1 | Introduction | |
2 | Science Policy Review | |
3 | Verification and Validation | |
4 | Evaluating Assessments | |
5 | Case Study: Acid Rain in Europe Case Study: Fisheries | |
6 | Humantarian Logistics Guest Lecturer: Jarrod Goentzel, MIT Humanitarian Response Lab | |
7 | Case Study: Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guest Lecturer: Susan Solomon, MIT Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate Science | Problem Set 1 Due: Verification and Validation |
8 | Energy Modeling Workshop Guest Lecturer: Travis Franck, Climate Interactive | |
9 | Transportation Guest Lecturer: Stephen Zoepf, MIT Sloan Auto Lab | |
10 | Class Case 1: NASA's Model Standards Discussion across cases | |
11 | Energy Modeling Simulation | |
12 | System Modeling | Problem Set 2 Due: Assessment Design / Evaluation |
13 | Class Case 2: Economic Modeling / Model Credibility Exercise | |
14 | Class Case 3: Oil Spill / Risk Assessment Part I | |
15 | Models at the Environmental Protection Agency Guest Lecturer: Elsie Sunderland, Harvard School of Public Health | |
16 | Class Case 4: Clean Air / Risk Assessment Part II | Problem Set 3 Due: System Modeling |
17 | Benefit-Cost Analysis | |
18 | Class Case 5: Sports Statistics / Uncertainty Analysis I | |
19 | Uncertainty Analysis II / Model-Building Introduction | |
20 | Collaborative Model-Building Exercise | Draft Policy Memo (Optional) |
21 | Interests and Politics: Participatory Methods and Stakeholders | |
22 | Class Case 6: Cancer Screening / Lessons Across Cases Discussion | |
23 | Policy Memo Roundtable Practice (Optional) | |
24 | Policy Memo Roundtable 1 | Policy Memo Due |
25 | Policy Memo Roundtable 2 | |
26 | Synthesis and Wrap-up |