
This table provides information about both the lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.

L1Introduction: course organization and learning objectives, uncertainty exercise, Garage case concepts 
L2Discounting: standard and certainty-equivalenceProject selection specification due
R1Review of groups and projects 
L3Economic model of options applied to real estate 
L4Economic model of options (cont.): underlying asset dynamics and GIGO issues 
R2Discussion of uncertainties in your projects 

Design structure matrix (DSM)

Identification of points of flexibility

Project uncertainties report due

DSM follow-up

Discussion of development process

R3DSM questions and answers 
L7Garage case: detailed analysis and exposition of "engineering analysis approach"Project road map due

Practical workshop on mechanics

How pdfs work in Excel


Multidimensional evaluation

Satellite fleet case


Discussion of Monte Carlo analyses

Workshop on finalizing your reports

Project Monte Carlo analysis due
R5Experiment results presentation 
L10Flexibility in real estate development – case examples of vertical and horizontal expansion 
L11Scheduled reviews with teams: what does your model teach us?Project draft final reports due
L12Team presentationsProject final report due