1 | Introduction: The Image of Nature in Genesis. | |
2 | Forster, E. M. "The Machine Stops." | |
3 | Ancient Views of Nature: Aristotle. Physics. Bk II. Cicero. Excerpt from On the Gods: The Discourse of Balbus. | |
4 | Montaigne. "On Cannibals." Bacon, Francis. "The New Atlantis." Drayton. To the Virginia Voyage. Marvell. Bermudas. Shakespeare. The Tempest. | |
5 | Shakespeare. The Tempest. (continued) | |
6 | Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. | |
7 | Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. (continued) | |
8 | Linnaeus. Excerpts from The Economy of Nature. White, Gilbert. Excerpt from The Natural History of Selbourne. Hume, David. Excerpts from Dialogues on Natural Religion. | |
9 | Hume, David. Dialogues on Natural Religion. (continued) | |
10 | Rousseau. Excerpts from On the Origins of Inequality. | FIRST PAPER DUE (five pages) |
11 | Rousseau. Excerpts from On the Origins of Inequality. (continued) Wordsworth. Selections from The Prelude. | |
12 | Wordsworth. Selections from The Prelude. (continued) | |
13 | Wordsworth. Selections from The Prelude. (continued) | |
14 | Thoreau, Henry David. Excerpts from Walden. | |
15 | Thoreau, Henry David. Excerpts from Walden. (continued) | |
16 | Thoreau, Henry David. Excerpts from Walden. (continued) Keats. The Grasshopper and the Cricket, To Autumn. | |
17 | Darwin. Selections from On the Origin of Species. | |
18 | Darwin. Selections from On the Origin of Species. (continued) Frost, Robert. Design, Come In, The Most of It. | SECOND PAPER DUE (six pages) |
19 | Wells, H. G. The Island of Dr. Moreau. | |
20 | Wells. Selections from On the Origin of Species. (continued) | |
21 | Huxley, T. H. "Evolution and Ethics." Hardin, Garret. "The Tragedy of the Commons." | |
22 | Williams, George. "A Sociobiological Expansion of 'Evolution and Ethics'." | |
23 | Faulkner, William. "The Bear." In Go Down, Moses. | |
24 | Faulkner. Selections from On the Origin of Species. (continued) Leopold, Aldo. "The Land Ethic." | |
25 | Le Guin, Ursula K. "Vaster Than Empires and More Slow." | |
26 | Midgley, Mary. "Duties Concerning Islands." Callicot, J. Baird. "Animal Liberation." | FINAL PAPER DUE (10 pages) |