This table provides information about both the lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.
L1 | Introduction: course organization and learning objectives, uncertainty exercise, Garage case concepts | |
L2 | Discounting: standard and certainty-equivalence | Project selection specification due |
R1 | Review of groups and projects | |
L3 | Economic model of options applied to real estate | |
L4 | Economic model of options (cont.): underlying asset dynamics and GIGO issues | |
R2 | Discussion of uncertainties in your projects | |
L5 | Design structure matrix (DSM) Identification of points of flexibility | Project uncertainties report due |
L6 | DSM follow-up Discussion of development process | |
R3 | DSM questions and answers | |
L7 | Garage case: detailed analysis and exposition of "engineering analysis approach" | Project road map due |
R4 | Practical workshop on mechanics How pdfs work in Excel | |
L8 | Multidimensional evaluation Satellite fleet case | |
L9 | Discussion of Monte Carlo analyses Workshop on finalizing your reports | Project Monte Carlo analysis due |
R5 | Experiment results presentation | |
L10 | Flexibility in real estate development – case examples of vertical and horizontal expansion | |
L11 | Scheduled reviews with teams: what does your model teach us? | Project draft final reports due |
L12 | Team presentations | Project final report due |