thomas. Le Morte D'Arthur (1470). Vol. 1–2. Forgotten Books, 2008. ISBN: 9781606800690. Project Gutenberg, February 2013 Volume 1 and Volume 2 (accessed October 15, 2014).
1 | Excerpts from Wilhelm, The Romance of Arthur (early Latin and Welsh) | [RA] Chapter 1: Arthur in the Latin Chronicles. [RA] Chapter 2: Arthur in the Early Welsh Tradition. [RA] Chapter 4: Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth. [RA] Chapter 5: Wace: Roman de Brut (Merlin Episodes and "The Birth and Rise of Arthur"). [RA] Chapter 6: Layamon: Brut ("The Death of Arthur"). |
2 | Chrétien de Troyes & Marie de France | [CT] The Knight With the Lion (Yvain). [MF] Prologue and Le lai de Guigemar. |
3 | Chrétien de Troyes & Marie de France (cont.) | [CT] The Knight With the Cart (Lancelot). [MF] Le lai de Yonec. |
4 | Chrétien de Troyes | [Perc] The Story of the Grail (Perceval). |
5 | Robert de Boron | [Bor] Joseph of Arimathea, Merlin, Perceval. |
6 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Books 1–4. |
7 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Books 5–7. |
8 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Books 8–9. |
9 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Book 10. |
10 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Books 11–16. |
11 | Malory, Morte Darthur | [Mal] Books 17–21. |
12 | Poster session |