Students must participate in a "text analysis presentation" [TAP] twice during the term. In a TAP, pairs of students are assigned a paragraph of text and are responsible for presenting an interpretation of the passage to the class, together with several follow-up discussion questions. Normally TAPs will occur on Wednesdays, though Mondays may be added to accommodate everyone. Sign-up for TAPs will begin during the first class.
Text Analysis Presentations
- TAP: Meno on Knowledge and Learning (PDF)
- TAP: Immortality in the Phaedo (PDF)
- TAP: "Why Be Moral?" Republic I-IV (PDF)
- TAP: Philosopher Kings (and Queens?) (PDF)
- TAP: Aristotle on God (PDF)
- TAP: Aristotle on Virtue (PDF)
- TAP: Aristotle on Friendship (PDF)
- TAP: Lucretius on Free Will (PDF)