[FES] = Barnhill, Anne, Mark Budolfson, and Tyler Doggett. Food, Ethics, and Society: An Introductory Text with Readings. Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-0199321742
session | reading |
1: Introduction | No readings |
2: Moral Theory | Required: Keating, Joshua E. "How food explains the world." Foreign Policy 186 (2011): 73. Wallace, David Foster. "Consider the Lobster" Gourmet. Last modified August, 2004. |
3: Global Hunger (Consequentialist Ethics Approach) | Required: [FES] Page 8, Weiss, Kenneth. "As the World's Population Grows, Hunger Persists on a Massive Scale" [FES] Page 64, Singer, Peter. "Famine, Affluence, and Morality" "Hungry Planet: What the World Eats." Time. Last modified on May 23, 2016. Recommended: Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. "Consequentialism." (2003). |
4: Global Hunger (Harm Principle) | Required: [FES] Pages 36-59, Chapter 2 "Global Hunger" Recommended: "Lifeboat Ethics" in Pojman, Louis, Paul Pojman, Katie McShane. Food Ethics. Cengage Learning, 2016. ISBN: 978-1285197319 Brink, David. "Section 3.6: The Harm Principle" in Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007. |
5: Global Hunger (Political Approaches) | Required: Kuper, Andrew. "More Than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the "Singer Solution"." Ethics and International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 107-128. Singer, Peter. "Poverty, Facts, and Political Philosophies: Response to "More Than Charity"." Ethics and International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 121-124 Kuper, Andrew. "Facts, Theories, and Hard Choices." Ethics and International Affairs 16, no. 2 (2002): 125-126. [FES] Page 75, Sen, Amartya. "Hunger and Entitlements" Recommended: Burchi, Francesco, and Pasquale De Muro. "A Human Development and Capability Approach to Food Security: Conceptual Framework and Informational Basis." Background paper, no. 8 (2012). |
6: Famine Relief: Ethics or Politics | Required: [FES] Page 84, Banerjee, Abhijit and Duflo, Esther. "More Than One Billion People Are Hungry in the World, But What if the Experts Are Wrong?" Iltis, Tony. "Kenya: Flower Cash Crops Reap Hunger, Destruction." Green Left Weekly 13 (2011). Recommended: Freidberg, Susanne. "French beans for the masses: a modern historical geography of food in Burkina Faso." Journal of Historical Geography 29, no. 3 (2003): 445-463. |
7: Justice and Oppression | Required: [FES] Page 115, Clinton, Marianna. "Witness to Hunger" [FES] Page 120, Food Research Action Center. "Angel's Story" [FES] Page 135, Young, Iris. "Five Faces of Oppression" |
8: Food Sovereignty | Required: [FES] Page 122, White, Kyle Powys. "Food Justice and Collective Food Relations." [FES] Page 158, Delcaration of Nyéléni |
9: Food and Identity | Required: [FES] Pages 226-238, "Food and Identity" Murcott, Anne. "The cultural significance of food and eating." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 41, no. 02 (1982): 203-210. Recommended: "Little Meals with Great Implications" in Fisher, Mary Frances Kennedy. A Stew Or a Story: An Assortment of Short Works by MFK Fisher. Shoemaker and Hoard, 2006. ISBN: 978-1593761653 |
10: Gender, Race, Religion, and ... | Required: [FES] Page 275, Chapter 6. "Food and Religion" [FES] Page 240, Vantrease, Dana. "Common Bods and Frybread Power: Government Food Aid in American Indian Culture." [FES] Page 556, Jayaraman, Saru. "Restaurant Workers" Recommended: [FES] Page 264, Deck, Alice A. "Now Then....Who Said Biscuits? The Black Woman Cook as Fetish in American Advertising" Chapter 12 in Seid, Roberta Pollack. Never Too Thin: Why Women Are at War with Their Bodies, 1989. ISBN: 978-0136156000 |
11: Justice in Food Production | Required: [FES] Page 11, Estabrook, Barry. "The Price of Tomatoes" McWilliams, James. "PTSD in the Slaughterhouse." The Texas Observer (2012). [FES] Page 160, Thompson, Paul B. "Food Security and Food Sovereignty" |
12: Capitalism and Liberty | Required: [FES] Page 560, Wertheimer, Alan. "The Value of Consent" [FES] Page 566, Liberto, Hallie. "Exploitation and the Vulnerability Clause" |
13: Capitalism and the Food System, part 1 | Required: Hylton, Wil S. "A Bug in the System: Why last night's chicken made you sick." The New Yorker (2015). Moss, Michael. "The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food." New York Times (2013). |
14: Film Screening | Watch Flow: For the Love of Water |
15: Capitalism and the Food System, part 2 | No required readings |
16: Speciesism | Required: [FES] Page 352, Singer, Peter. "All Animals Are Equal" Steinbock, Bonnie. "Speciesism and the Idea of Equality." Philosophy 53, no. 204 (1978): 247-256. Recommended: [FES] Page 362, Tännsjö, Torbjörn. "It's Getting Better All the Time" Norcross, Alastair. "Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases." Philosophical Perspectives 18, no. 1 (2004): 229-245. |
17: Respect for Animals | Required: [FES] Page 366, Korsgaard, Christine. "Getting Animals in View" |
18: Harm and Killing | Required: [FES] Page 391, Scruton, Roger. "Eating our Friends" [FES] Page 395, Harman, Elizabeth. "The Moral Significance of Animal Pain and Animal Death" |
19: Vegetarianism and Veganism | Required: [FES] Page 189, McPherson, Tristram. "How to Argue for (and against) Ethical Veganism" [FES] Page 204, Budolfson, Mark. "The Inefficacy Objection to Utilitarian Theories of the Ethics of the Marketplace" [FES] Page 215, Michaelson, Eliot. "A Kantian Response to Futility Worries?" Recommended: [FES] Page 210, Michaelson, Eliot. "Act Consequentialism and Inefficacy" |
20: Waste and Freeganism (Gleaning) | Chapters 1 and 9 in Bloom, Jonathan. American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Nearly Half of its Food (and what we can do about it). Da Capo Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0738215280. [FES] Page 219, Singer, Peter and Mason, Jim. "Freeganism and Food Waste" |
21: Food, for Free | Required: [FES] Page 490, McKibben, Bill. "A Grand Experiment" de Bres, Helena. "Local Food: The Moral Case." Recommended: [FES] Page 440, Desrochers, Pierre and Shimizu, Hiroko. "The Locavore's Dilemma" "Good Food?" The Economist. Last modified December 7, 2006. Rob Johnston. "The Great Organic Myths." Independent. Last modified April 30, 2008. |
22: Industrial Plant Agriculture | Required: [FES] Page 407, Chapter 9 "Industrial Plant Agriculture" [FES] Page 434, Borlaug, Norman "Feeding a World of 10 Billion People" Recommended: "Hidden Costs of Industrial Agriculture." Union of Concerned Scientists. |
23: Environmentalism | Required: "People or penguins: The case for optimal pollution." in Pojman, Louis, Paul Pojman, Katie McShane. Food Ethics. Cengage Learning, 2016. ISBN: 978-1285197319 Wenz, Peter S. " Recommended: "Deep Ecology." in Pojman, Louis, Paul Pojman, Katie McShane. Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application, 1985. ISBN: 978-1285197241 |
24: Locavorism | No required readings |
25: GMOs | Required: [FES] Page 477, Ronald, Pamela. "The Truth about GMOs" [FES] Page 454, Naylor, Rosamond. "GMOs and Preventing Hunger" [FES] Page 456, Philpott, Tom. "Why I'm Still Skeptical of GMOs" |
26: Food Activism | Required: "Activism, social and political" in Anderson, Gary L., Kathryn G. Herr, eds. Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. Sage Publications, 2007. ISBN: 978-1412918121 |